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Ata's 4e Combat Playtest Character Thread

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First Post
Wizard/Spellstorm Mage 20

Eiran the Elementalist reporting for duty! I decided to forgo optimizing him completely (adjusting his ability scores, dropping unnecessary rituals and buying more magic items, etc.). Because I want to see how he performs the way he'd normally be at this level in a regular game.

[sblock=Character Sheet]

Eiran the Elementalist

Race: Human
Gender: Male

Class/Path: Wizard/Spellstorm Mage
Level: 20

Alignment: Unaligned
Deity: Ioun

Languages: Common, Elven

Ability Scores

Str: 9 (-1)
Con: 13 (+1)
Dex: 11 (+0)
Int: 25 (+7)
Wis: 17 (+3)
Cha: 13 (+1)


AC: 32
Fort: 29
Ref: 32
Will: 32

Saving Throws: +1

Hit Points

Max HP: 109
Bloodied: 54

Healing Surges: 9
Surge Value: 27


Passive Insight: 28
Passive Perception: 28

Initiative & Movement

Initiative: +14
Speed: 6

Class Features

Cantrips (At-will)
Orb of Imposition (Encounter)
Ritual Caster

Extra Damage Action
Storm Spell (Daily)
Storm Fury


Arcana: +25
Diplomacy: +16
Insight: +18
Nature: +18
Perception: +18
Religion: +22

Acrobatics: +10
Athletics: +9
Bluff: +11
Dungeoneering: +13
Endurance: +11
Heal: +13
History: +17
Intimidate: +11
Stealth: +10
Streetwise: +11
Thievery: +10


Action Surge
Human Perseverance
Improved Initiative
Skill Focus (Arcana)
Skill Training (Perception)

Danger Sense
Great Fortitude
Iron Will
Spell Focus
Uncanny Dodge
War Wizardry


C: Ghost Sound
C: Light
C: Mage Hand
C: Prestidigitation

L1: Magic Missile
L1: Scorching Burst
L1: Thunderwave


L7: Spectral Ram
L11: Storm Cage
L13: Prismatic Burst
L17: Crushing Titan's Fist


L9: Ice Storm
L15: Wall of Ice
L19: Evard's Black Tentacles
L20: Maelstrom of Chaos


L2: Shield (Encounter)
L6: Dispel Magic (Daily)
L10: Blur (Daily)
L12: Sudden Storm (Daily)
L16: Stoneskin (Daily)


L2: Expeditious Retreat, Shield
L6: Dimension Door, Dispel Magic
L9: Ice Storm, Wall of Fire
L10: Blur, Resistance
L15: Blast of Cold, Wall of Ice
L16: Greater Invisibility, Stoneskin
L19: Disintegrate, Evard's Black Tentacles


L1: Brew Potion, Comprehend Language, Tenser's Floating Disk
L2: Endure Elements, Eye of Alarm
L4: Arcane Lock, Enchant Magic Item, Knock, Transfer Enchantment, Traveler's Feast
L5: Magic Cirle
L6: Commune with Nature, Cure Disease, Disenchant Magic Item, Phantom Steed, Sending, Speak with Dead
L8: Linked Portal, Raise Dead, Remove Affliction, Wizard's Sight
L10: Consult Mystic Sages, Detect Object
L12: Drawmij's Instant Summons, Shadow Walk
L14: Eye of Warning, Planar Sending, Ritual of Retrieval, View Location
L16: Consult Oracle
L18: Planar Portal, View Object
L20: Forbiddance


Belt of Vim +1
Orb of Impenetrable Escape +5 (Daily)
Robe of Contingency (Feyweave) +4 (Daily)
Spell Anchors (Daily)
Torc of Power Preservation +4 (Daily)

Residuum (5,000 gp)
Ritual Books x2
Standard Adventurer's Kit


20 gp[/sblock]
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First Post
Wizard/Divine Oracle 20


Senara the Witch
Human Wizard 20/Divine Oracle
Unaligned - Sehanine

STR 8 (0)
CON 12 (1)
DEX 11 (0)
INT 24 (12)
WIS 20 (7)
CHA 13 (2)

INI +14 (take best of two)
AC 36 (20+1 staff +1i +7a +7 armor)
F: 30 (20+1r+1a +4e+1i+2f+1)
R: 36 (20+1r+1i+7a+4e+2f+1)
W: 33 (20+1r+2c+5a+4e+1i)

HP 108. B: 54. Surge 27. Surges: 9

Foresight: You and each ally within 5 can’t be surprised. Roll twice on initiative, take preferred result

Prophetic Action: When you spend an AP to take an extra move action, gain a move action to use later in the encounter (not that turn)

Terrifying Insight: Whenever you make an attack against Will, you can roll twice and use the higher result. If the attack misses, you are dazed UENT.

