Any chess players

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The EN World kitten
I enjoy chess recreationally (i.e. I'm not part of any sort of league or organization for it nowadays), having been in the chess club back when I was in public school.


Not only chess, but several variants: Chinese chess (Xiangqi), Japanese chess (Shogi), Barsoomian chess (Jetan), hexagonal chess (played on hexagons of three different colors, with two or three players), four-player chess (played on a board in the shape of a plus sign), and Knightmare Chess (played with a normal board and normal pieces, but also with a deck of cards that allows you to do strange things to your pieces on your turn). I had to make all of the variant boards myself (and pieces, for Japanese and Chinese chess), following the official rules for each.

I've never been tournament level, I just play for fun - although not as often as I used to.



I haven't played tournament chess in a long time. I have a game design on the back burner that uses chess as part of it, but chess with dice (you roll two dice and that determines what piece(s) you can move on your turn).


Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
I haven't played in a while because I have run out of opponents. Too good for casuals, not good enough for anybody who plays even remotely seriously. I'm stuck in a limbo.


Staff member
My father is pretty formidable, and devours the tactics books. At one point, we had a chess board set up to play in almost every room of the house, with magnetic travel sets in the bathrooms. He taught me how to play, but I never caught the bug like he did.

However, I’m still damned good for someone who doesn’t read the books.

I know my limitations, though. I thought I was hot stuff when I was generally kicking ass in my school’s chess club. Then I got cocky and decided to play a game while reading a SF short story.

…which enabled my opponent to get “Fool’s Mate.”🤦🏾‍♂️ I was pretty thoroughly mocked for that…and deservedly so.

However, that was pretty much the last match I lost, and I got in the habit of announcing how many moves before I’d get my opponents to checkmate. Thus ended the mockery.

But TBH, I haven’t played a human opponent in at least a decade, if not two.🤷🏾‍♂️
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