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Another day in the Tavern


Pug archmage of Stardock

overhears agundo seeing the barmaid fips a coin to her and denies the drink
walks over to the mage
Agundo! pulls the bottle of spead out into plain veiw of the elf inconspicuously{spelling?}
i will be wiling to teach your stundets i will be at your acadmy

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Agudo Archmage

Pug and the promise

As the Archmage of Light haggles with an Elvin woman, over the price of a Unicorns horn. Pug makes his way up to the table.

"Thats my last offer on the trade, if you want the "Oil" of speed then you will trade the horn."

She walks away in a huff, but then stops and slams it down on the table. Agudo hands her the potion and bids her good day.

Just then Pug, the wizard of no small power, walks up and tells Agudo he will soon be at the school.

"Well then my friend, may the Light shine on your path, and guide you safely to my humble school.:angel:


Sir Trystan Gabriel

No....I will not show you where he dragon was. Nor will I tell you where it flew off to. I will not facilitate your hunting of another sentient creature.....even if it did try to kill me. First because I do not trust you, second because I do not feel this dragon deserves to be murdered....he had his reasons for attacking and third because that isn't a very nice thing to do. If I really wanted to remove the dragon, I'd do it myself. Then I could donate the whole horde, rather than just part of it. Sorry, you'll find no help here.


Agudo Archmage

A sly hunter

The wizard was cleaning a very nice statue of a horse, trying to see if it was magical. When he overheard Dante reject the "hunter" and his offer. Agudo smiled for it was good to see people not give into such blood lust and greed.

Besides Agudo thought this hunter of Dragons, was a bit to sly for his own good


First Post
So reluctant to help slay an evil dragon? how odd...but maybe he just doesn't care for the cloaked one. Seems like such a nice gentleman, though, at least to me...

Kat shakes her head as she watches Trys and Dante, then moves quietly towards the door.

Well that was... profitable? hmmm... need to find out more about these items though... and whether any has a curse on it. Someone who knows about such things... and who won't argue with me about carrying it anyway. So doesn't know me... not Bianca...

Glancing around one last time, with a nod to Palin if he notices, Kat heads out the door, still thinking of who to contact.


Dante the Dragon'sbane

Dante looks at the knight with astonishment .

" So be it !I did not really need the help of some holier than now

fool anyway ! I will find the dragon on my own and slay it with all

the more menace ! Evil dragons make no contribution to the

world except suffering and death and you are a fool to think that

they deserve life . Oh and word to the wise ! You'd better watch

your tongue when addressing me you self righteous twit .!May all

the good people of your faith not be as ignorant as you

goodbye !" Turns to Siani and says in a much more humanlike

voice " Thank you for the drinks and a very good time m'lady . I

apologize for the outburst and I hope that I am always welcome

in your tavern . " With that Dante turns and walks out the door .


Sir Trystan Gabriel

His face momentarily contorts into a mask of rage and his hand darts a cross the table for his sword.....he then seems to realize what he is about to do and thinks better of it. He takes a deep breath and exhales very slowly, releasing his grip on the hilt of the sword and closing his eyes. When the cloaked one is gone, he opens his eyes and smiles faintly,

How rude.......another ale please, barkeep.


Dante the Dragon'sbane

The great deeds of Sir Trystan Gabriel

Dante walks back into the tavern wearing bloodstained and

tattered robes that are torn and burned in more places than one .

He is dragging a larger than normal greatsword and has a very

slight limp . He also has a very large bulky sack slung over his

other shoulder . After a quick scan of the tavern he sees the

mage everyone calls Pug . He walks over to him . " Excuse me sir

I saw what you did for Mr. Agudo and I was wondering if you

could mend my cloak . I am willing to pay the appropriate price .

Or maybe you would like a dragon tooth . I have a few from the

same dragon that Kat's tooth was from . It would be much

appreciated sir . I will be right back I have something I must take

care of . "

He turns and walks toward Sir Trystan . He reaches down into

the sack and pulls out two left hands that are very small and

pretty well charred . He throws them onto the bar in front of the

paladin . " I hope you are happy with your self Oh Great And

Benevolent One . Just as I approached the dragon he used his

breath weapon to burn two children alive . I hope you sleep well

tonight for I will not . I will be haunted by the screams of those

beautiful children . Think about that next time you think an evil

dragon deserves to be spared . Because if you had helped me I

might have found the beast before this happened and those

children could have been a great contribution to the world . " He

walks back over to Pug and awaits his reply .


Sir Trystan Gabriel

A normally peaceful face cntorts into a mask of rage. He reaches across the table and grips the hilt of the bastard sword that rests peacefully on the table. There is the soft whisper of steel on leather as the blade slides out of the scabbard.......

Arrogant little fool!!

You parade around here, demanding information, ordering people around and making it quite clear that you think you are better than eveyone else.....and you expect us to cooperate with you?

I don't think this event happened as you describe it.....I think it was more along the lines of you inciting the beast, and two small children happening to wander past. When he tried to obliterate you he got them instead. Or maybe you used them as bait......

Voidrunner's Codex

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