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Art needed! KotSQ KoSK

Wee Jas

First Post
I'm putting together a d20 product style book/PDF for our 2 campaigns.

The Knights of the Silver quill and the Knights of Spellforge Keep

Almost got Vek completed D20 style as other NPCs are viewed in Enemies and Allies. This has taken quite a bit of time. I'm hoping as I do more it will speed up.

These are the characters I hope to put in the book. I grouped possible group shots. (Descriptions to come but many of you know the characters from the story hour!)

Jo'nas Redlong
Human Cleric

Orthos - Dwarven cleric of Moradin. Weids a warhammer called the Tear of Mordain

Kizzlorn Spellforge
Human Sorcerer

Human Rogue

Jamison Crow
Human Wizard

Vek -see below (Thanks Doc!)

Dartan - Dartan is a bitter fallen paladin of Heironeous. His soul is dark but his actions speak of his bravery. He has little tolerance for activities that don't involve destroying those that oppose him.

Menerous Maximus
Human Cleric of Pelor- Obliterated by a spellcaster in the Temple of Elemental Evil. Twin to Myramus. Menerous put on some weight on his adventures with the party. His greatsword cleaved many a foe.

Myramus Maximus
Human Cleric of Pelor- Died in a freak accident cave-in. Twin brother of Menerous. He was a bit smaller than his brother but no less strong in battle. He was a longsword and shield guy.

Mot Lem
Human Necromancer- destroyed in the final battle with Hedrack

Grumbar - Big 'sensitive' half orc. Fullplate and a great sword. Fighter

Human Sorceress- Killed by Erasmus and Jamison when they turned to Elemental Evil. Her goodness is missed.

Erasmus Nightwalker
Elven Ranger- Turned on his partymates after giving in to the evil influence of the Temple. Fled after Jamison. Erasmus is a undead hunter specialized in the bow. He is dark and brooding for an elf. His bow shot flaming arrows.

Angelique Mathea
Human Cleric of Pelor- Killed by Jamison when he turned to Elemental Evil. She is dearly missed.

Bree Thornberry
Halfling Cleric of Ehlonna- Died in the fight against Utreshimon, the blue dragon. She is dearly missed.

Dekker Roughfoot
Halfling Fighter- Died fighting Rech the giant on the Fire Bridge at the Temple of All-Consumption. His fiery spirit is missed.

Tenchi - see below (Thanks Doc!)

Kryn -
Elven Cleric of Corellan Larethian- Died in the fight against Utreshimon, the blue dragon. He is missed.

This wizard and clockwork expert is a recent addition to the party. He drew from the Deck of Many Things and won a castle, now called Spellforge Keep- the party's home base. He also won (through his own charms) the heart of Katya. The two were recently married. Raf has a clockwork pseduo dragon and a Shield Golem named Nanny

Rafflorn's new wife Katya is a redheaded legend in Verbobonc. Her quick wit, quicker mouth, and powerful spellcasting has made her a force to be respected. She's matured over the last year, casting off her rebellious youthful attitude for a more catious perspective.

A high priestess of Pelor, Kyla has earned her reputation as a good and fair cleric. She maintains a big sisterly watch over her more adventurous younger sister Katya, and rarely finds time for her own interests. She has recently become attracted to Rowan, Spellforge Keep's new guardsman.

A fighter and follower of Kord, Jettok is a true friend and the purest kind of dwarf- a gruff but loveable bearded companion with a drink in one hand and a greataxe in the other.

Mallick Hucrele
Human Ranger/Rogue- His objective completed, Mallick returned to Oakhurst with his sister, where he plans to spend some time relaxing.

I'm looking for some real cutting edge art here. I know Doc can do it but this is a lot of drawing. He is going to need help. Any artist who submits work I use in the final product will get his name in the credits and a copy of the PDF. If it comes out really nice and we do more stuff it will be a nice portfolio peice.

