Spoilers Bad Batch: Final Season *SPOILERS*

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Caught up got a bit behind.

So if M counts matter force ghosts and Sith spirits don't have a body. Go figure.
Ventress says the jedi “used to believe” M count was connected to force ability, not that it was a fact.

Omega conspicuously fails to use the force, even when she succeeds with a test.


Ventress says the jedi “used to believe” M count was connected to force ability, not that it was a fact.

Omega conspicuously fails to use the force, even when she succeeds with a test.
Yes, but then Crosshair accuses Ventress of lying. I got the feeling she was trying to save Omega some trouble in the long run or something.

Also, Michelle Ang's voice has been sounding noticeably more Kiwi to me as this season has gone on. And Omega's skin also looked noticeably browner - closer to being the same color as her brothers' - in this episode.

As an aside: I thought Disney was using "M count" as a way to avoid using the much-maligned full "midi-chlorian" term, but they had Ventress use it in this episode, so I guess not! But then they also had her downplay the midi-chlorians' importance, so ...


Yes, but then Crosshair accuses Ventress of lying. I got the feeling she was trying to save Omega some trouble in the long run or something.

Also, Michelle Ang's voice has been sounding noticeably more Kiwi to me as this season has gone on. And Omega's skin also looked noticeably browner - closer to being the same color as her brothers' - in this episode.

As an aside: I thought Disney was using "M count" as a way to avoid using the much-maligned full "midi-chlorian" term, but they had Ventress use it in this episode, so I guess not! But then they also had her downplay the midi-chlorians' importance, so ...

Is Ventress lying as well. She doesn't seem dark side either but idk.

Keep watching.

Disneys nailing it animation wise. Live action 50/50.

Yes, but then Crosshair accuses Ventress of lying. I got the feeling she was trying to save Omega some trouble in the long run or something.

Also, Michelle Ang's voice has been sounding noticeably more Kiwi to me as this season has gone on. And Omega's skin also looked noticeably browner - closer to being the same color as her brothers' - in this episode.

As an aside: I thought Disney was using "M count" as a way to avoid using the much-maligned full "midi-chlorian" term, but they had Ventress use it in this episode, so I guess not! But then they also had her downplay the midi-chlorians' importance, so ...
I think the most significant thing Ventress says (although it's not completely new) is that "everyone has an M-count". It's not a binary "you are either a jedi or a muggle". Someone with a decidedly average M-count can be trained in the force (as with Sabine), it's just going to take more effort to learn. So Omega has a high enough M-count that she could be trained as a jedi and learn to use the force, but it's not high enough for her to have special powers without lots and lots of hard work. It's worth noting that Ventress is trained in three different force traditions - jedi, sith and Dathomiri witch. So, whilst a jedi would discount Omega as far too old to learn, other traditions would not. So she believes Omega is potentially trainable, but does not think it would be in her best interest. Ventress does not (apparently) know anything about Project Necromancer, she just knows Omega's M-count is high enough for her to be in danger.

Now, I am going to put this out there - the prequal era jedi misunderstood cause and effect when it came to midichlorians. They do not enable someone to use the force, they are simply attracted to the force. Moff Gideon's plan to give himself force powers by injecting himself with midichlorians was doomed from the start. It also explains how force ghosts can function without a body. The prequel era jedi did not know about force ghosts, Yoda had to go on a personal quest to learn that.

As for the clones, that they have low M-counts indicates force abilities are not inherited directly from the template. We can assume Jango Fett had an average M-count. This is the problem Project Necromancer needs to overcome - they could clone Palpatine now, but the clone would be weak in the force. The significance of Omega is not that she has an exceptionally high M-count, but that she is a clone that seems to have inherited a level similar to her template.

Also, the Empire's general search for people with high M-counts has nothing to do with Project Necromancer. It's for people to train as jedi hunters for the Inquisition. Since most of those people are not clones they are not useful for the Project. Which means there is a solution of sorts for Omega - if they can shut down Project Necromancer she would be much less interesting to the Empire.


Which means there is a solution of sorts for Omega - if they can shut down Project Necromancer she would be much less interesting to the Empire.
Right. Unfortunately for her, as we the audience know, Project Necromancer continues at least as far as the Mando era. I want to say that it ultimately fails, however, since Palpatine looks rather undead when we first see him in Ep IX.


Right. Unfortunately for her, we as the audience know that Project Necromancer continues at least as far as the Mando era. I want to say that it ultimately fails, however, since Palpatine looks rather undead until he realizes he can "feed" on Rey and Ben's Force connection.

Doesn't really fail better than being dead. Not sure how they do the afterlife for Sith in New canon.

We don't actually know when they brought Palpatine back either afaik. Somewhere between Endor and RoS.

Right. Unfortunately for her, as we the audience know, Project Necromancer continues at least as far as the Mando era. I want to say that it ultimately fails, however, since Palpatine looks rather undead when we first see him in Ep IX.
We can assume it will be set back around 30 years, or the emperor would have somehow returned immediately after the Battle of Endor. Hemlock will be toast for sure.
We don't actually know when they brought Palpatine back either afaik. Somewhere between Endor and RoS.
Given that the Imperial Remnant are actively working on getting Project Necromancer back on track in Mandalorian season 3, we can assume it was sometime after that.

It's possible they take a similar line as the Dark Horse Comics non-canonical Dark Empire series. The emperor's clones are reanimated by his force ghost, but they decay rapidly, so he actually goes through a whole series of clone bodies.
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So far, we don't even know that Omega does have a high M-count. All we know is that, when combined with another blood sample, her blood prevents the M-count of that sample from degrading. That could mean that she's contributing some of her own, or it could mean that something in her genetics acts as a stabilising agent when creating a clone of someone who already has a high M-count.

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