Willie the Duck
I will point out that, other than being tradition, there really isn't a difference between divine hammer, flamestrike, and holy word and Spiritual Weapon, Spirit Guardians, or combat cantrips -- they do the same thing (flamestike in particular is and always has been 'higher level, lower damage fireball' with a few extra nuances thrown in surrounding damage resistance). That said, if you don't like a thing, you don't like it.So I really like clerics thematically as buff, heal, divination, and some weird utility type spellcasters. Narratively I generally don't like clerical god laser blasting spells, though divine hammer flamestrike and holy word type things don't really rub me the wrong way. Generally I like zaps to be arcane and a lot of damage to come round to round from the martials. With the clerical daily access to anything on the spell list it is easy to find and load up on the rare spells that are arguably off theme or overpowered.
It is effective, but note that it has plenty of limitations -- it requires concentration (a hard thing to maintain while shepherding a front-line requiring spell*); it means you aren't concentrating on other, often very important, other concentration spells; it requires you to be in the front line; It damages anything except those things you specify when the spell is cast**.As a DM I have repeatedly been introduced to the PC cleric of my group's favorite 2nd level spell spirit guardians, the auto damage to enemies only in an area ongoing spell which is super effective. It seems to have significantly altered fights it gets deployed in, which is most of them. My games narratively rarely have large numbers of separate encounter fights per game day so it often gets deployed in combat.
*unless you take two feats to make the saves a semi-sure thing, which is a heavy investment and requires it to be a feat-having game (which are, frankly, a higher-power play experience).
** things you need to be able to see at the time of casting. so no stealthing or invisible allies. No one back behind a bend in the corridors. No innocent prisoners the rogue freed in round 3 and rushed through the battlefield towards supposed safety...
That said, it is certainly a powerful spell, and (and others may disagree here) it seems like the Spirit Guardians/Spiritual Weapon combo is an expected part of a cleric's 'boss-fight' strategy -- it's too good and too obvious to have been an accidentally good setup. For that reason, I posit this: if you would rather a front-line cleric go in a-mace-a-swingin', remove the spell, but then give clerics a second attack some time in the 6-8 level range.
I think people have brought up the big players: Guidance and Bless bend the curve on skills and spells; Healing Word gets a downed ally up at range from any hit that doesn't kill them outright; Revivify does the same if they were killed; Spirit Guardians/Spiritual Weapon set up a spell-focused combat synergy you dislike. The rest -- well there are certainly powerful spells, but I suspect you already know about them from earlier editions (Resurrection, Plane Shift, Anti-Magic Field, Silence, Stone Shape, and any of the divination spells like Scrying or Divination have effects which can obviate entire obstacles depending on the situation). I don't think there aren't any 'surprise' super-spells in the cleric list after level 3 spells.My group is currently 5th level, any other clerical spells you think I should particularly be on the lookout for as he levels and I think about fight encounters? PHB, Xanathars, and Tashas are all books that I have.