D&D 5E Apprentice Wizard- Arcane Burst power


I was doing some prep work and came across this monster/NPC statblock listed for a NPC in the game. It is from the Monsters of the Multiverse MotM) book and I see that casting is moved to the Actions section where weapon attacks are generally, but I wanted to focus on the Arcane Burst feature. It does not say it is a cantrip, but seems to function like one. On the face, it looks rather powerful to me being 1d10 force like eldritch blast, but also being range or touch attack and you gain the +2 ability modifier. I can certainly see anyone that is a caster wanting to take it over most other things. Thoughts?


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bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
If a player wanted to have Arcane Burst I'd ask them if they want the rest of what an NPC apprentice gets by 3rd level -- only two skills, no tools, only 1 language, no way to get spells back on short rest, only two other cantrips, inability to wear armor, horrible stats


Do people think it should increase to 2d10 damage at 5th level if I were making an Advanced Apprentice Wizard? I was thinking that it should have been 1d6 to start but thinking that it is not really a cantrip, that it should stay at 1 dice and not increase to 2.


Do people think it should increase to 2d10 damage at 5th level if I were making an Advanced Apprentice Wizard? I was thinking that it should have been 1d6 to start but thinking that it is not really a cantrip, that it should stay at 1 dice and not increase to 2.
It is not really an Apprentice Wizard at level 5, it is more or a regular wizard NPC, they do 3 shots a round at 4d10 +2.
What they do in world is what ever suits your playstyle but I would say that D&D is not good a simulation. I know there are some here that would vehemently disagree with me but I did not believe this 30 years ago. GURPS or even RoleMaster is better for that style.
The statblocks are pretty much a suggestion. A given monster (NPC) statblock is a given level of challenge given by CR or experience awarded. You can refluff them how you like.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I was doing some prep work and came across this monster/NPC statblock listed for a NPC in the game. It is from the Monsters of the Multiverse MotM) book and I see that casting is moved to the Actions section where weapon attacks are generally, but I wanted to focus on the Arcane Burst feature. It does not say it is a cantrip, but seems to function like one. On the face, it looks rather powerful to me being 1d10 force like eldritch blast, but also being range or touch attack and you gain the +2 ability modifier. I can certainly see anyone that is a caster wanting to take it over most other things. Thoughts?
This is a monster power. It is not a PC-facing power. There are very different rules for the creation of them.

Not sure what other thoughts to have. Entirely dissimilar thing using different rules that are not for PCs can be different than PC rules.

It's firebolt with a "add your casting modifier to damage". The playtest Evoker has it at level 3.

But yea, NPCs do not follow the same rules.
And yes. It can do it at-will.
PCs and NPCs should not be required to use the exact same rules. However, the way I look at NPC Monsters is that they have behind the scenes "race/class abilities" that inform their action abilities.

For example, if the PC Warlock has Agonizing Blast, their Eldritch Blast attack does not necessarily call that out Agonizing Blast's bonus in the Attack line. They just add the Cha to the damage in the attack line.

If the NPC Wizard has an Arcane Burst ability that looks like a cantrip, but it adds +2 to the damage (matching the Int mod in the stat block), I just assume that they have something similar to Agonizing Blast behind the scenes, not that "Arcane Burst" is a better Wizard cantrip.

Voidrunner's Codex

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