Picard Season 4 Rumour

It sounds like its a false rumour, but that Star Trek Legacy was very likely planned all along, and that fans were baited on purpose into the petition for it so that it would look like it was the fans idea, not Kurtzman and his teams idea, because Kurtzman knows he hated in a large chunk of the fandom for the JJ Abrams movies and early nu trek (Discovery & S1&2 of Picard).

I admire Kurtzman, the man is playing series 4d chess and not just outwitting the entire fandom, but playing even those who hate him as pawns to build him Star Trek Empire with.

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Didn't watch the video. Can you summarize it?

Other than that, I haven't followed developments enough to know exactly what you are referring to overall. What do you mean fans were baited so that Star Trek Legacy would be made?

I didn't think fans had anything to do with those decisions...if you could elaborate it would be appreciated.

Didn't watch the video. Can you summarize it?

Other than that, I haven't followed developments enough to know exactly what you are referring to overall. What do you mean fans were baited so that Star Trek Legacy would be made?

I didn't think fans had anything to do with those decisions...if you could elaborate it would be appreciated.

The video in question Sci Trek mentions that his contacts have told him Star Trek Strange New Worlds and Legacy always to planned to be done, but they pretended it wasn't to make it seem like it was this organic fan thing, forcing Kurtzman's hand, so that Star Trek fans who hate Kurtzman will watch them.

And adding to what was said in the video, Its means at first Terry Matalas acted like Season 3 of Picard wasn't a backdoor pilot and talked like there wasn't going to be a Star Trek Legacy and talked hypothetically what he might do if there was a Star Trek Legacy. It was baiting fans into signing a petition to make Star Trek Legacy. But when your talking about shows with millions of viewers 60,000 signatories or the 30,000 Strange New Worlds were never going to change Paramounts mind, so the real purpose of the petition was generating a ton of good publicity for the show, same with the petition for Strange New Worlds.

And dispite the pretenses, various interviews with various crew let things skip, indictating certain things were done delibrately to set up Star Trek Legacy, but if that was the case, then Terry was fibbing when he said originally that P3 wasn't a backdoor pilot for STL.

Just like how its so obvious that season 2 of Discovery was a backdoor pilot not only for SNWs, but also a 31st century rebooted Discovery. And parts of season 3 was a backdoor pilot for Section 31 and Starfleet Academy, although these targeted more towards Discovery fans so they didn't both getting a petition going.

See what I mean Kurtzman is playing 4d chess?

Kathleen Kennedy should have taken notes.

Sounds like clickbaity conspiracy theory to me. I haven’t watched it… what’s the evidence? If it’s just an anonymous source. I’ll feel free to disregard.

Some of it is from anonymous sources, but it fits the evidence and makes more sense then tens of thousands swaying the decisions of Paramount, when these shows have MILLIONS of viewers, as well as fitting with things that have slipped out during various interviews indicting P3 was indeed planned as a Backdoor pilot.

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