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Another day in the Tavern


Agudo Archmage

The Jig is Up!

Agudo laughs at the geese spell comment, “No, no none” but then looks down and scratches his blond head. “Well maybe one! Yet to be honest I cant remember what one it is.” Agudo seems concerned, but just for a moment. Then looks back up at Kat and smiles as he turns to Lady Hoot for help.

The wise white owl flaps her wings for a moment, then speaks with kindness.
“You must understand its not what’s on the outside, that interests Agudo. Its what is on the inside of the tooth!”

Lady Hoot turns to her friend the wizard. “ You may have to show her Agudo”
The mage seems less than happy about that, and starts shaking his head.
“But, but….. Blast!” the Archmage of Light reaches into his pocket, setting off several magical traps at once. With a furry he quickly countermands most of them, except the one that made him glow pink.

“Now look at me” Agudo becomes more flustered. Lady Hoot can’t help but chuckle
With a few magical words, and two or three tries, the wizard turns back to his normal color.

“Now if you must know” Agudo says as he roles his eyes “The tooth can be opened, and what inside it is…….” He hesitates as if this was not what he wanted others to know.
“A map! Thats whats inside, to none other than....... the ancestral home of the Dragons, a graveyard were they can die in peace. Kind of like Evermeet for the Elves but in this case Dragons."

He then crosses his arms, as he holds the tooth. “Please understand this must not be allowed to get out. That is why the Dragon council as asked me to intervene."

He then looks too Hoot once more.

Lady Hoot nods her head in agreement “We were not told how you got the tooth, nor why it was so easily lost. But I am sure that is one secret, that the Dragons would not want anyone to have, dead or alive.”

“I do not say that to scare you, nor for any other reason than to tell you that this is very important, to some very powerful beings.” Lady Hoot paused

Agudo shrugged his shoulders and talked respectively to Kat. “I was not sure who had the map, but when you showed this to me, I could not take the chance and tell you every thing.”

“So please, the Dragons said we could offer some very powerful stuff, to temp you for it. I of course was supposed to haggle. But I thought by giving you the maximum allowed in price; right off the magic bat, as it would be, that you would just take it.”

Agudo seems disappointed in his failure, and looks down. “So if would….please take the three items it would work out better this way for you and...... now me.

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First Post
Kat's eyes widen slightly at his initial words, and even more so when the owl speaks, though she tries to hide her surprise at the latter by studying the artifacts more closely.

"A geas..on one of them!? And you don't know which?! And as for your story of this map... hmmm. I'll be polite, sir, and claim I believe you. And your owl."

Kat smiles at the owl. (...more likely to believe her than the mage, in fact...) She comes to a decision and smiles at Agudo, too.

"Alright. Especially since you say it will get you out of trouble. I accept your offer: the stone, the cards, and the staff."

Kat shrugs, and then starts to laugh.

"After all, what is a geas but another excuse for an adventure?"


Dante the Dragon'sbane

Turns and addresses Sir Trystan

" I did not mean to be rude kind sir . In fact I knew that you were

behind me by the state of your armor , no offense intended I am

sure that dragon gave you quite the fight . I merely wanted a

chance to reward Kat since she has been most helpful ." Addresses Kat

" Oh by the way you can have the dagger anyway Kat since as I

said before it will be more use to you than to me . "

Continues his conversation with Sir Trystan

" Now , Sir Trystan , I would be most grateful If you described this

dragon to me and if you could direct me to him I would give a

large portion of it's treasure to the church since I heard that you

are a man of the church . If you want to know my reasons , I just

want to rid the world of as many evil dragons as possible before

my time is up . I also have personal reasons but these are mine

and mine alone . This is my offer good sir . Take it or leave it . "

He sits and awaits Sir Trystan's reply .


First Post
Still in good spirits, regardless of what might come with Agudo's items, Kat smiles and bows politely to Dante.

"I thank you, sir! I will accept the dagger if you wish it so...for it will certainly come more readily to my hands than the Staff of the Magi that this mage has granted me."

Leaving Dante to continue his conversation with Trys, Kat checks the glowing green dagger against the four daggers that she wears at her belt and finds a sheath that fits it well enough for now. Tucking the more common blade into her bag, she then eyes the other items she's chosen, and murmurs to herself.

"So, a staff (that's a bit awkward, but worth it)...a deck of cards (that's no problem)...and I seem to have gotten a rock?"


Dante the Dragon'sbane

Dante turns to Kat

" Use it well my friend , but remember always be ready to catch it

or you may lose a thumb . You may want to practice with it before

you use it in a battle . " He then turns back to Trystan .


Sir Trystan Gabriel

Describe it?!?!?!? It was big. Red. Spewed fire. Large teeth. Angry. Unfortunately I was a little busy trying not to get EATEN by it to really pay attention to what it looked like.

He flew off after I fell down a ravine into a nest of dire spiders. I was too busy trying not to get eaten by THEM to see where the dragon went.


Dante the Dragon'sbane

" please show me where you first encountered it and i will search from there . "


Agudo Archmage

Its just the Beginning for Kat and her adventures and who is that dark robe man

As Kat takes the items Agudo wipes his forehead, and turns to Lady Hoot and quietly speaks with her. “Do you think she suspected anything?”

Lady Hoot takes a peak around the Archmage of Light, to make sure Kat is busy with her new gadgets. “No, but I believe she has doubts about the map though”

Agudo rubs his short blond beard, and thinks for a second.
“The deal is done, and she took the items freely, as was the bargain.” He says more to himself, than to Lady Hoot.

The befuddled wizard then turns to the powerful items on the table, he mumbles a few words, and magical blue and white light, makes the devices disappear.

Just then a Dark robe man, walks up to the owl and wizard. He has his hood up, and his face cannot be seen. “So I see everything I have said has come to pass, she has taken the geese spell willingly, has she not?” Agudo try’s to argue, but the Dark figure puts up his hand to silence Agudo. “Don’t worry your part of the bargain is fulfilled.”

Lady Hoot will not be silent for the man. “So you will release the child to us?”
A sickly laughter can be heard from the Dark robe man, as he shakes his head no.
“Don’t be in a rush, for Kat has yet to use the item in question.

Agudo is becoming upset. “You said that no harm would come to the little girl, if we helped you. I don’t even think Kat believed us, and the story about the map.”

The Dark figure waves a dismissive hand at the notion. “Did you tell her the truth?

Agudo stumbles with the words. “Well…um… yes”

The dark figure continued.” Did you trick her?”
Agudo again felt flustered “No….but…she”

The dark robe man walks closer to Agudo. “Was there a map in side?”

The Archmage of Light, throws up his hands in exasperation. “Yes but the map….”

The dark figure holds up his hand again, lets the last sentence linger…..
“Did the Dragon council tell you to do it?”

Agudo for once could not argue, he just nodded his head.
With that, the mischievous Dark man, walked out the door of the tavern

Lady Hoot was sadden by the turn of events, and Agudo was trying to think of away out of this mess.


Pug archmage of Stardock

wathes the dark stranger from his table in the corner sipping his wine half coverd in shadows i wonder weather to get involved


Agudo Archmage

Pug now where did he go?

After a few minutes Agudo pulls himself together, he makes a few more sales, on potions, to a group of Bards. Who need help with their acting and singing. When Agudo wondered what happen to Pug.

"Now where did that nice mage go to? He did say he would tutor some students did he not" Agudo calls over the Barmaid, and tells her if she sees Pug to give a drink on him.

Just then an Elvin woman asks for some oil of speed. Agudo and Hoot, take time to help the lady, find what she wants.

Voidrunner's Codex

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