D&D 5E Artificers, Vehicles, and Vehicle Infusions


@Stormonu One thing you touched on is really making me think about the general topic and my aeronaut artificer subclass.

The current build gets basically a magitech speederbike (Star Wars), and can customize it a bit, and can upgrade it at later levels. But, focusing on that makes it hard to put things in that are focused on the artficer themselves.

One idea I had was that you could detach the main gun and use it as a personal power rifle.

What other stuff should the “airship artificer” be able to do? Repair airships faster, give ship systems a boost or THP, cast “self” spells on the ship, like absorb elements?

I feel like I’m just plain overlooking obvious stuff. Perhaps I need to refamiliarise myself with the wotc Star Wars games and how they handled outlaw tech/engineer characters, and think about how to simplify and make it more fantasy.
Scotty/La Forge/Trip Tucker III/Han would be good models for abilities - faster repair, defensive or offensive boosts ("moar power to shields!"). A lot of tropes this come from has the one-shot modification; some "I'm not sure it'll work or blow us up" super power-up (read: spell) gimmick. Think cloaking device (invisibility), Yamato gun (disintegration), Hyperjump (Teleport) and the like. Hell, a sailing ship that can use a modified animate dead to create drones that act as crewmembers, gun crew or boarding marines sounds like a cool ability I'd consider for an Artificer.

I'm not too hot on the idea of a detachable gun (can't think of a vehicle off the top of my head that does it, primarily), but it would work on things like transformable mecha (thinking like the VF-1 Valkyrie from Robotech), battlesuits or possibly a "back-up weapon". Toting around a vehicle's main weapon, to me, is on the order of giving out a Buster Sword (or portable Ballista...) to someone in D&D. I think it should be an option/power/slot, but not necessarily an automatic ability.

I think a personal conveyance is a great ability that fits right along the steel defender and battle turret. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on it - treat it like the Paladin's mount for the most part so that the class can still operate in those places where a mount/vehicle wouldn't be prudent. Don't forget that a personal conveyance could be quite small - like a Segway, unicycle, Tenser's Floating Disc (the 4E version), iron man's battlesuit (even it's just the hand repulsors or a rocket pack like mandolarian or rocketeer) and the like.

On Intelligence, KITT was pretty freakin' intelligent, no reason not to allow the vehicle sidekick to not have access to it, even if an average/high intelligence costs a perk/slot. That could bring it up to a sort of sidekick/henchman level.

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Scotty/La Forge/Trip Tucker III/Han would be good models for abilities - faster repair, defensive or offensive boosts ("moar power to shields!"). A lot of tropes this come from has the one-shot modification; some "I'm not sure it'll work or blow us up" super power-up (read: spell) gimmick. Think cloaking device (invisibility), Yamato gun (disintegration), Hyperjump (Teleport) and the like. Hell, a sailing ship that can use a modified animate dead to create drones that act as crewmembers, gun crew or boarding marines sounds like a cool ability I'd consider for an Artificer.
Yeah I do think that the ability to cast spells through the vehicle, and perhaps cast self spells on the vehicle instead of yourself, is a big must.

Current build gets a teleportation spell at almost every “extra spells” level, absorb elements, haste, freedom of movement, etc.

I’m gonna try polishing up the personal vehicle to be like a steel defender but more customizable, and figure out where to fit in an Improvisational Engineering feature, and other ideas from this thread.
I'm not too hot on the idea of a detachable gun (can't think of a vehicle off the top of my head that does it, primarily), but it would work on things like transformable mecha (thinking like the VF-1 Valkyrie from Robotech), battlesuits or possibly a "back-up weapon". Toting around a vehicle's main weapon, to me, is on the order of giving out a Buster Sword (or portable Ballista...) to someone in D&D. I think it should be an option/power/slot, but not necessarily an automatic ability.
I’ll give it more thought.
I think a personal conveyance is a great ability that fits right along the steel defender and battle turret. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on it - treat it like the Paladin's mount for the most part so that the class can still operate in those places where a mount/vehicle wouldn't be prudent.
Makes sense. In a setting where magitech vehicles are a thing, the archetype should be able to tune and repair and upgrade any vehicle, not just their own.
KDon't forget that a personal conveyance could be quite small - like a Segway, unicycle, Tenser's Floating Disc (the 4E version), iron man's battlesuit (even it's just the hand repulsors or a rocket pack like mandolarian or rocketeer) and the like.

On Intelligence, KITT was pretty freakin' intelligent, no reason not to allow the vehicle sidekick to not have access to it, even if an average/high intelligence costs a perk/slot. That could bring it up to a sort of sidekick/henchman level.
Definitely agree. It allows for a vehicle that can’t be taken in some places, the artificer is still able to benefit from the subclass, by having a sidekick. And the vehicle can be messaged and told to move to a different place.


Up front it should be simple to use, but there should be enough customization under the hood to really dig into the guts and do some wild stuff if you want to. Something akin to a Warlock. You can throw a basic Warlock together fairly quickly and it be easy to use at the table, but between spells and invocations, you've got a lot of ways to customize and personalize the character.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Mecha suits might be out there for most D&D campaigns, but there is precedents with the Mighty Servant of Luke-O and the Wicker Juggernauts of the Knorric of Jakandor.

There is already the Armorer subclass. A mecha-suit is just that armorer writ large.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Up front it should be simple to use, but there should be enough customization under the hood to really dig into the guts and do some wild stuff if you want to. Something akin to a Warlock. You can throw a basic Warlock together fairly quickly and it be easy to use at the table, but between spells and invocations, you've got a lot of ways to customize and personalize the character.
Yeah I think having different weapon load outs, different speed setups (high speed va middle speed with boost, maybe land cycle is faster than hover bike) things like that.

By making it a thing you cast spells through, it becomes easier to give a decent power budget without it dominating the entire subclass.

I’m thinking a long range arcane canon type attack (action to fire, damage similar to an Artillerist using thier canon or I guess it could “shoot” a cantrip, but I dislike that), mount level speed, decent armor (HP), higher AC when you move at least 30ft, reaction ability to “juke”.

I’ll have to dig into the Battlesmith again, to see if there is room for a detachable familiar at level 3 or if that needs to be an upgrade.

As for the ship “infusions”, I think that I’ll go with “modules” instead, and they will mostly live outside the artificer, but the artificer can have things to be extra good with them. Maybe by the simple method of having them require checks with tools, crafting times, and maybe language that you can spend a charge or a use of a spell to power up modules, which would make the art’s spell storing item into a booster.

Also I think general rule is helm or engineering can cast spells through a vehicle, as if it were a Spellcasting focus they were “wielding”, and gunners can cast through their weapons. It’s not a big boost but it combines ship and PCs in a way that hopefully makes ship combat fun for everyone.

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