Sir Vek Mormont, Chosen of Death
"I grant you the gift of death!"

Vek’s ancestor Clegar Mormont made a deal with Death centuries ago. He exchanged his soul for wealth and power. Once he had it, he rededicated his life to the service of good. On his deathbed, The God of Valor claimed Mormont's soul as his own. Folklore tells that in a fit of rage, Death forever cursed the gains of his fortune- meaning the house itself. Once a year the bell would toll, raising the dead for miles and miles around. They would walk in search of flesh and eat what they could find. Clegar himself would rise in the crypt every year. His punishment is one day out of every year trapped in his waking corpse.
Sir Vek never knew what it was like to be a mischievous child. At birth he was given to the priests of the Death. His parents hoped the goddess would except the sacrifice and end the annual death that befell their land. Vek Mormont grew up only knowing servitude. He spent the majority of his hours in contemplation and in the teachings of Death. In his free time he studied for the next days lessons. When he started to excel at the study of magic, the priests started to begin his clerical training. As his powers grew so did his freedom. Soon after, he set out in the world to spread the faith of Death and Magic.

Vek: Male Human/Lich Clr13/ Fgt1; CR 17; Medium-sized undead; HD 14d12; hp 109; Init+1; Spd 20 ft; AC 30 (touch 11, flat-footed 27); Atk +13/+8 (1d8+4/19-20,Talon), +11 (d6+1/x3 and Enervation, Lilith) or +10 touch attack(d8+5 negative energy and paralyzing touch); SA Rebuke undead 8/day, Fear Aura (will save DC19), Paralyzing Touch (Fort save DC19), Spells, Darkvision 60ft; SQ Undead, damage reduction 15/+1, turn resistance +4, channel negative energy, immune (cold, electricity, polymorph, and mind effecting spells); AL LN; SV Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +14; Str 16, Dex 12, Con ----- , Int 17, Wis 21, Cha 16

Skills and Feats: Alchemy +6, Concentration +25, Craft (armor, wood) +7, Heal +11, Hide +4, Jump +0, Knowledge Arcana +18, Knowledge Religion +6, Listen +13, Move Silently +4, Ride +8, Scry +4, Search +14, Sense motive +13, Spellcraft +13, Spot +13; Ambidexterity, two weapon fighting, weapon focus longsword, craft wondrous item, combat casting, extra turning

Negative Energy Touch Attack: d8+5 points of damage to living creatures; Will save 19 for half damage
Fear Aura (Su): Creatures of less than 5 HD in a 60ft radius must make a Will save DC19 or be affected as if under a fear spell of the lich’s level.
Paralyzing Touch (Su): Any living creature Vek touches must make a Fortitude saving throw DC 19 or be permanently paralyzed until a Remove Curse or Remove Paralysis is cast on them. This effect cannot be dispelled. Anyone paralyzed in this manner appears dead unless a Spot check (DC20) or Heal check (DC15) is made. This power works in conjunction with the lich’s Negative Energy Touch Attack.
Undead: Undead are immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromantic effects, and they ignore mind-influencing effects. Undead are not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain, or energy drain. They have no Constitution scores and are therefore immune to any effect requiring a Fortitude save (unless it affects objects).
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First Post
:( Too bad I'm busy with some commissions over at DL or I'd totally do this... I've been looking for a nice classic type product with which to sharpen my "skills" :)

PLUS you're named Wee Jas, just about my favorite deity.

Wee Jas

First Post
Too bad I'm busy with some commissions over at DL or I'd totally do this... I've been looking for a nice classic type product with which to sharpen my "skills"

Well keep looking back. It will take a some time to gather all the player descriptions and write up the stats in D20 format. Thanks for the interest!

Dr Midnight


One of the existing images...

Wee Jas

First Post
Thanks nerkum! I have to get descriptions of the characters from all the players. I'll be sure to edit the original post when I get more details.

Thanks again!

Voidrunner's Codex

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