D&D 5E Baldur's Gate 3 will allow us to explore the whole city of Baldur's Gate Seamlessly


Follower of the Way
Karlach is already a barbarian. I doubt we get two origin characters that are barbarians.
My apologies. I don't have early access, so I was relying on wikis and such...which made no mention of this character.

In that case, yeah, I think it's extremely likely we'll get a dragonborn origin character.

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My apologies. I don't have early access, so I was relying on wikis and such...which made no mention of this character.

In that case, yeah, I think it's extremely likely we'll get a dragonborn origin character.

Some think we will get Helia, a Halfling Bard Werewolf datamined early, but sje disappeared. Minsc was also originally datamined to be an origin character, but got demoted to none origin character. I think Helia's history. Also Minthara and Halsin were not originaly entended to be Companions at all, they get promoted to none origin companions and they will have to change their stories from EA accordingly.

My guesses are Alfira whose a pretty Tiefling Bard with a cool outfit and who sings beautifully, that many have been begging to make a Companion, yet she wasn't listed along side Minsc, Jahiera, Minthara, and Halsin as none Origin Companions. I think its because she could end up the last Origin Companion.

Or perhaps because Minsc is no longer an Origin Companion someone tied to the BG video games or Comics became the last Origin character, like Viconia, or more likely because no companions are Sorcerers, Delina, who turned Minsc from stone to flesh. She'd make sense as a substitute for known character Origin character.
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Some think we will get Helia, a Halfling Bard Werewolf datamined early, but sje disappeared. Minsc was also originally datamined to be an origin character, but got demoted to none origin character. I think Helia's history. Also Minthara and Halsin were not originaly entended to be Companions at all, they get promoted to none origin companions and they will have to change their stories from EA accordingly.

My guesses are Alfira whose a pretty Tiefling Bard with a cool outfit and who sings beautifully, that many have been begging to make a Companion, yet she wasn't listed along side Minsc, Jahiera, Minthara, and Halsin as none Origin Companions. I think its because she could end up the last Origin Companion.

Or perhaps because Minsc is no longer an Origin Companion someone tied to the BG video games or Comics became the last Origin character, like Viconia, or more likely because no companions are Sorcerers, Delina, who turned Minsc from stone to flesh. She'd make sense as a substitute for known character Origin character.
Alfira is definitely most-hoped-for and has featured really prominently in a lot of released art, screenshots, videos, and so on. At the very least I expect she'll travel to Baldur's Gate and serve some role there, because like, that's a lot of effort to expend on a character otherwise. She's also a Bard which, honestly, would be by far the most useful class to have as a companion (because they have a ton of skills, a ton of actually useful but not spotlight-stealing spells, and can buff the heck out of other characters, and heal!). One of the issues with the current selection is that, sadly, they are not the most useful bunch of companions in the world. Especially as as Halsin is a Moon Druid rather than a more support-oriented one.

However given how cryptic they're being I kind of have my doubts. She could always come in as DLC or something later.

I think Viconia is very unlikely given there's a Half-Elf Cleric and an Drow Paladin already.

Delina, with respect, is not going to happen. She's a deeply obscure comics character and would just make fans go "Who?", so trailing her as an exciting final Origin character would be asking for fan backlash - especially as she's Yet Another Bloody Elf (TM). She'll likely be in the game, but playable? Nah.

There's some speculation re: Edwin/a or some sort of variant on Edwin/a, because part of the ARG seemed to hint at it, but I'm pretty skeptical.

I think in general any human or elf or half-elf is unlikely because of the sheer number of them already. Larian certainly seem to think people will be excited by the final reveal, so I tend to suspect a more exotic species (like Dragonborn) and/or a fairly well-known BG lore character (Imoen should be too old but that means nothing, and she had a very unconfirmed death in the lore - but as a human and doubling up Rogue I think she's unlikely).

Helia seems plausible at least, though I have a feeling that they might have backed off on her.

Alfira is definitely most-hoped-for and has featured really prominently in a lot of released art, screenshots, videos, and so on. At the very least I expect she'll travel to Baldur's Gate and serve some role there, because like, that's a lot of effort to expend on a character otherwise. She's also a Bard which, honestly, would be by far the most useful class to have as a companion (because they have a ton of skills, a ton of actually useful but not spotlight-stealing spells, and can buff the heck out of other characters, and heal!). One of the issues with the current selection is that, sadly, they are not the most useful bunch of companions in the world. Especially as as Halsin is a Moon Druid rather than a more support-oriented one.

