Spreading holiday cheer.
Almost every benefit from the Bastion is magical/not mundane. Creating magic items, getting boons, etc.
D&D is a magical game. Common and Uncommon magic items are built in to that game. I embrace that.
D&D has become an increasingly magical game, where magic has become more ubiquitous. Not everyone likes that or wants it for their game.
Honestly it makes more sense to have a lot of minor magic items around in modern D&D. Where it use to be stuff like "Wizards are rare" to "Just send your kid off to Wizard school next to the Sorcerers, Warlocks, Bards, and anyone and every other class that wants so magic" then yeah it magic items for budget makes sense.
Plus it helps to make sense why thousands and thousands of years can pass without technology really advancing. Who needs electric lights when ever-burning torches are 5 for 10 copper at the local Arcane 7-11.
I'm more of the "If you want a Wizard, seek out a Wizards tower" type.
But yes, whatever works for your table.