Beyond the Rerisen Tower(DM Iron Sky, Judge: renau1g)


First Post
Scarmiglione has for some time been surreptitiously admiring some small object that he holds concealed in his hand, but looks up as the tower comes into view. There is a brief flash of gold as he puts the object away. "It that it?" he asks, looking at the tower. "I was expecting something more... picturesque. At any rate, let us land here, by all means."

OOC: Still need a taker for the holy water.

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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Though Boundling looks skeptical, the militia quickly begin unloading their belongings and supplies. Together, the group of you begin the long hike up the switchbacks towards the tower.

You only make it almost to the end of the first switchback when the ravens suddenly dive from the tower to a higher switchback, materializing in the form of an all-too-familiar figure.


- welcome back -

The words form inside your head, sounding strange, foreign, and forbidding.

Before anyone can react, the figure makes a gesture and lightning tears from the sky, exploding into the switchback in the center of the group with an immense detonation.

Three of the militia members are killed instantly and Eithal, Yishim, Salgyn, and Kaz are hurled off the cliff into the soft sands below. When everyone recovers enough to look up through the raining debris, the figure is gone.

Meanwhile, the dead lumber across the beach and a huge press of them shambles around the bend in the switchback, while ravens dive at the party from the cliff tops.

The militia, taken aback by the sudden destruction and assault of the dead, reel in shock.

[sblock=Lightning Blast]The blast targets all party members and 5 of the militia:

Lightning Blast:
*17 Reflex vs Eithal, hit, 16 Lightning damage and push 6, save vs falling off the cliff: 1d20=6, failed, falling damage: 4d10=32/2(sand)=16 damage and prone.
*11 Reflex vs Fredrock, miss, 8 Lightning damage, triggering Battle Resilience, damage reduced to 1.
*18 Reflex vs Scarm, hit, 16 Lightning damage and push 6, save vs falling off the cliff: 1d20=19, save, prone.
*12 Reflex vs Toeto, miss, 8 Lightning damage.
*24 Reflex vs Yishim, hit, 16 Lightning damage and push 6, save vs falling off the cliff: 1d20=2, fail, falling damage: 4d10=14/2(sand)=7 damage and prone.
*19 Reflex vs Salgyn, hit, 16 Lightning damage and push 6, save vs falling off the cliff: 1d20=3, fail, falling damage: 4d10=19/2(sand)=9 damage and prone. Acrobatics 1d20+7=11, reduces the damage to 4.
*21 Reflex vs Kaz, hit, 16 Lightning damage and push 6, save vs falling off the cliff: 1d20=9, fail, falling damage: 4d10=29/2(sand)=14 damage and prone.
*26, 15, NAT1, 22, 11 Reflex vs Militia, 3 hit, 3 dead.[/sblock]

[sblock=Initiative]Eithal: 1d20+2=20.
Fredrock: 1d20=18
Scarm: 1d20+6=13
Toeto: 1d20+3=8
Yishim: 1d20+5=21
Salgyn: 1d20+3=19
Kaz: 1d20+4=11
Enemy: 7

All players are up. You will need to draw weapons, though I'll say any shields are already readied.

The Master Mason and the rest of the militia are elsewhere on the first switchback and will avoid the combat.[/sblock]

Round 1

[sblock=Combatants, Switchback]Rerisen Dead 1: I3
Rerisen Dead 2: J3
Rerisen Dead 3: K3
Rerisen Dead 4: J2
Rerisen Dead 5: K2
Rerisen Dead 6: L2
Rerisen Dead 7: J1
Rerisen Dead 8: K1
Rerisen Dead: Minion, 14 AC, 14 Fort, 12 Ref, 12 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic. MBA - Slam: +6 vs AC, 5 damage and push 1.

Rerisen Hulk 1: L1
Rerisen Hulk: 36 Max HP, 15 AC, 14 Fort, 11 Ref, 12 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic, Vulnerable 5 Radiant. MBA - Slam: +6 vs AC, 2d6+3 damage and push 2.

Rerisen Beast 1: P3(on cliff face, 3 squares up)
Rerisen Beast 2: O15(on cliff face, 6 squares up)
Rerisen Beast: 28 Max HP, 14 AC, 13 Fort, 14 Ref, 11 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic, Vulnerable 5 Radiant. MBA - Claw: +6 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.

Rerisen Raven Swarm: P10(8 squares up)
Rerisen Raven Swarm: 34 Max HP, 16 AC, 12 Fort, 14 Ref, 13 Will, 1/2 damage from melee/ranged, Resist 10 Necrotic, Vulnerable 5 Burst/Blast/Radiant. MBA - Beaks and Talons: +7 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage + 1d4 Necrotic damage. Winged Pestilence: Any creature that ends its turn adjacent to a swarm takes 5 Necrotic damage.