Orb of Imposition: Encounter, Free Action. One creature that you cast a wizard spell on takes a penalty to saves against that effect = Wis mod (5). Or use it to extend at at will power’s effect for a round.

Staff of Defense: +1 bonus to AC. Encounter, II. Gain a +1 bonus to defense against 1 attack.

Cantrips: Light, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation

Spellbook: two of level daily and utility power, pick one.
Ritual Casting: Free, 3x1 2x5, 2x11, 2x15

Improved Initiative
Leather Armor
Initiate of the Faith
Second Implement
Psychic Lock
Spell Focus
Uncanny Dodge
Great Fortitude
Lightning Reflexes
War Wizardry
Ritual Casting*

Skills :
- Acrobatics: +10
- Arcana: Y +22
- Athletics: +9
- Bluff: +11
- Diplomacy: Y +16
- Dungeoneering: Y +20
- Endurance: +11
- Heal: +15
- History: +17
- Insight: Y +20
- Intimidate: +11
- Nature: Y +20
- Perception: +15
- Religion: Y +22
- Stealth: +11
- Streetwise: +11
- Thievery: +11

Basic Melee: improvised weapon/unarmed: +9 v AC: H: 1d4-1
Basic Ranged: x

At wills:
Illusionary Ambush: P* R 10: +22 v W: H: 1d6+12 psychic and -2 attacks UENT
Scorching Burst: AB 1 within 10, +22 v R: H: 1d6+12 fire
Thunderwave: CBl 3. +22 v F. H: 1d6+12 thunder and push 6

Prophecy of Doom: R5: You or an ally who hit the target can make the attack a crit. Lasts UENT, or until used.
Winter’s Wrath: Abu2 within 10. +22 v F: H: 2d8+12 cold. E: zone UENT: grants concealment, creatures starting turn in the area take 7 cold damage. Can end as minor.
Mesmeric Hold: P* R 10, up to 3 creatures, +4 att if only attack 1: +22 v W: H: 2d6+12 psychic and immobilized UENT
Prismatic Burst: Abu2 within 20: +22 v W. H: 3d6+12 radiant and blinded UENT

Hammer of Fate: R 20. +18 v W. H: 5d10+8 damage. M: Rewind turn until before you use this power and choose a different standard action. You can’t use Hammer of Fate until the next encounter.
Sleep: Abu2 within 20: +22 v W: H: The target is slowed (save). If the target fails its 1st save, it becomes KO (save). M: The target is slowed (save).
Prismatic Beams: Cbu5. Enemies: +22 v F, R and W. H (F): 2d6+12 poison and ongoing poison 5 (save). H (R): 2d6+12 fire and ongoing 5 fire (save)
H (W): dazed (save). One attack roll compared to all three defenses.
Evard’s: Abu4 within 10: +22 v R: H: 2d10+12 necrotic and immo (save). E: zone of difficult terrain UENT. Sustain Minor: repeat attack against creatures in zone, and deal 1d10+5 necrotic to immobilized creatures.

Good Omens: Standard, R10, you and each ally in range. Targets gain +5 power bonus to all d20 rolls UENT, but can’t score crits.
Shield: II, when hit: You gain +4 power AC, Ref UENT
Dimension Door: Move: teleport 10.
Blur: Minor: until end encounter, gain +2 power defenses and enemies 5 or more squares away can’t see you.
Stoneskin: Standard, touch. You or ally gain Resist 10 all for encounter/five min

Healing Word: Minor: Cbu10, you or ally. Surge +4d6


Defensive Staff Level 2
Lvl 2 +1 520 gp
Implement (Staff )
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d8 damage per plus
Property: Gain a +1 item bonus to your Fortitude, Reflex,
and Will defenses. If you have the Staff of Defense class
feature, you also gain a +1 item bonus to your AC.

