D&D (2024) Asians Represent: "Has WotC Fixed the D&D Monk?"


What usually happens with this "one size fits all" approach is, European cultures (for D&D, mainly Britain whence the US) tend to assume ones own sensibilities are "universal", thus force them onto other cultures thus misrepresenting them. Most of this happens unconsciously and every culture is guilty of this kind of ethnocentrism.

It is better to have each reallife culture represent itself. If one of the Asian cultures is an inspiration for a concept in D&D, it enriches the game to include contributions from that reallife culture.

That said. It helps if the 2024 core base classes start with a multicultural flavor, where the subclasses and other design spaces can bring to life more specific cultural inspirations.
excuse me. go to China, go to africa, go to Europe and especially go to Japan. It's pretty much the same there. They continue on with thier life assuming thier own one size fits all approach is correct. They just use thier own lens to install the one size fits all approach. It's a nice little myth that if we fix one piece of the world that goes away but it's just a myth with no evidence to back it up.

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story and lore the players aren't interested in are old mythologies sitting on a shelf doing nothing.
I want talking to you and the comment is wasn’t about you. Not sure why you jumped in.

PS - I apologize, that came off rude, and that was not my intent.
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What usually happens with this "one size fits all" approach is, European cultures (for D&D, mainly Britain whence the US) tend to assume ones own sensibilities are "universal", thus force them onto other cultures thus misrepresenting them. Most of this happens unconsciously and every culture is guilty of this kind of ethnocentrism.

It is better to have each reallife culture represent itself. If one of the Asian cultures is an inspiration for a concept in D&D, it enriches the game to include contributions from that reallife culture.

That said. It helps if the 2024 core base classes start with a multicultural flavor, where the subclasses and other design spaces can bring to life more specific cultural inspirations.
The biggest problem youll have with this culture representing culture argument is for example the monk: each respective Asian society that has monks in thier myth will be just as offended if China were to make a monk and ignore thier version. this whole argument is a sinkhole that turns into a black hole that erases any possible use of the concept. Do we let china or thailand, or Japan or one of the many other countries that have monks use their inspiration . It's a fantasy game it's either fun or delete it. My opinion is ignore the real world while you play in your fantasy world. Why bring all that misery with you.


I want talking to you and the comment is wasn’t about you. Not sure why you jumped in.
your on this forum and I can talk if I want too. Especially when you start posting silly argumentative things that are only there to start arguments. posting on a forum invites every one there to comment. If you don't want comments there is a solution......

your on this forum and I can talk if I want too. Especially when you start posting silly argumentative things that are only there to start arguments. posting on a forum invites every one there to comment. If you don't want comments there is a solution......

I asked a question of a specific person. Your opinion has nothing to do with it. I wasn’t trying to have an argument. I was simply asking a question for clarification.

Before I respond to this post, I did apologize for that being a bit rude. That was not my intent.


The biggest problem youll have with this culture representing culture argument is for example the monk: each respective Asian society that has monks in thier myth will be just as offended if China were to make a monk and ignore thier version. this whole argument is a sinkhole that turns into a black hole that erases any possible use of the concept. Do we let china or thailand, or Japan or one of the many other countries that have monks use their inspiration . It's a fantasy game it's either fun or delete it. My opinion is ignore the real world while you play in your fantasy world. Why bring all that misery with you.
That's a good point. We even have recent and well known examples of how complicated picking one can be with things like dr strange demon slayer & probably other controversies that came up during 5e's existence alone.

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