D&D 5E ASCENSION, The Codex of Exalted, Book 1: Players Guide


Hey Rogerd1! :)

Thanks for the link buddy!

I do like a bit of anime. I might pick that up when I go on holiday and have a read through. I would say the main influences (on my work I mean) of anime would be in the crazy powers and weapons. Although something like Chainsaw Man does have very interesting monsters I guess.
Plus the other thing about it, is the work is done for you, in the sense of having to convert M&M 2e to 5e. So if you want a good supers using 5e, it is a no brainer really.

A lot of the 5e supers games all use spells as powers, but that seems an approach that is somewht lacking for me.

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Plus the other thing about it, is the work is done for you, in the sense of having to convert M&M 2e to 5e. So if you want a good supers using 5e, it is a no brainer really.

A lot of the 5e supers games all use spells as powers, but that seems an approach that is somewht lacking for me.
It does seem similar to some of what I am doing, that being said I keep getting further and further from 5e the more I work on this. Regardless, I imagine I can get some inspiration from this. Unfortunately, right now I am recovering from surgery and I can't sit for long periods of time to work on this. That should change in about a month or so.

Hey Rogard1 amigo! :)

Plus the other thing about it, is the work is done for you, in the sense of having to convert M&M 2e to 5e. So if you want a good supers using 5e, it is a no brainer really.

A lot of the 5e supers games all use spells as powers, but that seems an approach that is somewht lacking for me.

I'm interested from a mechanical standpoint - in case I have missed something obvious in my 5E Deity rules. In terms of anime I can only imagine that would be (perhaps) a few cool powers or abilities - of which I already have hundreds designed.

Spells are certainly separate from my Divine Abilities/Boons, the new spell system mimics the old 10th-level (and beyond) spells of the 2nd Edition era. Naturally my spell levels go a bit above 10. :giggle:

Hey dave2008 mate!

It does seem similar to some of what I am doing, that being said I keep getting further and further from 5e the more I work on this. Regardless, I imagine I can get some inspiration from this. Unfortunately, right now I am recovering from surgery and I can't sit for long periods of time to work on this. That should change in about a month or so.

Reading between the lines seems everything went well amigo - which is great news! Speedy recovery.


Hey Rogard1 amigo! :)

I'm interested from a mechanical standpoint - in case I have missed something obvious in my 5E Deity rules. In terms of anime I can only imagine that would be (perhaps) a few cool powers or abilities - of which I already have hundreds designed.

Spells are certainly separate from my Divine Abilities/Boons, the new spell system mimics the old 10th-level (and beyond) spells of the 2nd Edition era. Naturally my spell levels go a bit above 10. :giggle:
Well the powers are designed to cover things everything.
In fact it even allows you to import spells from 5e, or spell-like abilities; as well as Dynamic Powers which are interesting.

It also has Customisable effects such as increasing range, area effect and all that jazz in there. But the good thing is that you can actually import any M&M 2e powers too, as the costs are identical IN many cases which makes power design an absolute cinch.

It does seem similar to some of what I am doing, that being said I keep getting further and further from 5e the more I work on this. Regardless, I imagine I can get some inspiration from this. Unfortunately, right now I am recovering from surgery and I can't sit for long periods of time to work on this. That should change in about a month or so.
I hope you are making a speedy recovery.
Take it easy, and don't rush it.
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Hey Rogard1 buddy :)

Well the powers are designed to cover things everything.
In fact it even allows you to import spells from 5e, or spell-like abilities; as well as Dynamic Powers which are interesting.

It also has Customisable effects such as increasing range, area effect and all that jazz in there. But the good thing is that you can actually import any M&M 2e powers too, as the costs are identical IN many cases which makes power design an absolute cinch.

I think D&D generally does a good job of separating powers from spells - even though there will always be a degree of overlap.


Hey Rogard1 buddy :)

I think D&D generally does a good job of separating powers from spells - even though there will always be a degree of overlap.
For me, I tend to look at a supers game as not needing spells as such, and that is something M&M 3e does right, such that spells would be an Array of one or more powers together.

But then again, it distinguishes between power sources.

The former is also present in Modern Age, in that there is a power source, then your powers.

Rafael TM

First Post
Olá boa tarde, sou novo por aqui e estou com algumas dúvidas. ok pelo que eu entendi esse livro é um livro para os jogadores jogarem como deuses e assim você joga e sobe no rank dos deuses, cheguei agora então perdi tudo que você já tinha antes então minhas dúvidas podem ser um pouco bobas mas aqui vamos nós
1. Pelo que entendi, será completamente possível pegar um personagem de nível 20 do DnD 5e e jogar no seu sistema, correto?
2. Pelo que entendi, seu sistema é baseado no 5e, mas atualmente é bem diferente
3. Não entendi muito bem como funcionariam as classes, por exemplo sou um guerreiro nível 20 em 5 e ai faço uma campanha épica para me tornar um semideus e começar a usar seu sistema, ok e daí? guerreiro ainda teria alguma diferenciação de eu ser mago por exemplo?
4. Os poderes divinos não entendi muito bem o que seriam? seriam feitiços? por exemplo, um guerreiro poderia lançar um círculo mágico e 9 meteoros?
5.Teremos mais níveis de magia 5e parados no 9º círculo seu livro nos levaria ao 12º?
6.Deuses têm seus próprios reinos divinos Seu livro tem regras para criar esses reinos?
7.Esses livros foram divididos em 3, o guia do jogador, o guia do mestre e o livro de inimigos e amigos, o livro de inimigos e amigos teria registros de vários deuses, semideuses, arquidemônios etc usando essas regras?
8. E, finalmente, os deuses e monstros que aparecerão neste 3º livro são todos da tradição DnD ou não? E nesses 3 livros teremos apenas divindades ou monstros muito buff também?
Estou ansioso pelo seu livro, sempre quis jogar como um Deus no mundo do DnD, espero que você tenha uma ótima recuperação e tenha um ótimo ano :)