Boots of Dancing Level 11
Item Slot: Feet 9,000 gp
Property: Gain a +1 bonus to Reflex defense.
Property: You do not grant combat advantage while you are
Power (Daily): Minor Action. Gain a +5 power bonus to
Acrobatics and Athletics checks until the end of your
next turn.

Gauntlets of the Ram level 8, 3400
+1 distance on push effects

Phrenic Crown Level 17
Lvl 17 65,000 gp
Item Slot: Head
Property: When you use a power against Will defense,
the target (or targets) takes a –2 penalty to saving throws
against any ongoing effect of that power.

Necklace of Fireballs Level 20
Lvl 20 +4 125,000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3,125,000 gp
Item Slot: Neck
Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
Power (Daily ✦ Fire): Standard Action. Pull the ruby from
the necklace and throw it. Make an attack: Area burst
2 within 10 squares; +21 vs. Reflex
(add the necklace’s enhancement bonus to the attack
roll); on a hit, the target takes fire damage equal to 6d6
+4 (half damage on
a miss). After an extended rest, the necklace regrows a
new ruby and can be used again.

Veteran’s Armor Level 17
Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp
Armor: Any
Enhancement: AC
Property: When you spend an action point, you gain a +1
item bonus to all attack rolls and defenses until the end of
your next turn.
Power (Daily): Free Action. Spend an action point. You do
not gain the normal extra action. Instead, you regain the
use of one expended daily power.

Orb of Mental Dominion Level 21
Lvl 21 +5 225,000 gp
Implement (Orb)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +5d6 psychic damage
Power (Daily): Free Action. Use this power when an attack
with this orb succeeds against the target’s Will defense.
When the target makes a saving throw against an effect
from that attack, the target must roll twice and take the
lower result.

Bracers of Mental Might Level 6
Item Slot: Arms 1,800 gp
Power (Encounter): Free Action. Use this power when
making a Strength attack, Strength check, or Strengthbased
skill check. Use your Intelligence, Wisdom, or
Charisma modifier in place of your Strength modifier to
determine the result of the roll.

Belt of Vim Level 8
Lvl 8 3,400 gp
Item Slot: Waist
Property: Gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude defense.

Magic Holy Symbol Level 11
Lvl 11 +3 9,000 gp
Implement (Holy Symbol)
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +3d6 damage

Bag of Holding level 5 - 1000 gp
4x Potion of Vitality (heal 25 HP)

Rituals: Ritual Casting: Free, 3x1 2x5, 2x11, 2x15
Floating Disk
Comprehend Language
Enchant Magic Item
Magic Circle
Raise Dead
Water Breathing
Linked Portal

16000 Residium

880 gp

Adventuring Gear, 200 ft of silk rope, Climber's kit, 6 daggers, Fine Clothing, Thieves' Tools.
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Sharm Brassback, Minotaur Battlerager Fighter - Dreadnought Paragon Path

Sharm Brassback (cousin of Halford's Brudd)
Minotaur Battlerager Fighter - Dreadnought Paragon Path, Unaligned
L 20, Ht: 7’2”


[sblock=Sharm's sheet]
Action Points = 1

Total HP: 145 +10 for Unfailing Resources = 155
Current damage:
Bloodied: 72
Healing Surges: 14 (9+con mod)
Surge Value: 36

S 20 +5
D 14 +2
C 21 +5
I 14 +2
W 11 +0
C 16 +3

Initiative: +16 = +10 (half-level) +2(dex) +4(Imp. Init.)