Rerise: If any Rerisen creature is reduced to 0 hp by anything but radiant or critical damage, it makes a saving throw at the start of its next turn. On success, it gains 1 hp and is dazed until the start of its next turn.

Fredrock: I8, 1 damage taken, DR7
Scarm: F8, 16 damage taken, prone
Toeto: F12, 8 damage taken

Militia 1: I5, dazed
Militia 2: K5, dazed
Militia 3: F10, dazed
Militia 4: E11, dazed
Militia 5: E13, dazed
Militia 6: C13, dazed
Militia 7: D15, dazed
Militia 8: A15, dazed
Militia 9: C16, dazed
Militia: Minion, 16 AC, 13 Fort, 13 Ref, 11 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic. MBA - Spear: +7 vs AC, 4 damage.
Militia killed:3

Status Key:
Name: Location, damage, EONT/SONT effect, Encounter effect[/sblock]

[sblock=Militia]As a minor action, you may give the militia a command, either a minor, move, or standard action. If they leave the right side of the map, they are out of the fight.

As a free action, you make take the damage for an adjacent Militia or, alternatively, when you take damage, you make make the Militia take it for you.[/sblock]

[sblock=Combatants, Beach]Rerisen Dead 1: G1
Rerisen Dead 2: K1
Rerisen Dead 3: H20
Rerisen Dead: Minion, 14 AC, 14 Fort, 12 Ref, 12 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic. MBA - Slam: +6 vs AC, 5 damage and push 1.

Rerisen Archer 1: M1
Rerisen Archer: Minion, 14 AC, 12 Fort, 14 Ref, 12 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic. MBA - Slam: +6 vs AC, 3 damage.

Rerisen Hulk 1
: I1
Rerisen Hulk 2: J20
Rerisen Hulk: 36 Max HP, 15 AC, 14 Fort, 11 Ref, 12 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic, Vulnerable 5 Radiant. MBA - Slam: +6 vs AC, 2d6+3 damage and push 2.

Rerisen Beast 1: O1(on cliff face, 3 squares up)
Rerisen Beast 2: N20(on cliff face, 3 squares up)
Rerisen Beast: 28 Max HP, 14 AC, 13 Fort, 14 Ref, 11 Will, Resist 10 Necrotic, Vulnerable 5 Radiant. MBA - Claw: +6 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage.

Rerisen Raven Swarm: C1(10 squares up)
Rerisen Raven Swarm: 34 Max HP, 16 AC, 12 Fort, 14 Ref, 13 Will, 1/2 damage from melee/ranged, Resist 10 Necrotic, Vulnerable 5 Burst/Blast/Radiant. MBA - Beaks and Talons: +7 vs AC, 1d4+5 damage + 1d4 Necrotic damage. Winged Pestilence: Any creature that ends its turn adjacent to a swarm takes 5 Necrotic damage.

Rerise: If any Rerisen creature is reduced to 0 hp by anything but radiant or critical damage, it makes a saving throw at the start of its next turn. On success, it gains 1 hp and is dazed until the start of its next turn.

Eithal: H10, 12 damage taken, prone
Yishim: L11, 23 damage taken, bloodied, prone
Salgyn: J8, 20 damage taken, prone
Kaz: I12, 30 damage taken, bloodied, prone

Status Key:
Name: Location, damage, EONT/SONT effect, Encounter effect[/sblock]

[sblock=Terrain]The cliffs are rocky, sheer, and damp - DC 20 Athletics(climb).

The rocky outcroppings on the beach in the lower left of the map are 1 square up and take a DC 15 Athletics check to climb.

On the beach, the water in lines F and E is difficult terrain and if you end your turn in one of those squares, the water slides you to line G. Beyond line E you must swim.

To get from one map to the other, requires leaving the right side of the map, then moving 40 mores squares to arrive at the right side of the other map. Alternatively, the cliff face is 8 squares high from the beach to the switchback where the party is.[/sblock]

[sblock=Random note for H.M]I glanced at your sheet and didn't see your Deathscarred Boon on there anywhere.[/sblock]


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First Post
[sblock=OOC]I'm going to assume that Scarm has his implement (fancy walking stick) out, but not his dagger.[/sblock]
Half stunned, Scarmiglione staggers to his feet. "Well, now, that really is unpleasant," he murmurs shakily. "I suppose this calls for rather drastic... I do apologize. You may wish to cover your ears." The feathers on his neck stand up as he breathes in deeply to let out a raucous, ice-crackingly unpleasant "SQUAWK!"

