Best Quality in a GM


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You touched on something here, Weem. I knew this guy who took acting lessons just so he could be a better role player and work on his spontaneous GMing and not doing "oh's" and "ums" was amazing. He did multiple voices, styles, etc.

This is a really good point, because I also sat on the end of a table of a guy who didn't do any role playing and just stated "you do this" or "you do that" and that was fairly boring.

My brother has quite a bit of experience as a DM now, but he was always a TON of fun to have as one even when he was new to it - much of that had to do with his amazing wit and improv skills - he did a lot of acting and theater and it just completely made the game. Each NPC you talked to felt like a completely real and unique person and it really draws you in.

The rest of the stuff like understanding the rules/mechanics come easier (imo) than being able to articulate RP scenes (in a very compelling manner), and to portray NPC personalities that are unique to each one you encounter, etc.

Part of that can be learned and improved, but a lot comes from talent I think, and he has it. I have been DM-ing a long time (muuuch longer than him) and it's still something I work very hard at - it just happens to come more naturally to him.

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Knowing your players is nice, knowing yourself is also important. What are you good at and what not, and how can you build on the first and improve on the latter?


Lot of great points on this thread. I value many of the same things, and in fact I think I take many of them for granted.

For me: I want the GM to take me some place. I want a story or line of encounters that makes me wonder and care about what's going to happen next. I want to be able to see the game--the game world as a whole, as well as the encounter or actions that are happening at the moment. I want to suspend disbelief.

All that requires that the GM both realize these elements in his or her mind, and then communicate them effectively and consistently.


This has been an interesting conversation.

I think when we see the GM shine and display their good qualities (however we define for us), then the GM is further inspired to continue to contribute and work on his game.

Oftentimes, as GM's, we should look back and think about what makes our players happy in their experience of gaming. Poor GM's think they have what it takes while their player languish in boredom or frustration.

So, when I think about my qualities, I also look to see if there are qualities that I can add or improve and you guys have posted some really great feedback.

Happy Gaming!

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