D&D General Bedlamite

Casimir Liber

So 5e planescape mentions an ore called Bedlamite that is found in/near Bedlam (outlands - near gate to Pandemonium). Was this new for 5e? If older, was there any lpre about its properties (or existence) in earlier editions?

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Dusty Dragon
Considering the association of bedlamite with archaic mental institutions and views on mental illness... perhaps change the term?

I have no information on the topic, sorry :(


A suffusion of yellow
So 5e planescape mentions an ore called Bedlamite that is found in/near Bedlam (outlands - near gate to Pandemonium). Was this new for 5e? If older, was there any lpre about its properties (or existence) in earlier editions?

an ore? bedlamites were the inhabitants of Bedlam a town in Pandemonium. It was built on a hill of magical volcanic obsidian, so maybe thats what the Bedlamite ore is?


So 5e planescape mentions an ore called Bedlamite that is found in/near Bedlam (outlands - near gate to Pandemonium). Was this new for 5e? If older, was there any lpre about its properties (or existence) in earlier editions?
There is no mention of "bedlamite" in AD&D Planescape Campaign Setting, Player's Primer to the Outlands, or Planewalker's Handbook.

The Player's Primer to the Outlands does mention volcanic stone and black obsidian being in the area or used for building a tower.

You might treat anything made of "bedlamite" as obsidian that whispers / changes dreams that subtly negatively influence a creature's sanity.

Casimir Liber

Ok 5e book (Sigil and the Outlands) says,

The Wailing Hollows are a network of wind-eroded tunnels that originate in the Gatemouth district and extend into Midtown. A haunting whistle pervades the pitch-black caverns, which mimic the ecosystem of Pandemonium. Although darkweavers prowl the Hollows, ambitious miners flock to caves in search of Bedlamite, a highly coveted black ore that fumes with malice.


Dusty Dragon
Ok 5e book (Sigil and the Outlands) says,

The Wailing Hollows are a network of wind-eroded tunnels that originate in the Gatemouth district and extend into Midtown. A haunting whistle pervades the pitch-black caverns, which mimic the ecosystem of Pandemonium. Although darkweavers prowl the Hollows, ambitious miners flock to caves in search of Bedlamite, a highly coveted black ore that fumes with malice.
So this is a 5e invention? Yikes. Rather ableist isn't it?

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
So this is a 5e invention? Yikes. Rather ableist isn't it?
Is the issue Bedlam, the gatetown, or the ore?

Because evil ore tainted by an infernal plane doesn't seem inherently ableist to me.

I can see an argument for changing the name of the town, though. Changing planar location names is something with a long legacy in D&D, and for (IMO) sillier reasons than this.
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A suffusion of yellow
Is the issue Bedlam, the gatetown, or the ore?

Because evil ore tainted by an infernal plane doesn't seem inherently ableist to me.

I can see an argument for changing the name of the town, though. Changing planar location names is something with a long legacy in D&D, and for (IMO) sillier reasons than this.
Yeah I‘m suprised they didnt change the name of the gatetown and thus the ore. Bedlam maybe a synonym for pandemonium but its association with ‘chaos and confusion’ and the British lunatic reforms is problematic.
Of course that association is archaic, the term lumatic was removed from legislation in the 1920s. Would the association with the asylum even be current amongst the ‘mainstream’ population?

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