Picard Season 4 Rumour

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I admire Kurtzman, the man is playing series 4d chess and not just outwitting the entire fandom, but playing even those who hate him as pawns to build him Star Trek Empire with.
See here's the problem.

No-one claiming "X is playing 4D chess!!!" about real-life stuff has ever been proven right.

Whereas countless claims that "X is playing 4D chess!!!" have been proven dead wrong. In most cases in fact, the "4D chess" outcome people were eagerly projecting is the precise opposite of the actual outcome.

For a recent example c.f. countless claims that Elon Musk was "playing 4D chess" re: Twitter, where it's turned out that, no, he's just completely incompetent at running a business like that, a business he tried and failed to get out of buying, and it's sucked him in and is now wasting all his time because he doesn't have the willpower to leave someone competent to handle it.


See here's the problem.

No-one claiming "X is playing 4D chess!!!" about real-life stuff has ever been proven right.

Whereas countless claims that "X is playing 4D chess!!!" have been proven dead wrong. In most cases in fact, the "4D chess" outcome people were eagerly projecting is the precise opposite of the actual outcome.

For a recent example c.f. countless claims that Elon Musk was "playing 4D chess" re: Twitter, where it's turned out that, no, he's just completely incompetent at running a business like that, a business he tried and failed to get out of buying, and it's sucked him in and is now wasting all his time because he doesn't have the willpower to leave someone competent to handle it.
But what if these people are insanely successful and we just can't see it, because of our limited spacial awareness?

< / sarcasm >

Star Trek is the original example of fan outcry getting shows made.

And I have zero memory of Paramount ever pretending that SNW wasn't going to be made. That sounds like revisionist history to support conspiracy theory.

Yes, they used DISCO as a way to pilot the idea, but that being a pilot was obvious and well-understood by the fans as soon as it aired. Because, let us be honest, there is no other reason for Burnham to be raised on Vulcan than to lead into that. The plans were obvious.

At minimium they played coy about SNWs, until the petition.

I have to be real with you, guys. If Henadic Theologian says something is true I am pretty sure it is false.
At this point, I've put him on my block list due to in a lot of cases not giving an actual source for his rambling post. If this was Reddit I'd say he's farming upvotes or whatever.


Mod Squad
Staff member
At this point, I've put him on my block list due to in a lot of cases not giving an actual source for his rambling post. If this was Reddit I'd say he's farming upvotes or whatever.

Mod Note:
Folks, talking about someone like this is terribly rude. Have a little more class.


Oh source for rumor? It's not Doomcock, Mike Zeroh or Nerdrotic?

Their predictions are terrible you can more or less play spin the bottle on a rumor mill list and come close to their accuracy.
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Oh source for rumor? It's not Doomcock, Mike Zeroh or Nerdrotic?

Their predictions are terrible you can more or lessvpkay spin the bottle on a rumor mill lust and cone close to their accuracy.
Any of these folk have an incentive to simply invent rumours in order to gain clicks. The more far-fetched, the more clicks. Which makes them considerably less reliable than your spinning bottle or magic eight-ball.


Any of these folk have an incentive to simply invent rumours in order to gain clicks. The more far-fetched, the more clicks. Which makes them considerably less reliable than your spinning bottle or magic eight-ball.

If Kathlee Kennedy goes this year they'll ve all over themselves.

But they've been predicting that since 2017 or so she's 70 years old iirc and actual Hollywood insiders have said she's leaving after Indianna Jones. And that was months ago before the box office results came in.

Voidrunner's Codex

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