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[AU] Stone Bones


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"How do we re-set the bones? How do we restore the proper life of the earth?"

Thank you ancestors for revealing the truth. Guide the valorian's from their lives.

*Atlas can't help but stand at attention. The rage of the serpent set his nerves on edge. Atlas hoped the death it would deal would be swift.

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Isida Kep'Tukari

*The Shadow Serpent shakes his massive head.*

"I do not know. You are the ones the Earth has called, so the Earth will reveal it in time," the Shadow Serpent says, starting to coil its massive body.


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Darthallys, finally finding his voice, hisses, "Perhaps we should leave the Lord Dragon to his vengance now, before it is vetted 'pon us as well?!?!?"

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Deciding that discretion is the better part of valor, as well as wanting to get very well clear of the Shadow Serpent's rampage, you all continue very quickly on your way farther into the caverns. It is only a little farther before you find the light around you growing, and not from your glowglobes either. Pale green and blue light seems to eminate from the walls, illuminating a huge chamber. Your destination at last: The Bones of the Earth.*

*It is a huge chamber of enormous columns and flows of stone of many varieties, soaring upward like birds to the sky. In some places the columns show clear damage, as if wrenched from their rightful places. In others, the columns try to reach the ceiling, but fail, looking melted and riven, as if... corroded. Dak seems stunned by the chamber, and Kelthet can feel Darkwish thrumming at his side. All of you feel both an intense sense of power, as well as a nagging ache, like a tooth gone rotten.*


*Phaern is awestruck at the immensity and grandure of the chamber. Such natural beauty and strength is amazing, yet the signs of abuse are glaring and painful. He flits up to the nearest column that has been damaged to try and see if he can find any clue as to how they are supposed to fix it.*


*Kelthet visibly staggers upon entering the room. The normally ever-present armor he surrounds himself in flickers in and out of existence, glowly brightly for an instant, then fading, then returning. After a few moment of staring slack-jawed at the room, he collects himself, and joins Phaern in his search, pulling Darkwish from his belt, and attempting to use the weapon as some sort of crude divining rod.*


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Leesea joins the others in awed amazement. When Phaern flies off for a closer inspection, she'll join him...bringing her considerable and varied skills to the task.


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Darthallys snorts as the others walk about with their mouths dangling open. "I must say that I am utterly stunned, my companions. Never in a thousand ages would I have thought - NO DREAMED - that the bones of the earth were...were...were...STONES!", he says with mock theatrics.

He shakes his head slowly, muttering, "Fools...stupified by mere rocks!"


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*Atlas just gives a shake of his large head at Dar's insolence. Atlas had almost gotten used to the porr attitude...almost.

They are beautiful Ancestors. Has any giant ever seen these before? We must fix them."

"Any idea's how to set the bones a right?" *Atlas looks around at his companions, especially the little ones.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Indacalis glares at Darthallys.*

"Show some respect," he mutters as he goes over to the closest column.

*By inspecting the Bones, it seems that some need to be set back into position, while others need to be truly repaired. Kelthet finds himself drawn to a large column in the center. It's cracked, partially corroded, and slightly off center, and it feels oddly warm. If Kelthet were to name it, he might say it was... feverish. Darkwish draws him to the column, and Indacalis comes with him.*

Kelthet: [sblock]You hear a voice within you, an echo of the voice in your stone dreams. What would you wish for the earth? And what would you and the others give to help it?[/sblock]

*It seems to the rest as if some of the columns could be righted by strength, others repaired by magic, and some possibly healed by the Green.*

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