D&D 5E Amazon US book sales rank.

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With the core 3 hitting these kinds of numbers it does really put everything else in perspective doesn't it? Does it really matter how well a given release does when they are just making so much bank on the core three? Even this close to OneD&D?

Its kind of bewildering. At this point the profit margin has to be just fantastic on those books.


Its kind of bewildering. At this point the profit margin has to be just fantastic on those books.
I wonder if this is how WotC felt back in the 90's when the Pokedollars were rolling in. Basically just printing money.

One of the things that I think gets lost in the discussion is that a slow down in growth is still growth. I have no problems believing that D&D might not be growing as fast this year as last year. That's inevitable. But, there's certainly no indication of losing size.


I wonder if this is how WotC felt back in the 90's when the Pokedollars were rolling in. Basically just printing money.

One of the things that I think gets lost in the discussion is that a slow down in growth is still growth. I have no problems believing that D&D might not be growing as fast this year as last year. That's inevitable. But, there's certainly no indication of losing size.

Yeah to me, the continued sale of the core books to this degree reflects growth that will continue to spread and feed into the sale of every book that came after as well. It can only be a good thing for the hobby in general.


I crit!


Voidrunner's Codex

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