Gowsam has the heroes dismount as they near the city. The caravan will need to circle the city to the west and north to reach the Calabas. Gowsam takes the opportunity to orient you to Greywall. The first thing that impresses you is the size of the city, really in the middle of the plains. There are ongoing construction projects, breaking down old walls and building upon new walls to allow more internal development.
As you enter the gates, you are impressed by the scale. The whole city, so it seems, is built to a larger scale. Ogres, trolls or other large humanoids would pass easily through every door.
"This is Bloodstone, the largest district," explains Gowsam,
"Those large humanoids that don't live in the Stone Pits live here. But also do the orcs, shifters, changelings or any other normal sized humanoid. In the center of town is the Karda (or the throne), which is where Xor'chylic's fortress is located. But also, where the military houses the Flayer Guard."
The adventurers pass about every sort as the walk the street and listen to Gowsam's orientation. Gnolls, orcs, humans, ogres, trolls and minotaurs. The universal reaction is the same: no one gives a damn. The adventurers are as ignored here as they would be in Sharn.
Gowsam makes a specific point to take you to Little Graywall. Circling and entwining with Bloodstone, Little Graywall is the home to the goblins and kobolds and other small folk of Graywall.
"Goblins are the most numerous of the inhabitants of Graywall. One would argue the city wouldn't function without them. But as they are not as large, they are often abused by the larger inhabitants."
The group passes by a building with smoke billowing from chimneys. The smell emanating from the stone structure is nauseating. Gowsam hols his nose until you get past it,
"That friends, is where you are welcome to eat anytime. That is a grist house. The common food for any inhabitant of Graywall. You are usually assigned a grist house based on your location. What is that smell? The meat they serve is troll. Each grist house has its own troll. The trolls are usually serving terms for punishment. Their meat is flayed off for cooking. Again and again and again." He shakes his head as he maneuvers you further into the city.
Gowsam finally moves you to the Calabas. It is like entering another city, the streets and buildings look like they were transported from Sharn itself. He leads you to the main plaza,
"This is the Roar, named for the dragon stature taking it center (which is roaring at the sky). A goblin market starts around sunset." Around the Roar, you see a Kundarak Vault, several inns, a House Orien enclave and the House Tharashk enclave.
"Let's not keep our friends waiting." He leads you straight to the House Tharashk enclave.