Babylon 5... reboot?


So the CW show the 100 is a good bench for me here.

The show starts out as standard cw fare that quickly gets cleaned and polished up into a damn creative take on human issues. It had its slip ups for sure, but it’s the most “non-cw CW” show ive seen, and quite enjoyed it.

if b5 can get on that wagon it’s got a chance

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Staff member
Don't worry, it'll be great. Sheridan trying to decide if he really loves Delenn or Ivanova. G'Kar and Mollari fighting over Lyta's affections. But it's really the new cool kid in scho... on station, Kosh, that the girls are all crazy over.

I have no shame. I’d watch a show with Kosh as the transfer student.

"Hey Kosh, you're cute, wanna go on a date?"
Babylon 90210.

….and I just had this image of some weirdo late in the series looking for “D’Juan”, with little success. As in, “Not D’Juan.”


Given the loss of so many of the cast, and given the time that has passed, a reboot is probably the best way to go with B5. That said, it may well be that the actual best thing to do is "nothing". I guess I'll check it out when the time comes.

What has gone before is just prologue. Why does that sentence feel like a Koshism?
Wasn't that one Delenn? From the end of S3.


Given the loss of so many of the cast, and given the time that has passed, a reboot is probably the best way to go with B5. That said, it may well be that the actual best thing to do is "nothing". I guess I'll check it out when the time comes.

Wasn't that one Delenn? From the end of S3.
Could be. Or something much like it.

Given the loss of so many of the cast, and given the time that has passed, a reboot is probably the best way to go with B5. That said, it may well be that the actual best thing to do is "nothing". I guess I'll check it out when the time comes.
I'll give it a try, watch it if I like it and stop watching it if I don't. Nothing to lose.

I only watched the original episodes last year, so "having my childhood ruined" in a Star Wars style overreaction to something I don't like isn't a risk for me. (EDIT - which is not meant to imply it is a risk for anyone else either!)


The Great Maker long tweeted about this. He went over all the options and why they wouldn't work.

At some point, we have to put our faith in JMS. This is how he gets to work on Babylon 5 again. Maybe there would be no deal if it wasn't a do-over. But we also know he wouldn't settle for less than full control.

So we'll get a show with a familiar name. And some new surprises because he knows we know the old ones.

Voidrunner's Codex

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