Hey, the catch is you have to roleplay what you wrote down!
The problem with that is that it makes alignment prescriptive, rather than descriptive. What if I write down "honest" and then end up Bluffing a lot?
What if we left behind the Law-Chaos and Good-Evil axes, and instead defined a series of alignment traits that the character has, i.e. honest, pragmatic, greedy, faithful, selfish etc...
Hey, the catch is you have to roleplay what you wrote down!
And the idea with presenting multiple options is good.
So who decides whether you're roleplaying it or not, and what happens if they decide you're not?
So who decides whether you're roleplaying it or not, and what happens if they decide you're not?
What if we left behind the Law-Chaos and Good-Evil axes, and instead defined a series of alignment traits that the character has, i.e. honest, pragmatic, greedy, faithful, selfish etc...
The DM. Same as it always was. It's the DM who decides your paladin is no longer LG... or that you have to change alignment because you're roleplaying CG instead of NG...
EDIT: I don't want alignment to be factored into core as a way of balancing classes. I don't want alignment to be a part of mechanics. I want alignment 'cause it helps people roleplay - especially, it helps the DM roleplay the NPCs.