D&D 5E ASCENSION, The Codex of Exalted, Book 1: Players Guide

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Any update on the progress of Ascension?
I'm in a bit of a holding pattern at the minute because of personal issues and projects issues:
  1. Personally I am crazy busy at work right now and I don't have as much time as I would like for personal projects. On top of that my daughter OD this spring and we have been spending a lot of time getting her the help she needs.
  2. Project related I am at a bit of stalemate as I am decided whether not to simplify the current design and streamline it and maybe make it a bit more like base 5e. This is an issue a keep going back and forth on. I think I have an idea of how to simplify things, but I haven't had the time to explore it in more depth (see issue #1). It would be a fairly foundational change, so I don't want to get to far until I have it figured out
I hope I will be able to spend more time on this project in the fall. That is the plan at least.


I'm in a bit of a holding pattern at the minute because of personal issues and projects issues:
  1. Personally I am crazy busy at work right now and I don't have as much time as I would like for personal projects. On top of that my daughter OD this spring and we have been spending a lot of time getting her the help she needs.
Next to this, everything else is kind of inconsequential tbh. Best wishes for a speedy recovery


I'm in a bit of a holding pattern at the minute because of personal issues and projects issues:
  1. Personally I am crazy busy at work right now and I don't have as much time as I would like for personal projects. On top of that my daughter OD this spring and we have been spending a lot of time getting her the help she needs.
  2. Project related I am at a bit of stalemate as I am decided whether not to simplify the current design and streamline it and maybe make it a bit more like base 5e. This is an issue a keep going back and forth on. I think I have an idea of how to simplify things, but I haven't had the time to explore it in more depth (see issue #1). It would be a fairly foundational change, so I don't want to get to far until I have it figured out
I hope I will be able to spend more time on this project in the fall. That is the plan at least.
I'm sorry to hear that. Thanks for replying to my message. And I hope she get's better


I will be removing the information in these posts as I am moving this project to a google doc. So over the next few weeks you will be seeing the content on this thread disappear. When the google doc is sufficiently updated I will post a link here and this thread will be the forum for discussion moving forward.
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I will be removing the information in these posts as I am moving this project to a google doc. So over the next few weeks you will be seeing the content on this thread disappear. When the google doc is sufficient updated I will post a link here and this thread will be the forum for discussion moving forward.
Thank you so much Dave for the update. I'm hoping that everything will be epic in the new year for you and your family :). super excited to run a game with this system someday.


It has been on hold for a bit as I've been taken aback by all of the OGL nonsense. However, I am getting my creative legs back under me and hope to get back on this soon. I think I should have the google.doc ready for review in the spring.

Voidrunner's Codex

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