*Cleave, L1
*Crushing Surge, L1 (Invigorating - grants Sharm +5 temp hp) (MP p. 7)

u*Crushing Blow, L3
*Inexorable Advance, L11 (paragon) S vs. AC, 2 attacks (different opponents, can shift 1 square between) Hit:1[w]+str mod+con mod
u*Anvil of Doom, PH81, L13 S vs. AC, hit: 2[w]+str mod, and target is STUNNED until end of my next turn
u*Boggling Smash, L17 MP17, hit: 3[w]+str mod+ con mod, and target is -2 to attack rolls until end of my next turn and target is also dazed until the end of my next turn

*Victorious Surge, L9 hit: 3[w]+str mod and I regain hp as if I had spent a HS
*Carve Initials, L15 hit: 4[w]+str mod, target marked until end of encounter or I fall unconscious, this mark may not be superseded!
u*Relentless Assailant, L19 (used for day1) Invigorating (grants Sharm +5 temp hp)
*Line-Breaker Assault, L20 (paragon) hit: 3[w]+str mod and slide target 1 square, target is dazed(save ends) and I gain Resist 5 to all damage until the start of my next turn

*Unstoppable - Daily, L2 Minor Action, gain 2d6+5 temp hp
*Battle Awareness - No Action, L6
*Defensive Resurgence - Daily, L10
*Blood Iron - Daily, L12 (paragon) trigger=I become bloodied. Using this power grants me Resist 5 to all damage for the remainder of the encounter
*Bolstering Stride, L16 (MPp16) - Encounter (move ur spd,end adjacent ally. +2d8+con/mod temp. hp)

Paragon Features
*Dreadnought, L11, when Sharm spends an action point he gains Resist 10 to all damage until the start of his next turn
*Unfailing Resources L11, max hp value increases by 10, and can take 10 damage to automatically save against any effect that a save can end
*Critical Hardening L16, when Sharm scores a crit he gains resist 10 to all damage until the end of his next turn

1 Combat Reflexes (+1 to Attacks of Opportunity)
2 Fast Runner (+2 to speed when he charges or runs)
3 Improved Initiative (+4 to initiative checks)
4 Skill Focus (Athletics)
5 Long Jumper
6 Power Attack (+6 damage for paragon tier, -2 attack)
7 Powerful Charge (+2 damage, +2 Bull Rush on charge)
8 Skill Focus (Endurance)
9 Skill Focus (Intimidate)
10 Defensive Resilience (+1 to all defenses with second wind when bloodied)
11 Thunder Hammer (enemy is -2 on saves vs. conditions delivered with hammer/mace)
12 Hammer Rhythm (paragon) (does damage even on a miss with hammer equal to con bonus, 5)

Athletics +21 = +10 one-half level +5 (ability-str) +5 (trained) +3 (feat bonus) -2 armor penalty
Endurance +25 =+10 one-half level +5 (ability-con) +5 (trained) +3 (feat) +4 (item) -2 armor pen.
Intimidate +21 = +10 one-half level +3 (ability-cha) +5 (trained) +3 (feat bonus)
Nature +12 = +10 one-half level +2 racial
Perception +12 = +10 one-half level +2 racial

Magic +4 Maul (size large = 2d8 damage)
+21 Attack = +10(half level)+5(ability, con)+2(proficiency)+4(magic)
Battlerager Vigor: +2 Damage w/ melee weapon whenever he has temp hp

AC = 30 (10+10-half level+10-armor)
Fort = 32 (10+2+10-half level+5-ability+5-amulet-see below)
Ref = 27 (10+10-half level+1-ability+5-amulet)
Will= 28 (10+10-half level+2-ability+5-amulet)

Maul (Large): +21 = +10(half level)+5(ability)+2(proficiency)+4(magic)
-Damage = 2d8+5(ability)+4(magic)
Goring Charge: +17 = +10(half level)+5(ability)+2(proficiency)
-Damage = 2d6+5(ability)

+4 Dwarven Chainmail
- +4 to Endurance Checks
- Heal as a daily free action – regain hp as if you spent a healing surge
+4 Flaming Maul (Large, dam =2d8)
- Crit=+4d6
- Dam dealt is fire damage
- Daily power, free action – on hit, deal extra 2d6 dam. + ongoing 10 fire dam (save ends)
Amulet of Protection, +5, +5 to Fort, Ref, and Will Defenses
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Kozaar the Mighty

Dragonborn Fighter 20/Inner Dragon

Str: 24 +7/+17
Con: 20 +5/+15
Dex: 11 +0/+10
Int: 9 -1/+9
Wis: 11 +0/+10
Cha: 16 +3/+13