A shower of blue-white sparks covers the crowd of undead, coalescing into an expanding wave of blue flames.

[sblock=actions]Move: stand up.

Minor: draw magic dagger.

Standard: blazing starfall centered on K2. Vs Reflex on J1; J2; J3; K1; K2; K3; L1; L2; damage 1d20+8=15 1d20+8=23 1d20+8=22 1d20+8=27 1d20+8=10 1d20+8=9 1d20+8=11 1d20+8=28 1d4+10=14. Hit minions J1, J2, J3, K1. Missed minions K2 and K3. Crit on minion at L2. Hulk takes 14+5 (vulnerability)=19.

Zone from J1 to L3 lasts until end of next turn, any enemy that leaves it takes 2 fire.[/sblock]
[sblock=MiniKenku]Scarmiglione Male Kenku Rogue|Sorcerer 4
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Senses: Low-light vision
AC:19, Fort:15, Reflex:18, Will:18; Resist 5 psychic
HP:23/39, Bloodied:19, Surge Value:9, Surges left:7/7
Action Points: 1
Blazing Starfall
Sly Flourish

Wave of Light
Low Slash
Sneak In the Attack
Second Wind

Shocking Magnetism
Shadowdance Armor (item)
Lucky Charm (item)

Phase of the Sun: At the start of my turn, each enemy adjacent to me takes 2 fire and radiant damage; resist 5 cold
Phase of the Moon: Bonus to AC equal to number of conscious adjacent enemies; resist 5 psychic
Phase of the Stars: Whenever an enemy's attack misses me, I can teleport 2 as a free action; resist 5 radiant

First Time Bloodied: Change immediately to next phase.


Full sheet: Scarmiglione[/sblock]


Even from down on the beach, Sramiglione's sonorous
rings loudly, rebounding in echoes off of the wave-battered cliffs, "What the hayell whuz thayat!?" Eithal shakes the ringing out of her ears and stands up.

"Nawt yew 'gain." Eithal takes the axe from her back, lifting it over her head in a two-handed style like a baseball bat, and spreading her feet, poised for attack, "Git offah mah beach!"

[sblock=Actions]Move: Stand
Standard: Ready a charge
Target: First creature to come within range (to the left or the right).
Attack: 1d20+10+1(Charge)= vs. AC for 1d12+6= damage
DM to roll if triggered OR, DM can use my last roll.
Eithal Lemindt Arehei Female Goliath Warden Level 4
Initiative: +2
Speed 6
Passive Perception: 17; Passive Insight: 12; Senses: Normal
Powerful Athlete: Roll twice for Jump/Climb Athletics checks
AC: 20; Fort: 18; Reflex: 12; Will: 14
Surge Value: 14; Surges left: 13/13
Action Points: 1

At Will Powers
:melee: Strength of Stone link
:melee: Thorn Strike link
:melee:Warden's Fury link
Warden's Grasp link

Encounter Powers:
:melee: Grasping Winds link
:melee: Relentless Panther Attack
:close: Burst of Earth's Fury link
Stone's Endurance link
Warden's Tempest link

Daily Powers:
Form of the Relentless Panther link


Sudden Roots: Whenever Eithal hits an enemy with an Opportunity Attack, that enemy is slowed until the end of its next turn.

Crushing Earthstrength: When Eithal uses her second wind, she gains a +4 bonus to her weapon damage rolls until the end of her next turn.

Guard of Stone: While Eithal is under the effect of her stone’s endurance racial power, each enemy marked by Eithal takes an additional penalty to attack rolls for attacks that don’t include Eithal as a target. The penalty equals her Constitution modifier and lasts until the end of her next turn. [/sblock]
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Not bad for a bird. Look lively men, stay away from the edges, the dead are a bit pushy. Fredrock says as he advances on the mass of undead on the path. Hey, big one, why don't you come over here and take me on? Fredrock challenges the hulking undead as he tries to punch one of the Rerisen dead.

Fredrock yells trying to determine the status of those that were knocked off the cliff.
Move: Move to J4
Minor: :close:Battlemind Demand on Rerisen Hulk
Standard: :melee:Iron Fist with fist (not drawing weapon this round) on RRD1 in I3 (+5 to hit, 1d4+4 damage with my fist): Effect: DR 4 TEONT

Will take any damage for Adjacent Militia
Will resist any pushes by the undead
Location: J4
Marked: RRH1
Will take any damage for Adjacent Militia
Will resist any pushes by the undead

