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B6: The Veiled Society - IC


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Caridoc waits impatiently while the other pay their fees and have their weapons bound; hopping from one foot to the other, while he watches the procession through the gate. "Come on guys. Hurry up. We're missing all the fun."

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((OOC: If Rezak can't work his way past the guard and needs the fee, you can have Barek pay it. No need to wait for me to post that action, just let me know so I update the sheet :) ))


The guard tells Rezak "The tax is to enter the city, not for binding. It helps pay for city services like taking out the trash - if you know what I mean.

Your best bet is to beg from one of these other travellers. If you can't even do that, you wouldn't last long in the city anyway."

ooc: I assume that Rezak will get the cash from Barek. Will Kynar pay and get his weapons tied as well?


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Celythia sighs as she waits just inside the gate for the others, eying the muddy street. It made her glad for her magical training...otherwise she might not ever be able to get her boots and gown clean.


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"We'd rather not have our citizens be the canvas for such artistry. Oh, I get it, you're worried about what I told the last guy. The town is safe enough, mostly. If you feel the need for self defense, you can buy a dagger at Koro's, three blocks ahead. Tell him Lucas sent you. Or if you're so talented, apply for a job with the city guard. The guards and Duke's men carry their swords unbound, of course, for your protection."

"I did not say the citizens of this... fine," Kynar's voice slightly betrayed the slightest irritation at the compliment, "City would be my canvas, the air does just fine for demonstrative purposes, any who wish to test me further would be those who needed the Guard's attention anyhow."

"The tax is to enter the city, not for binding. It helps pay for city services like taking out the trash - if you know what I mean. Your best bet is to beg from one of these other travellers. If you can't even do that, you wouldn't last long in the city anyway."

"Does this tax contribute to your pay?" Kynar questioned, picking up a gold coin, before turning to one of the others in the group and whispering, "I've only a gold coin... have a few silvers to trade for it?" He then turned to the guard.

"Where could I find more information about the Guard in the city? I will have to look into that..."

[sblock=OOC] Apologies for the delay, this all just looks a bit fishy to Kynar, and he's rather attached to his swords.[/sblock]


"I can give you change for that" the guard says, and holds forth two silver pieces, which he trades for the gold.

"Sure, the more travellers I process, the more coin I make. Seems fair enough" the guard says as he binds the swords of the reluctant Kynar. He pockets the gold, but does put five silver into the other bag.

"If you're really interested in working for the guard, go to the barracks tomorrow. It's south from here, near the docks. Mind you, it takes more than just knowing which end of a sword to hold. You have to be loyal to the Duke. In the meantime, enjoy the Festival of Lucor."

Beyond the gate swirls a crowd of people. With the tax paid and their weapons bound, the party proceeds into the city, making their way down the crowded street, and towards the shop the guard had recommended for buying daggers.

Mud churned up by stumbling dancers cakes on the crowd’s boots. People jostle each other, straining for a look at acrobats, knife-throwers, dancing bears, and minstrels. The smells of sewage, grilled meats, breads, sweat, and wine mingle in a strange, but inoffensive odor.

Suddenly the crowd sways to the sides of the street. The music fades and changes to bells and chanting. Statues carried by several men seem to float above the heads of the crowd. A sedan chair, borne on the shoulders of clerics, follows.

“The procession is coming!” shouts a young boy.

The procession stops. Something is happening at its front. Three men are arguing.

A general hush falls over the crowd as everyone moves back from the procession. Two men, one small, plump, and pockmarked and the other tall and lean, are arguing with the lead bearer of the sedan chair.

Angrily, the small, plump man says to the lead bearer, “Bald-headed fool, do you Torenescu think you own the street? There’s space for all of us, without your ape-like behavior!”

The lead bearer contemptuously waves a rod in the small man’s face. “Out of the way of the Procession of Lucor, Radu rubble!”

The tall, lean man spits towards the nearby statue and says, “That old fool? You make me laugh!”

The lead bearer strikes the tall man, knocking him into the filth. The smaller man tenses, ready to lunge.

ooc: Do you do anything or just watch?


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Celythia takes a few steps away from the drama unfolding in the street. She had come to expect such violent outbursts from humans. It really wasn't any of her business, and she really didn't want to take the chance that she might draw the ire of the men by interfering with their dispute.


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Barek Fhald, half-orc bard

Barek frowns at the pall the disagreement seems to be casting over the otherwise-festive mood. Then he smiles, throwing his arms wide and calling out, "Gentlemen, really, there's no need for shoving or name-calling. Not on a festive day like today, yes?"

[sblock=OOC]Diplomacy +9[/sblock]


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Caridoc pushes his way to the front of the crowd so that he can see the procession. Consequently he as a really good view of the fight. Without turning he says, "Processions are OK but fights are even more fun."


Thy wounds are healed!
"I in agree," Rezak says quitely. "But ye knows tat Barek wills gets us pulled in just in you watch."

Rezak adjusts his dagger in it's hidden sheathe. And starts to look around for something he might be able to use as a weapon should Barek change the targets of the chair bears wrath to him and his companions.

Voidrunner's Codex

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