Speed: 6
Initiative: +10
Armor Class: 38
Fortitude: 35
Reflex: 26
Will: 28

Hit Points: 159
Bloodied: 79
Surge Value: 44
Surges Per Day: 15
Resist: all 2, cold 10

Basic Melee Attack: Waraxe +24 – 1d12+13
Basic Ranged Attack: Javelin +22 - 1d6+9

Athletics +18
Endurance +16
History +11
Intimidate +20

Weapon Proficiency: Waraxe
Weapon Focus: Axe
Armor Proficiency: Plate
Armor Specialization: Plate
Lasting Frost
Deadly Axe
Draconic Arrogance
Empowered Dragon Breath
Enlarged Dragon Breath
Dragonborn Frenzy

At Will Powers:
Crushing Surge
Tide of Iron

Encounter Attack Powers:
Vorpal Tornado
Crumpling Slam
Dragon Blast
Come and Get It

Daily Attack Powers:
Dragonbreath Strike
Devastation Wake
Unyielding Avalanche
Victorious Surge

Utility Powers:
Boundless Endurance (Daily)
Unbreakable (Encounter)
Into the Fray (Encounter)
Ancestral Manifestation (Daily)
Iron Warrior (Daily)

Specter Plate +5
Wyrmtouched Amulet +4
Frost Waraxe +4
Javelin +2
Ring of the Dragonborn Emperor
Battlestrider Greaves
Shield of Defiance
Gloves of the Ram
Circlet of Indomitability
Girdle of the Umber Hulk
Solitaire (Citrine)
Iron Ring of the Dwarf Lords
Griffon – Impenetrable Barding
Feybread x6
Potion of Vitality x3
Tempest Whetstone x2 (+4 lightning damage)

10,760 gp
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First Post
[sblock]Name: Devastation
Male Tiefling Rogue 20 (Tiefling Hellstalker)
Alignment: Unaligned

Medium Humanoid, 5’10” tall, 197 lbs, 23 yrs old
Black hair, Red eyes, Violet skin

Languages: Common, Supernal, Draconic, Goblin
Vision: low-light

Ability Scores

Str: 14 (13 +1 level)
Con: 14 (13 +1 level)
Dex: 22 (17 +6 level)
Int: 13 (10 +2 racial +1 level)
Wis: 10 (9 +1 level)
Cha: 20 (13 +2 racial +5 level)

Basic Combat Stats

Hit Points: 131
Bloodied: 65
Healing Surges: 8
Healing Value: 32

Initiative:+20 (+10 level +6 Dex +4 feat)
Speed: 6 squares (6 Base)
Action Points: 1


AC: 32 (10 +10 level +6 Dex +2 armor +4 enhancement)
Fort: 29 (10 +10 level +2 str +5 enhancement +2 feat)
Ref: 35 (10 +10 level +6 Dex +2 Class +2 armor +5 enhancement)
Will: 30 (10 +10 level +5 Cha +5 enhancement)

Modifiers: +7 to AC vs. Opp Att, +2 to AC vs. enemies I have CA against, +1 to all defenses when I have concealment or total concealment

Basic Attacks

Melee: Hit: damage:
Melee: Hit: Damage:
Ranged: Hit: Damage: Range

Weapon Attack Bonuses for use with Powers (ability mods not included)

Melee: +4 Footpad’s Friend Dagger Hit: +18 (+10 level +4 enhancement +3 proficiency +1 RWT) Damage: 1d4+6 (+4 enhancement +2 feat)
Melee: Hit:
Ranged: +3 Jagged Shuriken Hit: (+10 level +3 enhancement +2 proficiency) Damage: 1d6+5 (+3 enhancement +2 feat)

Modifiers: +1 to attack w/light blade and CA, +1 to attack vs. bloodied enemies, +2 damage w/light blade vs. large+ opponents,

