My spouse plays an artificer Battlesmith, and it effectively has a lot of fighter qualities. Would that scratch the itch you are looking for?
The steel defender is a capable tank, though works best as an off-tank, and with the extra attack at level 5 the artificer is a very strong ranged combatant, much like a ranged fighter, but using intelligence as their main stat as long as they have a magic weapon (which, as an artificer, they can guarantee). They can also fight capably hand to hand, using their defender to help protect them and do extra damage. Once they get arcane jolt, at level 9, they can hit very hard at crucial moments. And then they have a lot of versatile spells to round them out.
The steel defender is a capable tank, though works best as an off-tank, and with the extra attack at level 5 the artificer is a very strong ranged combatant, much like a ranged fighter, but using intelligence as their main stat as long as they have a magic weapon (which, as an artificer, they can guarantee). They can also fight capably hand to hand, using their defender to help protect them and do extra damage. Once they get arcane jolt, at level 9, they can hit very hard at crucial moments. And then they have a lot of versatile spells to round them out.