D&D 5E Amazon US book sales rank.

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The actual reasons are probably a bit of column A, column B and column C. Slow economy, new ruleset on the horizon, potentially a setting that is just not really grabbing fans because it's not Forgotten Realms, holiday shopping time, bundled to the board game splits sales thus making it rank lower, etc.

Granted, "slower" is a relative term. We've come to expect that a WotC offering is going to be a smash hit every single time. 1100 (ish) of all books on pre-order is still freaking fantastic for a module.


The actual reasons are probably a bit of column A, column B and column C. Slow economy, new ruleset on the horizon, potentially a setting that is just not really grabbing fans because it's not Forgotten Realms, holiday shopping time, bundled to the board game splits sales thus making it rank lower, etc.

Granted, "slower" is a relative term. We've come to expect that a WotC offering is going to be a smash hit every single time. 1100 (ish) of all books on pre-order is still freaking fantastic for a module.

Is there a rough tracking of every 5e book, for comparison some where?


Is there a rough tracking of every 5e book, for comparison some where?

Not that I know of. But these Amazon threads have been going for a while. Typically the new releases have been in the high double digits or low hundreds even on pre-order.

Might get stronger after the 6th too. And, like I said, they are releasing the board game bundle which does leech some sales from the book.

So it’s not totally shocking that this release performs differently.


I crit!
77 Sales Rank.
Players handbook.

Screenshot 2022-11-24 at 11.25.55 AM.png
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Just for reference the spelljammer rank in July before it's August release was #103

I know you watch this stuff much more closely than I do, do you get an impression that there was a downward trend Radiant and Spelljammer, and now Dragonlance? It certainly feels like it to me, but I dont have my finger on the pulse, like it seems you do.


I crit!
I know you watch this stuff much more closely than I do, do you get an impression that there was a downward trend Radiant and Spelljammer, and now Dragonlance? It certainly feels like it to me, but I dont have my finger on the pulse, like it seems you do.
Spelljammer did really well in preorder and then initial sales. It’s still doing OK.

Radiant didn’t do as well as I think it should. Interestingly it improved imho after it went live.

Dragonlance doesn’t seem to be doing as well, though it too seems like it’s improving after going in the DMsGuild. I’ll have to go back and check but I think it was doing much better early in in preorder.

Those are all barely informed opinions, fyi. But I think I got it close.

Spelljammer did really well in preorder and then initial sales. It’s still doing OK.

Radiant didn’t do as well as I think it should. Interestingly it improved imho after it went live.

Dragonlance doesn’t seem to be doing as well, though it too seems like it’s improving after going in the DMsGuild. I’ll have to go back and check but I think it was doing much better early in in preorder.

Those are all barely informed opinions, fyi. But I think I got it close.
As has been mentioned before, I wonder how much the direct from WotC bundles are affecting sales. Unless they sell a ton of them, I can't imagine it gets mentioned during any shareholder reports to give us an idea of how well they did.

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