Fredrock Hammersmith - Male Dwarf Battlemind, level 3
Passive Perception: +15, Passive Insight: +20 Senses: Low-Light
Init +0, Speed:5
AC:21, Fort:16, Reflex:16, Will:18
HP 44/45, Bloodied:22, Surge Value:11, Surges left:13/13
Action Points: 1/1, Power points 4/4
:close:Battlemind Demand link
:melee:Mind Spike link
Blurred Step link
:melee:Bull's Strength link
:melee:Iron Fist link
:melee:Mist Weapon link
Second Wind link
Battle Resilience link
:close:Telepathic Challenge link
:melee:Aspect of Elevated Harmony link

Item powers
deathscarred boon link
Dwarven Scale armor link

:melee:MBA +7 vs AC, 1d10+4 (brutal 2)
:ranged:RBA -0 vs AC, 1d4-1 (improvised..would have to pick up a rock or something)
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First Post
Can Kaz use Avenger's Resolve when he got hit by lightning? (that would be 10 less damage total)

Avenger's Resolve (Encounter, Divine, Immediate Interrupt, Personal)
Trigger: An enemy other than your oath hits you. Effect: You gain 5 resist to all damage EONT.


Toeto holds her ground in the face of the lightning blast, but the carnage is terrible. Some of those people tossed off the cliff must have died... She shakes her head of that thought. Deal with the zombies first!

Toeto's basilisk spirit companion appears in the midst of the western front of undead. It hisses menacingly at one of the dead, but the spirit can barely make its voice heard above the dying screams of the charred militiamen. Meanwhile, one of the soldiers closest to Fredrock circles around to the cliff face and readies his spear. Recalling Fredrock's instructions on the ship, the Militia thrusts his spear powerfully into the closest undead's neck. Its head is nearly severed, but not quite so - just an inch more to the right would have done it. The undead drops to the ground in a heap.

"Hey, I got one!" he shouts to his comrades, quite pleased with himself.

[sblock=actions]Minor: Call Spirit Companion. Sprout appears in L3.

Standard: I'll assume Toeto had her totem out. It's an off-hand implement, so I don't see any reason she'd ever put it away. The spear is slung, though.
Voice of Battle vs Rerisen Dead (K3) misses Will 1. Militia (K5) shifts to I4 as a free action.

Minor: Militia's (K5) spear vs Rerisen Dead (I3) hits AC 26, dropping the minion (for now...)

Friendly reminder: Toeto can take OAs through her spirit companion if an enemy adjacent to it moves without shifting. The power is At-Will, +6 vs Reflex, 4 damage, and Effect: one ally within 5 squares of the companion regains 5hp (8 if adjacent to the SC).[/sblock][sblock=Toeto stat block]PC:Toeto (Dekana) - L4W Wiki[/URL] - Female Lizardfolk Shaman 3
Initiative +3, Senses: Insight +5, Perception +10; low-light vision
HP 30/38; Bloodied 19, Surge Value 9, Surges 10/10
AC 18; Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Will 17
Speed 5
Action Points 1


Spirit's Shield: At-Will OA through SC. +6 vs Ref, 4 damage. Effect: 5 healing to ally within 5 squares (8 if adjacent to SC).
Call Spirit Companion, Protecting Strike, Voice of Battle
Certain Threat, Healing Spirit x2, Lizardfolk Recovery, Speak with Spirits, Spring Renewal Strike
Hungry Spirits Totem, Protective Roots, Spirit of the Healing Flood

Any ally adjacent to Toeto's spirit companion regains +3 additional hit points when he or she uses second wind or when Toeto uses a healing power on him or her.

[sblock=Spirit Companion rules]The spirit companion is treated as a conjuration with some exceptions.
  • It occupies 1 square like an ally does.
  • It is only affected by melee or ranged attacks (not close/area attacks or zones).
  • It is dispersed if it takes 11 or more damage from a single blow, and Toeto takes 6 damage. It is otherwise unaffected by attacks. It uses Toeto's defenses.
  • It cannot be flanked and it does not grant flanking.
  • It can move 5 squares whenever Toeto takes a move action. It is not affected by difficult terrain.
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First Post
OOC: Going to wait on Yishim and Kaz before I post, but see readied free action.

[MENTION=79440]H.M.Gimlord[/MENTION] - don't think your move action works, unfortunately, as Eithal started the turn prone.

@Iron Sky - I hate to ask, but where is Uyanmas in all this? Salgyn wouldn't have left the horse aboard ship. Also, I'm assuming that Salgyn can start his turn with his shaman implement drawn, but not his sword?

[sblock=Readied Free Action]Trigger: Kaz or Yishim (whoever is first) bloodies an enemy or knocks them out, while standing within 5 squares of Salgyn.
Action: :close:Virtue of Valor - Salgyn grants that ally 4 THP[/sblock]

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