Spoilers Bad Batch: Final Season *SPOILERS*


Well, if there was any thought that this was a kids cartoon, watching a character upfront try to murder another character by drowning them in a pretty graphic way dispelled that thought. Good stuff though.

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Well, if there was any thought that this was a kids cartoon, watching a character upfront try to murder another character by drowning them in a pretty graphic way dispelled that thought. Good stuff though.
Well, I dunno, its predecessor got a bit dark at times too, with plenty of torture by electrocution and the like.


Well, if there was any thought that this was a kids cartoon, watching a character upfront try to murder another character by drowning them in a pretty graphic way dispelled that thought. Good stuff though.
These shows have never really been strictly "kids" shows even from the first CLONE WARS series. Hell, midway through the first season Ventress stabs someone from behind with a lightsaber through a chair with the point of her blade sticking out of the dude's chest from the front. And it's done pretty suddenly and with little warning. In terms of violence and overall themes, especially in the later seasons? It's never really been just a "kids" show.

Another fun episode!

Always nice to see Fennec Shand.

I’m thinking the mysterious person she contacted at the end will turn out to be Ventress.

There were already official teasers for this season that said Ventress will be in it. I am surprised that people missed that.




What gave you the impression Shand is working for Ventress? I think they just know each other as fellow bounty hunters, and Shand knew that Ventress would be the best person to know about the M-count bounties.
Simply in the basis of style, it would make sense for Shand to be Ventress’ protégé.

What gave you the impression Shand is working for Ventress? I think they just know each other as fellow bounty hunters, and Shand knew that Ventress would be the best person to know about the M-count bounties.

Ok, I can't find the article right now about Shand working for Ventress, but on a totally different thing, some of what I am reading makes it sound like Omega may be a clone of Ventress. An interview with the producers talk about how Ventress matters to Omega's story. It makes me wonder if whatever was done to keep Omega from aging is specifically so she would not grow up and have people recognize her.


Ventress isn’t human, and it’s easy to tell by her physical appearance.

On appearance, Omega’s skin looked darker in this episode.

And, as I mentioned before, Omega clearly ages. Compare her appearance in this episode with season 1.

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