The DM who runs the game from the Aphonion Tales story hour is now running games for two groups of kids. I take notes for the groups, and later on I started playing a sort of party NPC with each of them as well. This group is a group of teens and tweens. I'm going to post the notes here as a storyhour of sorts--it's not fully written out, but it should let people follow the story of what's going on with their adventures. All of these games are set in the same world, but they're set in different parts of the world, with only occasional overlaps in plot lines. Because this is a children's game, the stories omit some of the more adult elements that come up in the main Aphonion Tales game. The posts here will be every Tuesday.
Session 1 (3/28/20)
28 Skard, Year of the Wyvern
This was mostly an organizational session.
The city of Cese Mai is the principal city in an area known as the Spice Lands. The Spice Lands are not politically unified, with a variety of petty city-states, independent noble holdings, and minor realms. Shortly before this game began, a major war wracked the whole of the Spice Lands. Cese Mai did not fall, but many of the smaller holdings did; every military force in the Spice Lands took substantial casualties; and much of the invading army disintegrated into banditry and raiding once it was defeated. Our group began in Cese Mai, looking for adventure. Noah is a half-orc barbarian, with damaged memories--he knows he was once part of a noble family, but can't remember anything about his family or even where his homeland is, knowing only that he had a mentor, the man with wolf eyes, and that the wizards who stole his memories had the mark of a raven on them. Atla Rein and Iados Rein are half-brothers--one an aasimar cleric, the other a tiefling rogue. Moonlit Snow is a rakasta druid, while Amber is a rakasta sorceress--many rakasta families live in the Spice Lands. Finally, Elyn is a wood elf ranger with a ferret animal companion named Mitsuke.
Several criers announce opportunities for work. There are merchant caravans in need of guards; the Church of Paranswarm, Lord of Orderly Darkness, wants brave investigators; and the Plar (lord) of Cese Mai needs adventurers to deal with banditry in the area surrounding the city. The adventurers think fighting bandits sounds the most interesting, and they sign up. They head out on patrol, looking for bands of bandits, and stop at a manor for the night.
Session 2 (4/5/20)
29 Skard
They stay the night at a manor house where there are some people who are glad to see the PCs and glad to host them for the night. They’ve been increasingly worried about some of the folk poking around the borders. It’s not a huge plantation—a couple acres of cinnamon trees, and a couple more of cinnamon that’s still growing. The manor is not really fortified—it has some defensibility, but no serious fortifications.
Noah is suspicious, and starts organizing watches overnight.
Some of the residents fought in the war, but they’re mostly regretful about how the war went.
The first watch passes peacefully. Second watch, they see lanterns or something similar quite a ways away. They don’t come near enough to see distinctly—they don’t come into the real property, but stay around the boundaries.
Iados, on 3rd watch, sees some figures approaching into the property, and angling through the cinnamon tree orchard, as if to reach the back of the house.
Some of the PCs start sneaking out to meet them.
Noah bluffs them, pretending to also be a survivor of the army.
They identify themselves as remnants of the 4th Hanalian Regular Infantry division.
Noah bluffs back with a made up unit affiliation.
There are three of them, scouting for a larger group of 20.
Elyn demands that they surrender, and they begin retreating to camp, with Elyn’s ferret following them.
Amber uses disguise self to infiltrate them. He claims to have been with the Seventh. They talk about how the Seventh was hurt really hard by the dragon—who knew there would be a dragon down here?
There’s a very hard looking woman in charge. Captain. I think the Devry’s plantation is not worth trying.
The Captain identifies herself as being from the 3rd Hanalian.
Amber says she was with the 7th.
Ah, you were the group that ended up tangled up with the dragon. Nobody had that in their order of battle. Nobody!
There’s about 20 of them.
Did any of your magi survive? Many, but some lost their lives when the dragon attacked.
Gather your gear. We have some extra bedrolls if you need one.
Amber slips away.
Session 1 (3/28/20)
28 Skard, Year of the Wyvern
This was mostly an organizational session.
The city of Cese Mai is the principal city in an area known as the Spice Lands. The Spice Lands are not politically unified, with a variety of petty city-states, independent noble holdings, and minor realms. Shortly before this game began, a major war wracked the whole of the Spice Lands. Cese Mai did not fall, but many of the smaller holdings did; every military force in the Spice Lands took substantial casualties; and much of the invading army disintegrated into banditry and raiding once it was defeated. Our group began in Cese Mai, looking for adventure. Noah is a half-orc barbarian, with damaged memories--he knows he was once part of a noble family, but can't remember anything about his family or even where his homeland is, knowing only that he had a mentor, the man with wolf eyes, and that the wizards who stole his memories had the mark of a raven on them. Atla Rein and Iados Rein are half-brothers--one an aasimar cleric, the other a tiefling rogue. Moonlit Snow is a rakasta druid, while Amber is a rakasta sorceress--many rakasta families live in the Spice Lands. Finally, Elyn is a wood elf ranger with a ferret animal companion named Mitsuke.
Several criers announce opportunities for work. There are merchant caravans in need of guards; the Church of Paranswarm, Lord of Orderly Darkness, wants brave investigators; and the Plar (lord) of Cese Mai needs adventurers to deal with banditry in the area surrounding the city. The adventurers think fighting bandits sounds the most interesting, and they sign up. They head out on patrol, looking for bands of bandits, and stop at a manor for the night.
Session 2 (4/5/20)
29 Skard
They stay the night at a manor house where there are some people who are glad to see the PCs and glad to host them for the night. They’ve been increasingly worried about some of the folk poking around the borders. It’s not a huge plantation—a couple acres of cinnamon trees, and a couple more of cinnamon that’s still growing. The manor is not really fortified—it has some defensibility, but no serious fortifications.
Noah is suspicious, and starts organizing watches overnight.
Some of the residents fought in the war, but they’re mostly regretful about how the war went.
The first watch passes peacefully. Second watch, they see lanterns or something similar quite a ways away. They don’t come near enough to see distinctly—they don’t come into the real property, but stay around the boundaries.
Iados, on 3rd watch, sees some figures approaching into the property, and angling through the cinnamon tree orchard, as if to reach the back of the house.
Some of the PCs start sneaking out to meet them.
Noah bluffs them, pretending to also be a survivor of the army.
They identify themselves as remnants of the 4th Hanalian Regular Infantry division.
Noah bluffs back with a made up unit affiliation.
There are three of them, scouting for a larger group of 20.
Elyn demands that they surrender, and they begin retreating to camp, with Elyn’s ferret following them.
Amber uses disguise self to infiltrate them. He claims to have been with the Seventh. They talk about how the Seventh was hurt really hard by the dragon—who knew there would be a dragon down here?
There’s a very hard looking woman in charge. Captain. I think the Devry’s plantation is not worth trying.
The Captain identifies herself as being from the 3rd Hanalian.
Amber says she was with the 7th.
Ah, you were the group that ended up tangled up with the dragon. Nobody had that in their order of battle. Nobody!
There’s about 20 of them.
Did any of your magi survive? Many, but some lost their lives when the dragon attacked.
Gather your gear. We have some extra bedrolls if you need one.
Amber slips away.
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