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Ars Magica 5e, Rhine Tribunal, 1220, Recruiting.


First Post
Instead of a germanic beast-mage I've hit the tamlyn vibe.

You are now Commutatis (or whatever you prefer) of Ex Miscellania; an excellent if wondrously varied house. I chose this house due to Bjornaer disliking shapechangers as a rule, and you being one. Regardless, now there's none of that strange cult philosophy to worry about.

Your mage has an interesting history. He is Danish, and from a line of shape-changing mages who descend from the apprentice of Father Weathersky.

Farmer Weathersky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your line, a relatively small one of perhaps you and five others, focus on your understanding of shapechanging and the forest. Your line has an interesting history; not one of the original founders, your ancestor was actually found and 'Recruited' into the order with a 'Join or Die!' statement. Eventually finding themselves in Ex Miscellania, they have effectively a small true lineage; most live amongst the forests quite happily, though members often have some issues with mundanes plundering the forest or slaughtering all their animal friends. For the most part your lineage are left to their own, barely hearing of Hermetic politics and unused to hermetic life. (An excellent reason to not know what the frig is going on, too. Asking dangerous questions in character can be fun. :D.) Getting a letter from the Prima of House Bonisagus was obviously completely out of the blue, especially when it was delivered by a talking raven with a rather imperious tone.

You have the supernatural ability to talk to animals, as well as Ways of the Forest which means most animals treat you well - even predators won't be hostile.

I have given you two shapechanging spells, wolf and raven, but you may change those to any mammal or bird you please without being overly huge. If you choose those I can find the statistics.

As well as this, you don't need to speak or make any motion to cast any spells, and therefore can cast while in animal form with no problems.

The effects of the gift work normally with people, but animals are unaffected by it. In fact, you get along better with animals than people. You are particularly effective with forest magics and while your learning has been specific up to now, you see magic as a unified whole, so get bonus experience points to unrelated magical arts when studying.

All this comes at a price - you have weak magic resistance when not in a forest, are somewhat prone to Twilight, have a reputation as a hedge wizard due to not being from a latin-focused tradition, and Enemies. You have enemies of two sorts, both of a medium consequence rather than one enemy of potency. You have a general beef with mundanes who wreck the forests and magical places, and House Bjornaer seem to have a beef with your lineage, though you have no idea why. Your master recommended that you keep your magical history to yourself, however.

From the top -

Commutatis (or whatever) of Ex Miscellania

Player: Walking Dad

Year 1220

Race: Danish

Religion: ?

Confidence 1(3)

Age 25

Gender (?)

Size 0

Decreptitude = 0 Warping = 0

Int +3 Per +1 Stre - 1 Sta + 2 Pre +1 Com+1 Dex +1 Qik +1

Personality Traits
Paranoid + 4 (I chose this as a major personality flaw. Feel free to change it to another major flaw.

Virtues House - Minor Mag Focus - Shapechanging
Ways of the Forest

Subtle Magic 1
Quiet magic x2 2
Improved characteristics x2 2
Inoffensive to animals 1
Secondary insight 3
puissant herbam 1

House flaws
Weak Magic Resistance (not in a forest)
Twilight Prone
Enemies (Mundanes, Bjornaer)
Hedge Wizard


Artes Liberales 1
Athletics 1
Awareness 2
Brawl 1
Charm 2
Concentration 2
Finesse 1
Folk ken 1
Hunt 1
Language: Danish 5
Latin 4
Area Lore (Denmark) 2
Magic Theory 3
Parma 1
Penetration 1
Stealth 1
Survival 2
Animal Ken 4

Cr 1 IN 1 MU 10 RE 3 COR 5 HERB 9+2 (11)


Shape of the Great Stag, LVL 20 +22
Cloak of Black Feathers LVL 30 +22
Eyes of the cat LVL 5 + 17
Pass the unyielding Portal (Open doors like they are made of play-doh) LVL 5, + 23
Piercing shaft of wood LVL 10 + 23
Intuition of the forest (group spell), LVL 10, + 14
Shriek of the impending shaft LVL 15 + 14
Trap of the entwining vines LVL 15 + 14
Shroud Magic (make any magic difficult to detect) LVL 10 + 12

So, how does that seem?

Edit: You can't change into rings or stones yet, but with a bit of study there's no reason why not for the full shapechanging mage.
Your Ways of the Forest virtue means you get + 3 to every roll within a forest, including spells and don't botch as often. Interestingly, in the forest you can deal with people without them thinking you are dangerous and strange, but in a town they recognize you don't 'belong', which is an unexpected side effect. You just don't belong outside of forests. This also means that living in a busy, urban covenant is going to be painful for you, but a quiet forest away from any villages would be playing to your strengths.

Your weak magic resistance is painful, almost terribly so. You are well advised to never let anyone know about it, and to draw them into the forest.
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Walking Dad

First Post
Looks and sounds great. Interesting and strong weaknesses... can the magic resistance become greater with experience?

My first danish character. Already played french, Swedish and German.

Animal Forms: Could they be stag and raven?

And paranoid instead of wrathful?


First Post
Done and done.

We are almost ready to go. Yair, Strahd and Walking Dad have characters and Shayuri is 99% finished. If grogs are not finished then just pick the soldier or one of the other military grogs and when your grog arrives then the other grog goes away.

Any other issues? If not we'll get started faster than it takes to learn Latin.

As I have said, if anyone suddenly has an urge to re-do their character, I have no problem up to a point. If you do wish to change it we'll sort out the differences.

Starting the post now. If anyone else wants to join please post quickly.

On Puget Sound

First Post
Are you still accepting players? I own AM5e (and 1,2,3 and 4e) and have tried several times to get a campaign going, but never had a stable enough group. PbP seems like an ideal way to run this game.

Voidrunner's Codex

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