D&D 5E Basic Game cover mockup

Yeah full PDF of rules release same time as the Starter Set (not sure if the same 3rd July WotC affiliate stores release, or standard release 2 weeks later)

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Updated Mockups & New A4 Sized Mockups

Thanks for your patience with the A4 mockups, I was dealing with other computer issues. :D

Changes to this round include:
  • Adding the missing word "and" on the back. See if you can spot it.
  • Updated the logos (hardly noticeable)
  • Changed the non-dragony red bits to more closely match the red from the Starter Set PDF released yesterday.
  • A new A4 version!

Again, the full covers are slightly larger than 2 Letter (or A4) pages + 1 spine width. The front and back only jpegs are exactly Letter and A4 sized. All these jpegs are 300 dpi and I saved them at maximum JPEG quality to avoid annoying artifacts in the red areas. Sorry for their large size.

To keep the size separation easier I will attach the Letter covers here and the A4 covers in another post.

Letter Covers:

Full Cover:
Basic Game - Letter Cover - Full.jpg

Front Cover:
Basic Game - Letter Cover - Front .jpg

Back Cover:
Basic Game - Letter Cover - Back.jpg


Finally we have the 3 core book covers all sharing a bit of themselves for the Basic version, so I figured why not all 3 covers sharing the Basic Rules/Game cover?

Let me know what ya think and I hope you enjoy them!

I quite like the tri-cover version. It quite a clever idea.

I would be inclined to reverse the beholder image so as to be able to crop out the crazy (cross?)-eyed fleeing adventurer in favour of the dwarf standing his ground.



Thanks for your patience with the A4 mockups, I was dealing with other computer issues. :D
If I may be pardoned for borrowing a movie quote: "Holy Mary, mother of God. Would you look at that..."
These are frickin' AWESOME and exactly the kind of imagery I want on my rule book. Now if I could only print them and have them look that good...


An update on cover mockups

I thought I'd mention here that I have uploaded new PDFs to the downloads area here that have multiple cover art options in Letter and A4 sizes.

Now you can pick and choose different art, "Player's Basic Rules" and "DM's Rules" texts etc. Just use Adobe Reader or another PDF viewer with layer support to choose which options you want.


Voidrunner's Codex

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