D&D 5E ASCENSION, The Codex of Exalted, Book 1: Players Guide

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How is work on the project going? Been keeping an eye on this for months, pretty exciting stuff.
It has been a little slow recently. I have been too busy at work lately to spend much time on this project. I have also been thinking about simplifying some things and that has prevented me from moving forward until I make that decision / figure it out. I should be able to get back to it with some more vigor the 2nd half of July.


Hello my Exalted friends! I am back to working on ASCENSION and plan for it to be the major focus of my D&D energies for the rest of this year. Though I haven't posted much in several months, I have been working behind the scenes and I think I have most of the issues ironed out.

Anyway, I have added Chapter 1 - Apotheosis and updated the Introduction and Chapter 2 (with more updates to come). I hope to get through Chapters 3-5 and maybe Chapters 8 & 9, along with some Friends and Foes by the end of the year. The plan is to have a rough draft of the game pretty much good to go by the beginning do 2022. Then I want to use 2022 to add some more rules, update the rules, and fill out my updated Epic Bestiary with deities and other Exalted.

Finally, as always, I would love any feedback you want to provide. Thank you!
shut up and take my money! Like right now... KIckstart that shite right now! 1,000,000 quatloos...


you stated that there are fewer gods or ascendants as you gain followers/power.

so glad I wasn't the only one to feel this was very "TPO". Definitely love the flavor. Looking forward to avatars/emissaries/prophets, etc... I have the TPO series, including a couple signed by the author that I bought on Amazon from the author... pretty cool guy.

Oooh, warlock creation! How do you gain warlocks/paladins. I personally don't see a different between clerics and warlocks. Can a god have a warlock and clerics?
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you stated that there are fewer gods or ascendants as you gain followers/power.
This is just a correlation. It takes a long time to gain power, and it is difficult, so there are fewer higher ranking gods. Therefore, you typically have many followers by the time your reach those power levels. However, once you reach the elder god levels, the # of mortal followers declines and deities build relationships with other deities instead.
so glad I wasn't the only one to feel this was very "TPO".
TPO was one of the influences, but honestly at this point I have so many and they are all mixed together I have a hard time recalling what originates from another source and what is my own!
Definitely love the flavor. Looking forward to avatars/emissaries/prophets, etc...
I hadn't given this to much thought yet (except avatars & aspects), but your post sparked some ideas. I think I will write them up when I get back to action. I will also add exarchs too.
I have the TPO series, including a couple signed by the author that I bought on Amazon from the author... pretty cool guy.
Not sure who you met, but one of the major contributors to TPO was the founder of Wizards of the Coast.
Oooh, warlock creation! How do you gain warlocks/paladins. I personally don't see a different between clerics and warlocks. Can a god have a warlock and clerics?
I was probably going to save warlocks for non-deity exalted, but there is technically no reason they couldn't. They are fundamentally different however (and a little different from standard 5e).

Clerics & Paladins: Clerics get their power from gods who give them access to magic. The god is just a conduit (like a celestial plumber a deity can turn that conduit to the cleric on or off, but it is otherwise the cleric which controls the flow - I'll work on that analogy). It allows a deity to have many clerics without lessening its own power.

Warlocks: Warlocks get an actually piece of their patrons power. If a patron has to many warlocks and can lesson their personal power.

Thankfully I have the time to wait, my players are only 13TH level and I think we will only get to this level of power by mid-2024, given our frequency of play and the amount of material I intend to get us through.


Thankfully I have the time to wait, my players are only 13TH level and I think we will only get to this level of power by mid-2024, given our frequency of play and the amount of material I intend to get us through.
Well the hope is I can get a book or two released before the 2024 anniversary edition. Not that these rules will be affected by the update, it is just a timing thing.

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