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Another day in the Tavern


Dante the Dragon'sbane

Dante turns and faces the paladin .

" What do you intend to do with that blade ? Strike me down ? I

do not doubt that you are in fact a good man and I do not think

that I am better than you , because I am not even a man . I am a

filthy half-breed " He then pulls down his hood and shows his

face . His features are unmistakeably human however he has

fangs , red eyes and a slightly scaly texture and red tint about

his skin . His expression is a mixture of shame and sadness . "

However , even though your blood is pure and your heart is

good , you are very ignorant . You draw your blade for no other

reason than intimidation . You think that I am decieving you but I

have no reason to do such a thing . And at first I wanted to make

you feel guilty but on the way back here I realized that it would

be pointless to do so . I told you this so that next time you think

about letting such a beast go out of compassion you will think a

little more about the consequences of your actions . Now I don't

wish to fight you so i suggest you sheathe your sword because I

know that you will not attack one who means no harm to anyone

around him . In the future you should control your anger a little

better or people may doubt your good intentions . Oh by the way

that's just friendly advice not a demand . " He smiles warmly ,

puts his hood back up and turns back to Pug .

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William of Finder

An attractive and very happy man walks into the tavern humming

a strange tune . He is wearing what seems to be a cross

between a cleric's vestments and an entertainers getup . He

walks over to the bar , orders an ale and pays for it with a smile .

He greets the other patrons at the bar and then continues his

humming .


Sir Trystan Gabriel

His face twitches slightly........

You come in here spitting poison, but when it comes time to defend your words, you slink off and hide behind them......

He inhales deeply and closes his eyes, then lets out a slow breath....he turns toward the bar with a forced smile and calmer voice

Thank you Siani, is it?, for the hospitality. How much do I owe you?

When he hears an ammount, he sets down enough coin to cover the bill and a generous tip, then grabs his weapons and shield and exits the tavern quickly.


Dante the Dragon'sbane

Dante turns to Kat

" It's not really my business but do you no if there is anything

troubling that paladin firend of yours . He seems a little on

edge . "


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The tiny eight inch tall shadow fey forms from nothingness, sitting casually atop the bar as he takes a glance about at the patrons. Casting a glance at the departing Trystan, he smirks faintly to himself as he settles in to watch those remaining.


Agudo Archmage

Time to go

The Archmage of Light, brushes off his blue and white robe, from the crumbs that had fallen on it.
“ I must say, that was a very good lunch, but we should be going my faithful white owl.”
Lady Hoot lands on Agudo shoulder, and the mage says a few words of magic. With a sparkling of light, the merchandise he had on display disappears into his green bag. He then picks it up and walks out the door, hold his magic staff as he goes. :angel:


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Aesynil looks distastefully towards the flashy show of magic..a hand raised to shield his eyes from even that small bit of unexpected light. Shaking his head with a sigh he turns away, putting the wizard from mind



*mely walks back in (having left strangely...many days ago! ooc...sorrrrrry been busy with work!), she heads to the bar quietly, a warm smile apon her lips, hair in her eyes, she nods to kat and kheldar and all those she knows, and takes a seat at a stool, placing her pack atop the counter, she takes out a black binded book, smiling at the small fae near her, she opens it, and takes out her quill and color changing ink. She begins to write, but pauses, and offers a coin to the golem*

Hey there beeg ole pal o mine...can ya gimme somethin nice eh? I wanna celebrate ...*beeg whispers to her* *mely smiles* Wha? oh yeah...my studio's jus about ready ta open! oi its been hard work! *beeg whispers again* Well, its gonna have a spot in thu back where i can still do my regular paintin an art work an what not fer commissions...but the main part uh it's gonna be a tattooin an body peircin type uh shop..*beeg looks questioningly at her* well..uh...people will come ta get metal loops put in they skin..sorta...i dunno how ta explain that beeg...anyway..im also gonna try out my hand in tha weoponry engravin trade...so its got a few diff'rent things ta offer eh? "

*beeg pours a glass of rich red wine, and offers it to mely*

*mely takes up the wine and holds it up in a sort of toast, smiling, hair in her face* well thanks beeg...an yeah..i hope it all works out too...boy i've been bustin my butt ta get it ready fer next week's grand openin..i jus hope it'll do well..i put alot uh my money inta it...an well...i jus hope juxtaposition was uh good spot ta put it...anyhow...thanks fer tha drink han'some"

*takes a small sip and smiles, glancing at the little fae once more, before taking to her writing once more*


First Post
Aesynil looks up, offering Melynxt a small, respectful, and almost friendly nod after appraising her for a moment..smiling faintly. Briefly considering speaking with her, he ultimately remains silent as not to interrupt her writing...instead resuming his quiet observation of those in the Tavern


First Post
((OOC, since this threads is now on so many pages and people are having trouble catching up, the following people have left the tavern: Kheldar, Kat, Trys, Agudo. Have fun without us. :) ))

Voidrunner's Codex

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