D&D 5E Baldur's Gate 3 will allow us to explore the whole city of Baldur's Gate Seamlessly


Space Jam Confirmed
I don't think Alfira will be a companion because I don't think they'll do two tieflings (Karlach already being a companion). Granted there are already two elves and THREE half-elves. Due to her popularity, I do think Alfira's role will be expanded, but not as an origin or joinable character.

I think a bard is likely, and it'll be a dragonborn, half-orc, gnome, halfling, or dwarf.

If not a bard, the other currently unrepresented classes are monk and sorcerer.

In terms of DLC - it's not impossible, but Larian has never done DLC in any previous games. Only free improvements/updates.

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I don't think Alfira will be a companion because I don't think they'll do two tieflings (Karlach already being a companion). Granted there are already two elves and THREE half-elves. Due to her popularity, I do think Alfira's role will be expanded, but not as an origin or joinable character.

I think a bard is likely, and it'll be a dragonborn, half-orc, gnome, halfling, or dwarf.

If not a bard, the other currently unrepresented classes are monk and sorcerer.

In terms of DLC - it's not impossible, but Larian has never done DLC in any previous games. Only free improvements/updates.

They also have never done D&D game. This is uncharted territory. There are hints in the game of a Waterdeep Undermountain DLC.

Have to agree wit the above. There are heavy hints that DLC is planned, and whilst Larian hasn't done paid DLC before, every previous Baldur's Gate has had DLC (or expansion packs as they where called when they still came on disks).

Voidrunner's Codex

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