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Around the Corner from the Hanged Man


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Kaeysari looks bemusedly at Sir Exsixten for several seconds.

"Um... no idea why they're fighting," she says, turning back towards the others. "I suppose we could go ask."

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Toeto looks away from Papolstaanas, avoiding eye contact. Love? she repeats mentally.

"That is, ah, not what how I meant it. I have heard much of kobolds, but not seen one. You are like a long-lost cousin." The lizardfolk pats at a belt-pouch at her side, opens it, and looks inside. "And you did not steal anything from me." She smiles weakly.
"I didn't steal anything from anyone!" Papolstaanas shouts, causing most of the people nearby to check their pockets and belongings. He shifts uncomfortably. "Um, sorry."

Mostly to change the subject, Toeto points at the brawl happening just on the other side of the road. "Why do they fight?"
"I don't know," Papolstaanas replies. He puts his hands against his head to protect his ears from the volume of Sir Exsixten's artistic musings, then blurts out, "So--there really are giant kobolds! Where are you from? Is everyone a giant there?"


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Surely this land is great that can hold such wonders as giant metal men who talk in riddles and hold such a different breed of Dragonborn. Kaz says.

Sadly, this one must leave this land soon. Kaz is on the trail of a dark creature of shadow. Not but a fortnight ago this one helped escort a Master Mason to a tower several days from here as the crow flies. During our journey we were attacked by the living dead, people and animals who were in control of a dark puppetmaster; a creature of shadow and chaos. When we went to the tower we found all but one of its inhabitants slaughtered. We ourselves had to fight that same undead horde, and we lost many friends in the process. The dark creature told us to leave its land and heal our wounds using its vile shadow magic, marking us with its dark power.
Kaz says touching the raven shaped scar on his cheek.

But Kaz left friends behind. As soon as another ship arrives this one shall travel back to Master Cale and Livia-chan with his other friends, and hunt down and destroy this dark creature so that it will not threaten the people of this land again.

Iron Sky mentioned that he is willing to take on 1-2 more level 3-4 for his part 2 of his adventure. We currently have 2 strikers, 2 defenders and a leader, so we could use any kind of class.


"So--there really are giant kobolds! Where are you from? Is everyone a giant there?"

"Eh? We are not kobolds. Nor dragonborn. But everyone is..." Toeto pauses, and faint signs of a frown penetrate through her reptilian grin. She stumbles on her words as unhappy memories come to mind. "T...They are like my height. But thicker... like that." She motions at Sir Exsixten.


But Kaz left friends behind. As soon as another ship arrives this one shall travel back to Master Cale and Livia-chan with his other friends, and hunt down and destroy this dark creature so that it will not threaten the people of this land again.
Toeto's eyes go wide in astonishment at the story. "How, ugh... nauseating. That such a dark spirit would harm the physical world." She begins to wonder if this is the destiny that the Priestess spoke of? How quickly it presented itself, if so. But what does Sprout think about it?

The lizard-woman taps the butt of her spear on the ground a few times. Moments later, a spectral basilisk with mushrooms along his back, much smaller than a usual specimen of the reptile, appears on the ground by Toeto's feet. It shows no sign of being hostile; it simply looks around curiously before focusing its gaze on Kaz.

[sblock=re:adventure]I'm looking for a group - 3rd level Shaman (leader). But this is my 3rd character, so I think I'll end up waiting a little. The spirit basilisk will shake his head in disapproval of the quest if I need to turn it down. ;)[/sblock]


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Kaz meets the Basilisk's gaze, looking into its very soul.

Pac is bringing his Shaman|Bard, but I suppose having 1.5 Shamans would not be a problem. More heals would be nice.

You joining sounds good to me, but let's see if there is anyone without an adventure who needs a spot first. :) Also, it is Iron Sky's adventure so I'm not sure what he is looking for party wise. (maybe we should feed a punch card to Sir X610 to find out? :p)

Edit:Actually you are only on one adventure now, right?[/sblock]
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Iron Sky

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[sblock=Adventure recruitment]I'll leave the recruitment for Beyond the Rerisen Tower up to you guys. Whomever you want to bring. I also got a private message from ronakshah2000 saying he has a level 3 wizard who would like to go as well. I'll start the thread tomorrow afternoon and we'll wait for everyone to check in before getting into it, so you have a day or two to gather the party.[/sblock]

[sblock=Adventure with Yishim!]Come on, you know you want to! Yishim is a 3rd level human wizard currently partaking in a loan bailout of our esteemed Hanging Man tavernkeeper. While usually a firm believer in the free market's ability to weed out poor investment decisions, this populist action was largely percipitated by the rational actor need to ensure availability of a key resource: beer.

