Bacon Alarm

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Plus waking up to the smell of bacon but no actual bacon is only going to lead to extreme disappointment.

That's true. I guess that's a pretty good way for the bacon industry to sell more products. I can see the commercials being produced telling you that waking up to the smell of bacon without having real bacon is just too tragic. Go out and buy bacon.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Plus waking up to the smell of bacon but no actual bacon is only going to lead to extreme disappointment.

Heck of a way to defeat the modern fetishizing of bacon. I mean, every day the alarm goes off. You smell bacon, and... no bacon. No bacon, and you gotta get your butt out of bed and work. Pretty negative association there.

Soon, merely the smell of bacon will have you thinking about that. Every time you smell bacon, you think of groggily arising to disappointment and work. Soon enough, you *hate* the smell of bacon.

Jet Shield

First Post
I don't own an iPhone, but, if I did, it would be smashed to very expensive little pieces the first time it teased me with the smell of phantom bacon in the morning.


Most disgusting drink ever: Bacon flavored soda. The smell made me gag, and I'm told it was better than the taste.

To put things in perspective: it was worse than Margo Cola. If you have never heard of Margo Cola, it was the eastern block's answer to Coke before the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed. It had a head of foam like beer (actually, it would put many beers to shame), and a saccharine aftertaste that could kill a roach. Until last year, it was the single most disgusting drink I had ever tasted--worse than brussel sprouts!
One friend didn't believe me until he tried it.

And the Bacon Soda is worse. I'd rather drink the grease from the trap at a McDonalds that hadn't been emptied or changed after a week of frying fish.

Most disgusting drink ever: Bacon flavored soda. The smell made me gag, and I'm told it was better than the taste.

To put things in perspective: it was worse than Margo Cola. If you have never heard of Margo Cola, it was the eastern block's answer to Coke before the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed. It had a head of foam like beer (actually, it would put many beers to shame), and a saccharine aftertaste that could kill a roach. Until last year, it was the single most disgusting drink I had ever tasted--worse than brussel sprouts!
One friend didn't believe me until he tried it.

And the Bacon Soda is worse. I'd rather drink the grease from the trap at a McDonalds that hadn't been emptied or changed after a week of frying fish.

Yeah, that looks about right. Except that he isn't puking.
There is a video I found of a girl trying bacon soda, but there is enough adult language used to describe the smell and taste that I'm sure if I posted it, someone wold get uptight and report it. In any case, yeah, I can see why you hate the bacon soda. It seems like an ungodly drink.

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