Beyond the Rerisen Tower(DM Iron Sky, Judge: renau1g)


This may be Toeto's first time aboard a vessel larger than a canoe, but she feels guilty about letting the sailors do all the work. She offers her assistance to the halfling captain with sailing the ship. At first, Toeto is more of a burden than a help: she needs to be instructed in how to do everything. Regardless of her handling of the lines, she proves herself useful when she locates a faster moving stream of water within the ocean and directs the helmsman to it.

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After seeing that Uyanmas is properly situated in one of the cargo holds, fed, and watered, Salgyn returns to the upper decks and takes a seat near Kaz and Eithal. "Sea breeze is nice, yes? Refreshing. Reminds me of home, vhere strong winds blow over seas of grass on high mountain steppe."

"I come from Allarian vasteland. My people, the Chon, ve ride our horses far and wide there herding ibex. Our great ancestor Hayang rode to battle against Hzakan on back of Suurgan, the Windhorse. This is how ve win rights to graze our herds on Hzakan land..."

As he regales the reclining elf and goliath with his tales of home, Salgyn unstraps a box-shaped lute from his back, its upper neck carved in the shape of a horse's head, which he calls a doshpuluur. "You vould like some music, maybe?," he asks as he begins plucking a soft tune on the instrument to accompany his stories.

OOC: Salgyn gets better acquainted with his new traveling companions.


First Post
Not long after Salgyn comes back from the cargo hold, a kenku staggers up onto the deck, clearly the same one that was poking around the docks before, although his stylish breeches and cape are now sadly rumpled. "I am not spending the entire journey lodged next to an odiferous horse, and that's flat!" he declares. He then looks around at the strange company with an air of surprise. "Well. It appears that there has been a mistake. I am Scarmiglione, lately of the--well, never mind, but this clearly isn't the ship that I booked passage on. No matter, I shan't hold it against anyone. I am only taking a little vacation and the destination is not terribly important; there are sights to be seen everywhere. So if you would be good enough to put me down wherever you are heading, then we can part ways and say no more about it." The kenku has a resonant, almost hypnotically pleasant voice, that makes one almost regret not believing him.

[sblock=ooc]My action will probably depend on the reaction I get; if people get angry at Scarmiglione, he might be persuaded to do almost anything.

Edit: and thanks to pacdidj for giving me an excuse to get out of the hold :)[/sblock]
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Captain Boundling looks at Scarmiglione then at the group, the usually lighthearted halfling looks quite serious. "Is this one with you? Stowaways get left by the shore at best or simply thrown overboard..."


Fredrock takes a moment from training the recruits, to consider the newcomer. Hmph..don't recall... there is a slight pause, as Fredrock isn't sure of the it male or female? being with us. However, perhaps it can pay for passage by helping us clear out the undead at the tower, and beyond.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
GM: Oh, quick question Xeterog, is Fredrock Training the Militia or Preparing the Milita (one is physical, one is psychological)? I'm assuming you're Training them, but I thought I'd double check to be clear.


First Post
"Now see here!" says Scarmiglione, straightening his cape and drawing himself up huffily. "I am not a 'stowaway,' and my being on the wrong boat is hardly justification for getting tossed overboard like yesterday's dinner. And I should not be expected to pay for passage when I have no idea where in the world I am going!"

There's no better way to prepare for battle than to learn your compatriots' skills and capabilities. I'll start, Yishim says to the other adventurers.
I'm not much good in any kind of hand-to-hand combat, but do greatly enjoy keeping the strongest of threats at bay or otherwise out of any ability to harm my allies. With great bursts of fire and cold I can often crush weaker opponents, but my true skills lie in transforming how others view the world around them. They can become utterly lost in their thoughts and unable to see the dangers we present.

Yishim listens to the tactics of the other party members, whiling away the hours at sea.
OOC: I get to know the party members better. +2 to saves with an adjacent ally, and +2 to damage when flanking with an ally. I'm also switching to Orange as my color.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
OOC: Stuff about Mechanical Benefits you got

GM: Please don't post the contents of the Mechanical Benefit sub-sblocks.

Aside from that, I think almost everyone has posted what they're doing now:

*Yishim and Salgyn are getting to know their allies
*Fredrock is training militia
*Toeto is helping sail the ship
*Kaz is reading the journal
*Eithal is resting

That leaves Scar, which depends on everyone else.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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