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Avatars by Sialia


Wow! You are incredibly generous with your time!

I wish I had artistic talent. :(

Anyway, if you are looking for something else to do, I would *love* an avatar done by you!

A couple of ideas ... I do play a bard so a few ideas that fit in with my character ...

A magical harp, mandolin, lute, violin, tin whistle, or pan pipes. Any of them would be cool and Stephen is very competent with all of them. :)

Or, if you want something a little different, the adventuring group's name is the "Company of the Winged Fox". (The founding characters are all distantly related.) A fox that is smiling, or laughing, and has wings would be cool.

If any of my ideas strike your fancy, it would be great to use an avatar done by you. But really, don't feel obligated to do it.

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Sialia said:
I'll see what I can do about the nose. Tell me though, what kind of expression should be on the face?

I need to know something about the personality to really put this across.

And I think I have an idea about that scythe.

Thanks for the tip.

Also, any preferences about color scheme? All colors are negotiable in Photoshop.

Color scheme: As a follower of a nature deity, I would think earth tones (especially "forest-y" greens) are appropriate for this character. (I myself prefer blues, but I don't think that's very nature-like. Well, unless you're an aquatic creature) I like the white hair on the avatar, but I think his character sheet says his hair is black. We'll just say he saw a ghost and it's premature gray! ;)

Facial expression - the current avatar almost looks too wise for this character. A few ideas:
  1. Something "combat-y"--a fierce scowl or horrible grimace as he's raging in the heat of battle.
  2. Social awkwardness. Not sure how to say this but, the look of someone who thinks he's just told a really funny joke but has actually insulted someone else. You know--that awkward moment when a social incompetent's face has a combination of (a) expecting a positive reponse, but it's tinged with the (b) confusion of "what did I say wrong?" and a little (c) fear that he's gonna get his head bashed in for what he just said.
  3. A look of shame and disappointment as someone (probably a dwarf) has mocked him for being a beardless dwarf once again.
  4. A look of awe and wonder, as he gazes at the splendor of nature
  5. A look of horror and disgust as the undead advance and try to rip his party to shreds.

    General personality stuff (just FYI): Being an outcast from his own dwarven clan initially made him very bitter. Living in the wild, and actually surviving, turned him to the worship of Obad Hai. Yet he now lives in an area infested with the worshippers of Ehlonna, so he has learned to make friends (temporarily, if needed, to achieve a short-term goal) and avoid theological debates. He has moved "out of the wild" and "into town" (literally), so he must try to get along and follow the rules. And while sometimes he thinks rules and laws are stupid, he has seen and acknowledges the need for some structure in society to keep everyone safe. I guess has pretty much developed in a pragmatist.

    Even though he tries to get along with everybody, he is a fighter-type with a gruff personality. So, sometimes he may lose his temper. But he has become friends with some half-orcs, elves, humans, and even an occasional dwarf. Nothing against halflings and gnomes, he just hasn't travelled much with members of those races.

    He is heroic, but not to the point of stupidity. For example, he has given others his own healing potions to save them, and run through a fire to save someone else, and sent someone else to get help while he started to tackle two dire lions. But, once or twice, he did have to run from a battle so he wouldn't die.


First Post
BardStephenFox said:
A couple of ideas ... I do play a bard so a few ideas that fit in with my character ...

A magical harp, mandolin, lute, violin, tin whistle, or pan pipes. Any of them would be cool and Stephen is very competent with all of them. :)

Or, if you want something a little different, the adventuring group's name is the "Company of the Winged Fox". (The founding characters are all distantly related.) A fox that is smiling, or laughing, and has wings would be cool.

Ah--a winged fox! Now that is something I cannot resist. I'll probably wind up doodling these all week.

This is the first thing that popped into my head. There will be others I'm sure. Maybe one playing an instrument if I can work it. Feel free to give me feedback if this brings anything particular to mind (like "Not red! I hate red!" or "aww I wanted it fuzzier . . " or whatever)

Barennd--apologies, I made another go at it tonight and it was beyond dreadful. I scrapped it and will try again when I am fresh.

13 days left to play with this stuff before school starts.


Keep it coming guys!


  • flying-fox1.jpg
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I'm glad you like the Winged Fox. We spent a good portion of a game session coming up with the groups symbol. I would have to look through all of my notes if I ever wanted to find the full scheme as we soon ended up shipwrecked and more worried about survival. Anyway, I am not worried about the groups symbol. I want mine! :)

I like the blue better just because it has a little more feeling of depth. I always imagined it flying the other direction, but that is a simple flip of the graphic.

Cool! :D


First Post
The rendering is completely seperate from the color sheme. I like the rendred look better, too. But we can make it any colors you like.

Do let me know what colors you want, 'cause I seem to be using a lot of blue and slilver and beige these days. Don't want to wind up with all of them looking the same.

I can do various metallics --gold, bronze, silver . . . or make it look like an ink drawing on paper, or a design etched into stone, or burned into wood. Batiked on fabric is probably not beyound possibility either.

All I need is to know what mood suits you.

Do you like the geometric effect, or should I go for something more organic?

I'll work on personalizing it as I go, but I want to pick out a style and scheme first.


Creature Cataloguer
some nice work here, sialia! but the best avatar of all is your own. :D (well, it's the cutest picture of a flumph i've ever seen... or maybe the only cute one!)


First Post

As you can see from my current avatar to the left, I like the oroborous. Unfortunatly, as I cannot draw to save my life, I had to poorly cut out a snake from an image I found on the web. Soooo... if you're feeling particularly...um...circular (?), perhaps you could take a shot at making one that looks somewhat nicer?

For cool pictures and ideas to draw from, you can visit this site: http://abacus.best.vwh.net/oro/ouroboros.html.

Thanks in advance for your time!


OK, first of all, I am just excited that you would even work on it. So, just about anything is great!

Heck, my artistic talent runs to straight lines. I once did a real nice brick wall drawing with a doorway and a light above. It took me days and I was proud of it, but nobody will ever give me more than funny looks for it. :)

Blues and silvers are cool, so don't feel bad if that is where you find your inspiration running. Actually, I am happy with just about anything that your inspiration runs to. The geometric affect is nice, but if you wanted to go for organic, it would be cool to see! Maybe some reddish-browns? And laughing. Laughing Fox has a significance for Stephen. :) I would be proud to use anything that you come up with.


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Re: oroborous

BOZ [/i]some nice work here said:
As you can see from my current avatar to the left, I like the oroborous. Unfortunatly, as I cannot draw to save my life, I had to poorly cut out a snake from an image I found on the web. Soooo... if you're feeling particularly...um...circular (?), perhaps you could take a shot at making one that looks somewhat nicer?

Hmm. . . this is gonna be another tricky one, since (like Ferret's) I've gotten used to meeting you with this face on and I like it. The simplicity of the circle is so clean and strong--it's hard to improve. But I'll think on it and see if anything happens.

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