D&D 5E Am I no longer WoTC's target audience?


My daughter got me the D&D version of Clue for Christmas.

There’s plenty of merchandise associated with D&D in one way or another. It’s definitely nothing like Marvel or Star Wars and the like, but it’s out there.

I honestly think nostalgia and the sense of having a past is an important part of their brand and their marketing.

It’s just that....probably for the first time in a log time....they also market with the sense of having a future.

Some of the people who are in the past group will resent any focus on the future group because of some perceived reduction in attention it’ll net them.

We actually use the clue board for our heroes headquarters. And it has been invaded a few times.

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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I'm too attached to the 2nd Edition setting, and the changes and additions felt gratuitous (e.g., dusk elves and Mordenkainen), contrived (Baba Yaga as Strahd's half-sister), and/or overly bleak (large numbers of soulless Barovians), and a read through suggested little worth mining.

Well it's probably the best adventure I've ever played through. And I've been playing since 1978. My experience is apparently not alone, as it's the most highly rated adventure, and rated that way by people who have played it.


You definitely aren't alone in feeling this way.

But it's a mistake to think that 3 products not being meant for you means that WotC is no longer targeting towards you. Because they've made over two dozen products, most of which it seems you like.

My favorite band once put out a bad album. That doesn't mean I don't like that band anymore.

Those 3 were just examples. I've only purchased the core rulebooks, Volo's and Xanathar's. That's it.


I think only you can answer that question. There's two books that aren't your thing; what did you think of of Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Eberron, or Descent into Avernus, all of which come out last year? If you didn't like the idea of any of those, either, then I guess maybe you're not. Otherwise -- they product a variety of products, some of which are targeted at you, and others maybe at someone else.

I hate Eberron. I hated it then, and I hate it now. And the others are campaigns, and I just don't like running canned modules. I never have. So, I bought none of those. Sometimes I like the crunch in some of those books, but they tend to reprint that stuff in other places, too.


A risk you'll always have, especially the farther you get into an edition's life cycle, is that monster's books won't have the monsters you want to use. Especially as they burn through the most famous and setting-generic ones and have to to start diving deeper into the bestiary. And if you have something like MToF, which has a theme going on.....

As far as Xanathar's, we're likely to get another player crunch heavy book soon(ish) based off recent UA, but the demographic of customers hungry for new player content each month is one they have abandoned.

Some of your issues also come down to the "something for everyone" approach to the books. They sprinkle a few new monsters and magic items in all the products throughout the year to draw a wide net.

Ghosts of Saltmarsh was a compilation of older adventures like TftYP, though depending on what your issues with the latter book were you'd likely have a similar reception towards it.


I'm confused. Let's say there was no Critical Role, but WotC released a brand new setting designed by a skilled DM - a setting they liked with some interesting new monsters, mechanics, spells, and magic items - you know, the stuff in Xanathar's and Mordenkainen's. Why feel any different about this product than you do about those books?




I haven't been WotC "Target Audience" since the middle of 2e, so...I'm used to it. :) The only real plus I see to the stuff WotC has been releasing for 5e is that it seems that are at least TRYING to put stuff out for both sides of the screen when they release a book. A book will come with Player stuff (classes, spells, races, etc), and with some new DM stuff (suggestions, rules for unusual situations, etc). None of the books have really interested me to the point of purchase though. Maybe one day...but I'm not holding my breath.

Don't sweat it though. It just gives you more money in your bank account at the end of the month for you to save or spend on numerous other RPG goodies from other companies/individuals.


On that metempsychosis tweak
I'm confused. Let's say there was no Critical Role, but WotC released a brand new setting designed by a skilled DM - a setting they liked with some interesting new monsters, mechanics, spells, and magic items - you know, the stuff in Xanathar's and Mordenkainen's. Why feel any different about this product than you do about those books?
Hmm... that sounds a lot like something... Eberron-related.

Well, I'm sure the cough Setting Contest Winner cough thing will come to me soon.

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