However given how cryptic they're being I kind of have my doubts. She could always come in as DLC or something later.

I think Viconia is very unlikely given there's a Half-Elf Cleric and an Drow Paladin already.

Delina, with respect, is not going to happen. She's a deeply obscure comics character and would just make fans go "Who?", so trailing her as an exciting final Origin character would be asking for fan backlash - especially as she's Yet Another Bloody Elf (TM). She'll likely be in the game, but playable? Nah.

There's some speculation re: Edwin/a or some sort of variant on Edwin/a, because part of the ARG seemed to hint at it, but I'm pretty skeptical.

I think in general any human or elf or half-elf is unlikely because of the sheer number of them already. Larian certainly seem to think people will be excited by the final reveal, so I tend to suspect a more exotic species (like Dragonborn) and/or a fairly well-known BG lore character (Imoen should be too old but that means nothing, and she had a very unconfirmed death in the lore - but as a human and doubling up Rogue I think she's unlikely).

Helia seems plausible at least, though I have a feeling that they might have backed off on her.

The comic book isn't obscure, it does well enough that they keep making them, and she has an interesting story and she is a major character in the Mindbreaker, the BG3 prequel comic book, and we have 2 human origin characters.

Plus Delina has an awesome and super fun MtG card, she isn't that obscure. Honestly she's in the sweet spot, she fameous enough to tie into BG's longer story well, filling the role Minsc likely had, but not so iconic that WotC will object to folks having sex with her or as her in game (I feel confediant that is why Minsc was demoted from Origin character to Companion, WotC doesn't want character too iconic seen having graphic sex in game, except maybe Ed Greenwood characters like Elminster, just no Minsc, Jahieira, Drizzt, or whatever).

Plus there is a BG3 trailer of Delina's magic turning Minsc back into flesh from stone. With Minsc's demotion from Origin story to Companion, that kind of Origin back story scene doesn't make sense.


I'm sorry dude, she's obscure enough that she might as well be an entirely new character they just made up. If they announce her as the new Origin character on the 7th, people will be annoyed, because:

A) She's yet another bloody Elf.

B) She's got a really convoluted and elaborate yet somehow boring backstory, to judge from the FR wiki.

C) All Origin characters have a "dark secret" - her obvious one would be her link to her brother. Except that's been entirely resolved in the comics, if the FR wiki is correct. The only way to use it would be to essentially reset her to before it was resolved, and re-tell that story within BG3.

D) She's a Sorcerer, which would be the least-useful of the three classes which isn't currently available as a companion, as there's basically nothing it can do that Gale can't.

There's so many interesting characters they could use, I have no idea why they'd go for one who is both complicated and boring and also missing the necessary "dark secret".

there's basically nothing it can do that Gale can't.
Not be smug?

I think it's very probable the last origin character will be a bard. It's got to be a class the player would actually want to use as the main character, and since BG3 is so talky, making the main character the party face with great social skills is a good idea.

Personally, I think it will be Helia, since voice acting is expensive, and hers is already recorded. And a halfling werewolf is so very Larian.

But if not her, some other bard. Hello? Garrick? Is that you? I thought you were dead.
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I'm sorry dude, she's obscure enough that she might as well be an entirely new character they just made up. If they announce her as the new Origin character on the 7th, people will be annoyed, because:

A) She's yet another bloody Elf.

B) She's got a really convoluted and elaborate yet somehow boring backstory, to judge from the FR wiki.

C) All Origin characters have a "dark secret" - her obvious one would be her link to her brother. Except that's been entirely resolved in the comics, if the FR wiki is correct. The only way to use it would be to essentially reset her to before it was resolved, and re-tell that story within BG3.

D) She's a Sorcerer, which would be the least-useful of the three classes which isn't currently available as a companion, as there's basically nothing it can do that Gale can't.

There's so many interesting characters they could use, I have no idea why they'd go for one who is both complicated and boring and also missing the necessary "dark secret".

You mean besides metamagic?
Not be smug?

I think it's very probable the last origin character will be a bard. It's got to be a class the player would actually want to use as the main character, and since BG3 is so talky, making the main character the party face with great social skills is a good idea.

Personally, I think it will be Helia, since voice acting is expensive, and hers is already recorded. And a halfling werewolf is so very Larian.

But if not her, some other bard. Hello? Garrick? Is that you? I thought you were dead.

If its a none Helia Bard, Alfira is the most likely bet, she not only has dialog, but great visuals, popularity, and beautiful singing. She like a old school Disney Princess from Hell.

Voidrunner's Codex

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