Hey there Rafael TM! :)

Olá boa tarde, sou novo por aqui e estou com algumas dúvidas. ok pelo que eu entendi esse livro é um livro para os jogadores jogarem como deuses e assim você joga e sobe no rank dos deuses, cheguei agora então perdi tudo que você já tinha antes então minhas dúvidas podem ser um pouco bobas mas aqui vamos nós

Ask away.

1. Pelo que entendi, será completamente possível pegar um personagem de nível 20 do DnD 5e e jogar no seu sistema, correto?

Yes, 100% correct. After Level 20 you gain Divine Ranks (instead of Levels). There are 30 Divine Ranks and each is about the equivalent of 5 player levels (albeit the power increases exponentially).

2. Pelo que entendi, seu sistema é baseado no 5e, mas atualmente é bem diferente

It is completely based on 5E, but I have added some features, both old and new (for instance the Bloodied condition is back, from 4th Edition).

3. Não entendi muito bem como funcionariam as classes, por exemplo sou um guerreiro nível 20 em 5 e ai faço uma campanha épica para me tornar um semideus e começar a usar seu sistema, ok e daí? guerreiro ainda teria alguma diferenciação de eu ser mago por exemplo?

You take your Level 20 Warrior (for instance) and when you gain Divine Rank 1 that gives you a power boost PLUS you also get to choose a Portfolio which gives you a bunch of options AND also gives you a Mythic Form.

While the Divine Ranks themselves give static power (the same upgrade regardless of class), the Portfolios give all the cool unique powers and features (and also DRAWBACKS/divine weaknesses).

So you might take your Level 20 warrior and at Divine Rank 1 (Hero-deity) become the God of War (by taking the War portfolio) OR become the God of Strength, etc.

Whereas a Level 20 Wizard might take the Magic Portfolio or the Dreams Portfolio, etc.

4. Os poderes divinos não entendi muito bem o que seriam? seriam feitiços? por exemplo, um guerreiro poderia lançar um círculo mágico e 9 meteoros?

The Powers from the Portfolios are like regular Class Features but just far more powerful.

Technically your Level 20 Warrior gets Wish AT WILL by Divine Rank 3. So they could not cast Meteor Swarm but they could duplicate up to Level 8 spells). However, by Divine Rank 3 Wizards will be doing ridiculously high damage with their spells - I don't want to explain everything just yet, but its all well balanced as far as I can tell.

5.Teremos mais níveis de magia 5e parados no 9º círculo seu livro nos levaria ao 12º?

The Book has up to Level 25 spells. Remember the Karsus' Avatar spell that was Level 12 from 2nd Edition. I'm using a similar progression to that.

You can cast Death Star Laser* as a Level 14 spell. Or cast Big Bang as a Level 17 spell.

*Not the actual name of the spell.

6.Deuses têm seus próprios reinos divinos Seu livro tem regras para criar esses reinos?

I do have rules for creating Divine Realms in the book - but I will vastly expand on that in a later book. There is only so much I can do in 400 pages and I want to have a later book explore all the dimensions.

7.Esses livros foram divididos em 3, o guia do jogador, o guia do mestre e o livro de inimigos e amigos, o livro de inimigos e amigos teria registros de vários deuses, semideuses, arquidemônios etc usando essas regras?

The Kickstarter will be 2 books:

Players Guide
Epic Bestiary

Both will be in around 400 pages.

I have ideas for other books (including a GM's/Campaign/Adventure book) but those will have to wait until after these first two books are finished.

The Epic Bestiary has some crazy monsters - but I don't want to spoil anything just yet. I do have an idea that the main preview for launch will have a particular CR 40 monster that I think people will enjoy.

8. E, finalmente, os deuses e monstros que aparecerão neste 3º livro são todos da tradição DnD ou não? E nesses 3 livros teremos apenas divindades ou monstros muito buff também?

The Player's Guide book has about a dozen sample gods.

The monsters in the Epic Bestiary will probably be the most ridiculously powerful in any RPG book ever released...and that's even considering I am holding even more ridiculous monsters back for later books. Of course I have a few non-epic monsters in there which are the minions of some epic monsters but there will be over 100 monsters and many are CR 30+, 40+, 50+, 60+ etc. ;)

I would not say they are necessarily all from D&D lore, most are monsters I have created or monsters that have been inspired by movies, books, anime, etc.

Estou ansioso pelo seu livro, sempre quis jogar como um Deus no mundo do DnD, espero que você tenha uma ótima recuperação e tenha um ótimo ano :)

Thank you so much for the interest.

I will need to have a great year - still lots of work to be done but I promise, when finished, these books will be better than you can possibly imagine.

Voidrunner's Codex

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