Babylon 5... reboot?

This is odd, to say the least. In his position, I’d rather expand upon what was done previously with B5 than revisit it. If I were to reboot something, it would be Crusade.

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So, JMS is not know for retreading his prior work. And he seems smart enough to know that he can't catch the same lightning in a bottle again. So, like the dynamics of Londo and G'Kar? If he tries that again, he's putting it in direct comparison with his own work, and if it fails it is... bad. So, I am wondering if the rebooting will be rather extensive. Same themes, different races and characters.
Well, if the article is accurate it seems that at least one character is the same - it's supposed to begin with John Sheridan being assigned to the station (I guess Jeffrey Sinclair doesn't get a look-in this time around). Maybe the BSG approach of "some of the same names, but not necessarily the same characters".

There's plenty of room to take things in different directions. Maybe this time around it will be G'kar rather than Londo who gives the most pleasing answer to Morden's question.

I guess this will give him a chance to correct whatever he sees as flaws or missed opportunities in the original.

I guess this will give him a chance to correct whatever he sees as flaws or missed opportunities in the original.

And also update ideas. He's done a lot of varying work since the first show. As an example, if we have Telepaths in the new B5, maybe he's going to bring in ideas he got while working on Sense8, and so on.

I am in a rewatch of the original now... wand I expect digging into the political commentary is likely on his wish list.

I am in the middle of re-watching the whole series, first time with the kids. I also feel that re-making the outdoor CGI scenes is all that this shows needs.

I wouldn't want to watch a remake of the same story, particularly because so many of the original actors have passed away prematurely.

I don't remember any remake/reboot of a movie or complete series that has lived up to the original. Only Battlestar Galactica won me over the original but that's because the original was never finished. On the technical side, new movies can be much better than 80s and 90s original for sure, but even then I think their success is short-lived.

A reboot? CW?
But JMS himself?

Hmm... put me down in the "would rather see another story in the same universe than a reboot" group. I have big reservations, but if it came to fruition, I would check it out.

I doubt that anyone could ever chew the scenery like Andreas Katsulas. I'd give it a chance but, with my general feelings about reboots, it would be a tough sell. It would need to be very good.

OTOH giving "Crusade" another shot, as it hadn't gotten too far yet, would have some possibilities. Same universe. What has gone before is just prologue. Why does that sentence feel like a Koshism?

JMS talking about the project on Twitter has me really excited. For me as a fan, but also for him. He’s getting a chance to revisit, remix, and retell his masterpiece.

JMS on the reboot
Okay, yeah, that has me excited as well.

CW leaves a little bit of worry, especially with how the quality of Supergirl went down immediately upon switching to their hands, but hopefully they stick to their commitment to give him creative freedom.

Okay, yeah, that has me excited as well.

CW leaves a little bit of worry, especially with how the quality of Supergirl went down immediately upon switching to their hands, but hopefully they stick to their commitment to give him creative freedom.
I must admit to having some trepidation about the trademark CW melodrama creeping into it.

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