Ruin Explorer
That's a patently silly objection when Full Casters exist and absolutely do the same exact thing, and are multiple classes in the game, not one class.They could easily errata smite to only work once per turn. I've seennplayers with paladins blow all their spells and then demand long rests in 1-2 encounters. Or be semi useless for rest of the day.
Any class with largely daily power can blow all their "good stuff" and then demand a rest. It's a nonsense to pick out Paladins for criticism there - at best it shows a lack of circumspection on your part.
That illustrates the problem - there are few other tweaks/changes to the Paladin class, and particularly few positive ones - right now, based on current 2024, you'd have to be silly to run a 2024 Paladin if 2014 Paladins are still legal, and WotC swear blind that 2014 ones are still legal.In sy event I'll wait and see what the final result is. If it's that big a deal one can stick with 5E.