[sblock=skills, feats and features]
Passive Skills

Perception 25
Insight 20


Acrobatics +21 (+10 level +5 trained +6 Dex)
Arcana +11 (+10 level +1 Int)
Athletics +12 (+10 level +2 Str)
Bluff +20 (+10 level +5 Cha +2 racial +3 item)
Diplomacy +18 (+10 level +5 Cha +3 item)
Dungeoneering +15 (+10 level +5 trained +0 Wis)
Endurance +12 (+10 level +2 con)
Heal +10 (+10 level +0 Wis)
History +11 (+10 level +1 Int)
Insight +10 (+10 level +0 Wis)
Intimidate +20 (+10 level +5 trained +5 Cha)
Nature +10 (+10 level +0 Wis)
Perception +15 (+10 level +5 trained +0 Wis)
Religion +11 (+10 level +1 Int)
Stealth +25 (+10 level +5 trained +6 Dex +2 racial +2 item)
Streetwise +15 (+10 level +5 Cha)
Thievery +21 (+10 level +5 trained +6 Dex)

Backstabber (1st)
Nimble Blade (2nd)
Defensive Mobility (4th)
Improved Initiative (6th)
Slaying Action (8th)
Weapon Focus (light blades) (10th)
Danger Sense (11th)
Defensive Advantage (12th)
Great Fortitude (14th)
Bleeding Backstab (16th)
Light Blade Precision (18th)
Fiery Rebuke (20th)

Racial Traits and Powers
Bloodhunt: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against bloodied foes
Fire Resistance: Resist Fire 15
Infernal Wrath

Class Features
First Strike: CA vs. opponents who haven’t acted yet in the encounter
Rogue Tactics: Artful Dodger--+5 AC vs. opp. Attacks
Rogue Weapon Talent: +1 on attack rolls with daggers, shuriken deal 1d6 damage
Sneak Attack: +3d8 (+5 with footpad's friend)
Hell's Shadows: When you have concealment or total concealment, you gain a +1 bonus to all defenses.
Hellstalker Action: You can spend an action point to gain concealment until the end of your next turn, instead of taking an extra action.
Gloom Wrath: Your infernal wrath racial power also grants combat advantage to you for your next attack roll against an enemy that hit you since your last turn.[/sblock]

At Will Powers
Disheartening Strike—Standard Action, Melee or Ranged Weapon (Rattling): Dex vs. AC, 1[W]+6 damage

Sly Flourish—Standard Action, Melee or Ranged Weapon: Dex vs. AC, 1[W]+11 damage

Encounter Powers
Infernal Wrath—Minor Action, Personal: +1 bonus to attack roll vs. enemy who hit you since your last turn. If you hit, add +5 damage.
From the Shadows—Standard Action, Melee or Ranged Weapon: Before the Attack, you can shift 6 squares. If the target could not see you before the shift, you gain combat advantage for this attack. Dex vs. AC, 1[W] +6 damage and you can shift 6 squares. If you have any cover or concealment after this shift, you can make a Stealth check as a free action.
Dimming Blow—Standard Action, Melee or Ranged Weapon: Dex vs. Reflex, 2[W]+6 damage, and you become invisible to the target until the end of your next turn.
Fool’s Opportunity—Standard Action, Melee Weapon: Dex vs. Will, the target takes damage as if it had been hit by its own melee basic attack. If you have CA vs. the target, you can deal sneak attack damage.
Hounding Strike—Standard Action, Melee or Ranged weapon: Dex vs. Will, 3[W]+6. Until the end of your next turn, you gain combat advantage against the target and a +5 power bonus to all defenses against its attacks.

Daily Powers
Agonizing Shot—Standard Action, Ranged Weapon: Dex vs. Ref, 1[W]+6 damage, and the target is slowed and takes ongoing 15 damage (save ends both.) Aftereffect: target is slowed and takes ongoing 10 damage (save ends both.) Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
Finish It—Standard Action, Melee Weapon (target must be bloodied): Dex vs. AC, 3[W]+6 damage, and ongoing 10 damage. The ongoing damage lasts until the creature is no longer bloodied. Miss: half damage, and no ongoing damage.
Blood Squall—Standard Action, Close Burst 1(each enemy): Dex vs. AC, 2[W]+6 damage, and ongoing 15 damage (save eneds). Miss: Half damage, and no ongoing damage.
Blackfire Wind—Standard Action, Close Burst 1 (each enemy): Dex vs. Ref, 2[W]+6 damage, and ongoing 15 damage (save ends.) Effect: You are invisible to the targets until the end of your next turn.

