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Amletan's succesors

Amletan created the universe, not even you know how he came into being or how he created the universe. He ruled the vast expanse for millenia untold and then suddenly he left. But he left behind some of his spark and from that the of you were born...

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Mephit James

First Post
Alright, I'll get things moving

The newly forged plains stretched out before Shon and toward the distant mountains. He had never seen such a beautiful sight, though in such a new world he had not seen much yet. Striking out again, the naked, muscular man thought briefly about his brother Meo, swimming quickly through the waves far into the ocean. For a moment he was gripped with jealousy at his brothers fortune but eventually pushed such thoughts from his head. The mountains called and he intended to answer them, to see what treasures they held. Perhaps there would be more animals like the ones he had already seen or even new ones entirely! There might even be more gods like him!
Shon stopped suddenly. More gods? He had never thought about that before but it was certainly possible that Amletan the Father created more beings than him and his brother. What were they like? Would he recognize them when he saw them? Would they seek him out? Shon had no idea how to answer these questions and so resolved to deal with them as they presented themselves. The horizon called, after all...

Alright, anyone who wants to talk to Shon or Meo (see Epheme's Description for more details) should start up a conversation.

Suicidal Llama

First Post
A small sensor appears above the small planet, appearing in a blue zzap. It turns its gem eye towards the planet and begins to record....

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Lord Wyrm

First Post
Anaziel awoke in the darkness. It had been his home for eons and he knew it well, he stretched out his great wings and found the space was not nearly as tight as it once was. Looking out he felt the currents of life beginning to flow once more. He heard the chatterings of the other Fallen in the darkness.

Someone had escaped. News of this nature boded well for the Fallen, Anaziel could sense several of the lesser ones clawing their way out into the maelstrom beyond the dark. Anaziel felt his heart rise for the first time in an epoch, he flew out and grasped at the maelstrom. His flesh burned at the touch of the storm and he kicked through the pain. Sensation! It was exquisite and Anaziel loved every minute as he removed himself from the pit. Finally light flooded his vision and he lay upon the nearly created world his wings outstretched. He basked in the warmth of the world as he heard the footsteps of another.

Mephit James

First Post
A man flops onto the shore like a fish, then pulls himself up and stretches in the morning sunlight. Glancing up to a nearby bluff he sees a grotsque, winged creature gazing quizzically about. "Is it not grand?" Meo the Sailor calls up to the creature. He was not sure what it was exactly, but so many things were unknown in this new world that this didn't bother Meo that much. "What land is this, Creature?" he asks, as he begins weeping nearby seaweed into a knot, improvising as he goes because knots are not yet invented.

The creature is suposed to by Anaziel. Description on him is sparse at the moment.

Suicidal Llama

First Post
After a few hours thousands of small sensors had appeared and were now orbiting the planet.

The censors look like gold rods inscribed with magic runes with gem half spheres on one end.

They spiraled round the planet watching all on the planet as it unfolded in many different vision types.(ie infared, detect magic, see invisibility.)They spin around aimlessly each trying to get a better view. Through them a god could see a new planet starting to evolve from the beginning as he had seen so many others.
"now" Whispered the god into his communicator.

A larger zzap appeared in space obviously visible from the planet. From it came a craft much larger than the sensors. It glowed with magic and had four metal arms sticking out. Eleven more such craft zzapped there way into space and they joined eachother in a group in a kind of discussion.


First Post
She awoke. A stirring in the ether drew her forwards, and she knew that she was needed. The world was awakening, sapience blossoming in mortal beings and their need drew her into their midst.
Beings of every thinking race and species, she walked among them and taught them her gifts. The uses of the land she taught them, farming and the skillful crafts, as she taught them the uses of their fellow beings. She imparted to them organization and cooperation, responsibility and the ambition to improve.
As she passed societies grew, and their ills were healed.

Lord Wyrm

First Post
Anaziel stirred from his bliss at the speech of the manling. He rose to his feet and summoned his robes to him, modesty had not escaped him in the pit. His form was a shining radiance, he looked like a perfectly sculpted human male with long silvered hair and golden eyes. His white feathered wings stretched behind his form moving almost of their own accord.
"The Light has gifted us with a new world." Anaziel's speech was like song flowing smoothly from his celestial tongue. "His agents have allowed us to form forth from the Pit. Tell me, I do not recognize your form, what legion did you belong to?"


First Post
Martok burst from the sun as soon it was formed. Looking around, he saw another creature near the sun, but it had not been expelled during the firey cataclysm of creation. What an interesting area I find myself in. Martok begins to move around the system, looking for the planet that has life on it. These creatures need to learn about fire. He goes to a volcano and sets up his abode.

Martok stands at 6'2". He has flowing red hair, green eyes and freckled skin.

Mephit James

First Post
Meo shakes his head, "You are mistaken, I have no legion. I only know of my broher Shon, who covets the fields and mountains. He is off exploring them now..." The Sailor drifts off for a moment and then finds his focus once more. "And what of you, Creature? What province has Amletan the All Father bequeathed you with?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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