Very recently returned from the Jade Kingdom, he has been patiently waiting for just the right adventurers with whom to join in glory. He brings many AoE tactical battle control powers to supplement those more capable of dealing and healing damage. He has had a nasty habit of wandering a bit too close to melee in the past, but recent updates to his skillset will leave him a bit more circumspect.

So if you would appreciate a firm capitalist guide to the arcane worlds traveling with you, please accept Yishim![/sblock]


[sblock=Dekana]Edit:Actually you are only on one adventure now, right?[/sblock]
[sblock=Luinnar]Well, I suppose it depends on whether or not the brawl outside counts as an adventure, hehe. Jax is in your game of course, and then Lenard is in Protection.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Adventure with Yishim!]Come on, you know you want to! Yishim is a 3rd level human wizard currently partaking in a loan bailout of our esteemed Hanging Man tavernkeeper. While usually a firm believer in the free market's ability to weed out poor investment decisions, this populist action was largely percipitated by the rational actor need to ensure availability of a key resource: beer.

Very recently returned from the Jade Kingdom, he has been patiently waiting for just the right adventurers with whom to join in glory. He brings many AoE tactical battle control powers to supplement those more capable of dealing and healing damage. He has had a nasty habit of wandering a bit too close to melee in the past, but recent updates to his skillset will leave him a bit more circumspect.

So if you would appreciate a firm capitalist guide to the arcane worlds traveling with you, please accept Yishim![/sblock]
He is in the Protection adventure right? Is that going to end soon? Because Iron Sky's adventure is going to be starting tomarrow. :)
[sblock=Luinnar]Well, I suppose it depends on whether or not the brawl outside counts as an adventure, hehe. Jax is in your game of course, and then Lenard is in Protection. [/sblock]

OK thanks. For some reason I forgot about your wizard :)


"Laaaaaayand saykes! Ah jus' leave fo' a li'l ole minute, an' they gow an' staht a fayat in front o'the ole Haynged Mayan!"

A large, yet well built, woman strides around the corner, talking to herself, and shaking her head, long, blond dreadlocks flail around her as she does. Her forehead bears a raven-shaped scar, similar to that on Kaz' cheek, "Whayat's all theyis abowt!?" she questions, as she sees the others, pointing around the corner to the brawn ensuing on the other side of the tavern.

Before anyone can answer she sees her former comrade, "Kazzy! Ah'm so glayad tah see yew!" She gives the Avenger a big hug that almost smothers him. Suddenly she recognizes that what she is doing might seem a little over the top, "Oh. Hellow. Mah nayme's Eithal. Ole Kaz an' Aye're ole buddies." She points to the scar on her forehead, and then to the one on Kaz's cheek, "Thayat ole laydee, gave Kaz, heyah, hees scah, gave me mayne."

Eithal Lemindt Arehei Female Goliath Warden Level 4
Initiative: +2
Speed 6
Passive Perception: 17; Passive Insight: 12; Senses: Normal
Powerful Athlete: Roll twice for Jump/Climb Athletics checks
AC: 20; Fort: 18; Reflex: 12; Will: 14
Surge Value: 14; Surges left: 13/13
Action Points: 1

At Will Powers
:melee: Strength of Stone link
:melee: Thorn Strike link
:melee:Warden's Fury link
Warden's Grasp link

Encounter Powers:
:melee: Grasping Winds link
:melee: Relentless Panther Attack
:close: Burst of Earth's Fury link
Stone's Endurance link
Warden's Tempest link

Daily Powers:
Form of the Relentless Panther link


Sudden Roots: Whenever Eithal hits an enemy with an Opportunity Attack, that enemy is slowed until the end of its next turn.

Crushing Earthstrength: When Eithal uses her second wind, she gains a +4 bonus to her weapon damage rolls until the end of her next turn.

Guard of Stone: While Eithal is under the effect of her stone’s endurance racial power, each enemy marked by Eithal takes an additional penalty to attack rolls for attacks that don’t include Eithal as a target. The penalty equals her Constitution modifier and lasts until the end of her next turn. [/sblock]
OOC: Sorry about this. I completely missed this thread until now. I was wondering what people were going to do while the fight raged out front.

BTW: I'm all in on the next adventure Iron Sky is cooking up. If you'll have her, Eithal will go.

Voidrunner's Codex

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