Utility Powers
Fleeting Ghost (At-Will)—Move Action, Personal: You can move your speed and make a stealth check. You do not take the normal penalty from movement on this check.
Fortuitous Dodge (Daily)—Immediate Reaction, Melee 1: Trigger: A melee or ranged attack misses you. Target: One creature other than the attacker. Effect: the target is also targeted by the triggering attack. You can then shift 1 square.
Close Quarters (Daily)—Move Action, Personal: Move into the space of an adjacent large or larger creature. It gets its usual opportunity attack against you as you leave an adjacent square. You gain combat advantage against the creature, and it takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls against you. When the creature moves, you move along with it, stayi8ng in the same portion of the creature’s space. The creature can make a strength or dexterity vs. reflex attack (as a standard action with no penalty) to slide you into an adjacent square and end the effect.
Devil’s Sight (Daily)—Minor Action, Personal: Until the end of the encounter, you gain darkvision and the ability to perceive invisible creatures and objects as if they were visible.
Hide In Plain Sight (Encounter)—Minor Action, Personal: You must already be hidden. You are invisible until you leave your current square. No other action that you perform makes you visible.



+4 Footpad’s Friend Dagger: Crit +4d6, Property: When you hit with this weapon and deal sneak attack damage, add your charisma modifier to the damage roll. (20th level)
+4 Snakeskin Armor of Night: Resist 10 Radiant. Power (encounter): Minor Action, until the end of your next turn, you gain concealment, and no creatures can make opportunity attacks against you. (19th level)
Amulet of Protection +5 (21st level)
Flaying Gloves (14th—21,000): Power (Daily): Free Action--Use this power when you hit with a light blade melee attack and have combat advantage against the target. That attack deals an extra ongoing 5 damage (save ends). If the attack already deals ongoing damage, this power has no effect.
Boots of the Fencing Master (7th—2,600): When you shift, gain a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex uteoynt. Power (encounter): Minor Action—shift 2 squares.
Flame Bracers (13th—17,000): When you score a critical hit with a melee attack, deal an extra 1d10 fire damage. Power (daily): Minor Action—Your next weapon attack before the end of your next round deals an extra 1d6 fire damage.
Ring of Shadow Travel (15th—25,000): Gain a +2 item bonus to stealth checks. Power (daily): Move action—teleport 4 squares. If the space you teleport from is not brightly lit, teleport 8 squares. You can not teleport into a brightly lit space. If you have reached at least one milestone today, double all teleporting distances.
Baldric of Tactical Positioning (8th—3,400): Power (Encounter): Minor Action—Choose one square adjacent to you. That square counts as an ally for the purpose of flanking until the end of your next turn.
Skeleton Key (10th—5,000): Power (daily): Standard action—when you touch the key to a locked door, chest, gate or other object, make a thievery check with a +20 bonus against the DC required to open the lock.
+3 Jagged Shuriken (12th—13,000) Crit—Ongoing 10 damage. This weapon scores critical hits on a 19 or 20.
Gem of Colloquy (12th--13,000) Gain a +3 item bonus to bluff and diplomacy checks. You understand and speak Draconic and Goblin.
Pouch of Frozen Passage (9th--4,200) Power (daily): Standard Action--you fling ice crystals from the pouch onto an area of open liquid, freezing up to 20 contiguous squares of the liquid's surface. The frozen surface is normal terrain and can support the weight of up to 20 medium creatures, 5 large creatures, or 1 huge creature. It lasts for 4 hours.
Potion of Vitality (15th--1,000) Power (Consumable): Minor Action--drink the potion and spend a healing surge. Instead of gaining your normal surge value, regain 25 hit points and make an immediate saving throw against one effect.
Potion of Mimicry (17th--2600) Power (Consumable): Minor Action--Drink the potion and spend a healing surge. YOu do not gain hit points as normal. Instead, you alter your appearance through illusion, appearing as a specific humanoid creature within your line of sight. You also gain the creature's attire, mannerisms, voice and speech patterns. This effect lasts for 5 minutes or until you dismiss it (a free action). You gain a +10 power bonus to bluff checks to pass yourself off as the creature you're imitating.
Coins- 200gp, 0sp, 0cp[/sblock][/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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