D&D 5E Amazon US book sales rank.


I crit!
As has been mentioned before, I wonder how much the direct from WotC bundles are affecting sales. Unless they sell a ton of them, I can't imagine it gets mentioned during any shareholder reports to give us an idea of how well they did.
Not sure. However I do find it a bit if a leap that they’d significantly impact Amazon’s numbers. But it could be. They have certainly advertised it a ton.

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I crit!
I'd expect it to impact preorders more than anything since that's the same target audience (online shoppers).
I will say that if it has then it’s probably a huge success.

Let’s see how much they embrace it.

One thing I noticed is they have begun to setup a Facebook storefront to host items for sale. Right I. Time for Christmas.

Spelljammer did really well in preorder and then initial sales. It’s still doing OK.

Radiant didn’t do as well as I think it should. Interestingly it improved imho after it went live.

Dragonlance doesn’t seem to be doing as well, though it too seems like it’s improving after going in the DMsGuild. I’ll have to go back and check but I think it was doing much better early in in preorder.

Those are all barely informed opinions, fyi. But I think I got it close.
Right now, from what I've seen on here, YouTube, and Reddit, DL is getting much better word of mouth than SJ, so I expect that sales will pick up, as I'm guessing people who weren't happy with SJ would hold off on DL until there were some actual hands-on reviews...

Right now, from what I've seen on here, YouTube, and Reddit, DL is getting much better word of mouth than SJ, so I expect that sales will pick up, as I'm guessing people who weren't happy with SJ would hold off on DL until there were some actual hands-on reviews...
raises hand

I preordered the D&D Beyond book so I could at least get an idea of if I wanted the physical book. I ended up really liking what they previewed and cancelled that to order the deluxe bundle. I figured if I didn't like the story, there would at least be enough things in the book I could use for character creation that $30 wouldn't be a complete loss.


I crit!
35 during black friday

That sale really bumped it temporarily.

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I crit!
Both the DMG and MM are sub 100 now and also in Black Friday sales.
Dunno why the Item Model Number is Spielleiterhandbuch for the DMG.... wonder if there is a story in that?

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Screenshot 2022-11-24 at 3.03.21 PM.png

Voidrunner's Codex

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