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Bands with hit singles that were not hit singles

So this is a thread for obscure or sort of obscure bands that should have been popular but were not. That did a song that you can’t believe more people don’t know about.

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Staff member
Course of Empire

(I wanted to post a live vid to show they used 2 drummers, which was sooooo powerful to experience.)


Staff member
Dynamic Syncopation

Their lack of success is somewhat their own fault, IMHO. That video is a remix- the original does not touch it. And AFAIK, this particular remix and funky video only showed up on a skateboarding/BMX/skating show on deep cable.


Staff member
Fanny, covering The Beatles

They were one of the first all-female rock bands. Bowie was a fan. They just didn’t catch fire. But there’s a movie about them coming out soon, so everyone will be able to contemplate the “what might have beens”.



My favorite album to gift to my music friends cause no one's heard of this group.

Very dark, dreamy, and sad, it recounts the "other world" the singer used to visit as a kid.

It's in French, but here's the lyrics in English:
Where I come from, time doesn't exist
Seconds turn into hours
The years are short moment, immediately gone
And our deceiving words are replaced
By music and colors,
Floating like fragrances in the amber air

"Don't be afraid, now it's all over
Break the chains of your deadly fears
To be free from them forevermore
And find the previous tranquility
Don't be afraid, now it's all over
Let your tears run one last time
To be free from them forevermore
And rejoin the world you come from"

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