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Bleach - Millenium of Souls (Recruiting)

Vincent Tempes

First Post
Before the betrayal of Aizen Souske and his battle against Soul Society, there were still many challenges. And there were none worse than the Millenium Event. In the dying months of the last millenium, a team of elite Shinigami was assembled under the auspices of Captain-General Genryusai for a series of missions to the human world.

Their battles would carry them across the human world, Soul Society and beyond. The task set before them defined not only their lives and duties, but allowed them a greater understanding of their very souls.

Alright folks. This is a project I've been wanting to run for... well over a year at the very least. The basic premise is the above, though if you've got any questions that aren't answered, I'll be happy to do so.

I'll be accepting up to six players, though it may be less, basing my choice on how you'll fit into your party and which concepts I prefer.

[sblock=Setting]I'll be using the Bleach manga as my basis, ignoring any information that has come directly and only from the anime or filler. This is pretty rare, and I'll try to point out where there is an indiscrepancy.

The campagin begins in May of 1999, and predates the events of the manga, which for the purposes of this will be taking place in 2008. The PC's will all be seated members of the Gotei 13, and it'll be up to you to decide where your character say in the overall hierarchy of their former squads.

Most of the high ranking personalities in Soul Society will still be present, so expect to see familiar faces.[/sblock]

[sblock=Worlds]Both the Human World and Soul Society are treated as earth standard with the following exceptions.

Human World

Subjetive Ground: Any spiritual creatures in the Human World (Such as Shinigami and Hollows) can treat any bit of the Human World as a solid surface. This allows them to effectively stand on air.

For game purposes, Shinigami can effectively fly at their normal ground speed in the human world. Due to natural reactions this flight usually takes the form of standing and walking on air rather than a 'Superman' style of flight.

Subjectively Insubstancial: So long as a spiritual creature makes the concious effort to do so, they pass through any substance on the material plane as if completely insubstantial.

For game purposes, consider this to be in effect only when you move under your own power. Thus, if you are knocked back or bullrushed, you will still strike and damage Real World objects.[/sblock]

[sblock=System]The campaign is going to be based off of revised Mutant's and Masterminds. I will be using only the core rulebook along with the Ultimate Powers suppliment.

Due to the setting players will all be required to design two characters. One at their base form, PL 5. The second, at their first release (Shikai), at PL 10. In additon, characters will have slightly more power points than they should. However, some will be spent for you. Character creation is as follows:


Power Level: 5

Ability Scores: 15pp
Combat Stats/Saves: 20pp
Skills and Feats: 10pp
Powers: 25pp
Unassigned: 20pp

Total: 90pp

Max Tradeoff: 3

This will be your unreleased form. In this form all PC's will have a base Zanpaktou, (Usually but not always a Katana.)

In addition to the above spending requirements, all characters will be required to have at least one rank in a 'strike' type of attack (Training with the sword.), one rank in magic (At least basic understanding of Kidou), and one rank in teleport (Shunpo). All three are required to pass the 'final' exam to become Shinigami.


Power Level: 10

Ability Scores: 25pp
Combat Stats/Saves: 35pp
Skills and Feats: 20pp
Powers: 50pp
Unassigned: 40pp

Total: 170pp

Max Tradeoff: 6

The Shikai is the 'first release' of a Shinigami Zanpaktou. To release a Zanpaktou is a full round action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity and heals the user of all conditions and damages. The release always involves a specific keyword, followed by the name of the sword. (Such as Scatter, Senbonzakura).

The type of release is up to the user. Some change the type of the weapon, others turn the weapon itself into an attack form, others do not change the sword at all, merely allow the use of a special attack. Because of this your released form can be anything from an updated and strengthened form of your base character, to a completely different concept.[/sblock]

[sblock=Additional Rules]This section is sort of a work in progress and will contain any rulings on specific powers or campaign specific rules.

Swift Actions

Swift Actions are being inserted in the 'type of action' list, between move and free action. As per D&D, a character gets one swift action per round.


I am allowing magic as stated with the following changes.

Spellcasting times are all increased to 1 full round. This can be lowered at regular cost. Though to no less than a free action.


Teleport will be allowed, but only in the 1 point, short range version. The action can be reduced, but to no less than a free action once per round. Teleport in this form is actually near instantanious movement, and thus will not allow you to pass through objects. It also alters your momentum (Allowing you to use it to stop a fall for example.)

Final Attack

For each form, specify one form of attack to be your 'Final Attack”. This attack form must be physical, such as a sword swing, a blast of magic, a thrown brick etc. In addition to being able to use it as normal, you are capable of executing a 'Final Attack' using this attack form. Final Attacks are as follows:

1. Chose to use your Final Attack. This costs a Hero Point, and takes a Full Round action. You cannot have attempted your Final Attack in the same combat already.
2. Declare the target of your Final Attack. Your target is aware of your choice and can chose to ready their own Final Attack in response. (See below.) At this point, declare any modifiers. (All out attack, extra effort, etc.)
3. At the beginning of your next turn you can execute your final attack. If the attack is a Melee attack, you move next to your opponent and strike so long as your opponent is on the same plane. If the attack is a ranged attack, you can chose a location within your base movement to fire from. You can chose to spend a hero point.
4. Final Attacks add a 2 point bonus to Attack and Damage (or save DC) for every 50 power points the user has, rounded down.
5. If a Final Attack fails to kill or knock out the target, the user takes a penalty. If the target is staggered, the user is dazed for one round and shaken for the rest of combat. If the target is stunned, the user is dazed for two rounds and shaken for the rest of combat. If the target is merely bruised, the user is dazed for four rounds, and shaken for the rest of combat. Missing causes the user to be dazed for 2 rounds and shaken for the remainder of combat. Finally, if the target takes no damage, the user is dazed for four rounds.

Example: Shinigami A (156pp) decides to finish off his already wounded opponent. He prepares a heavy sword swing to finish the job, spending a hero point and his action to do so. His opponent, stupidly fearful, attempts to run, getting several hundred feet from “A” on its turn.

“A”'s turn arrives. He rushes forward, well past his normal 50ft movement speed, appearing next to his opponent and striking. He gains a total +6 bonus to Attack and Damage.

Opposing a Final Attack

As stated above, the subject of a Final Attack can choose to respond with their own when targeted by another. All the above rules apply with the following exceptions:

1. You must spend a hero point to oppose if you have one. If you do not you can still oppose, but do not get the normal bonuses for using a final strike.
2. The Final attacks both occur at the same time.
3. Neither side takes any penalties for failing to kill their opponent.

The effects of opposed Final Attacks are as follows:

1. Both attacks automatically hit.
2. Each combatant choses to roll either their attacks save DC or its attack roll. The check is opposed obviously.
3. The winner of the opposed check is dealt their opponents normal damage, minus the bonus of their final attack. (Ie. Shinigami “A” wins a final attack dual. He takes his opponents regular sword damage (10) minus the +6 he would have gotten for damage. Thus the save DC would be 19 (15+4.))
4. The loser of the opposed check is dealt their opponents Final Attack damage, plus the bonus of their own final attack. (Ie. Shinigami “B” loses a final attack. He takes his opponents final attack damage (16) plus his own bonus (+6) for a total of DC 37 (22+15))
5. If either side in a Final attack duel is reduced to “Dying”, they do not need to make their initial save against death. However, if they were fighting with a weapon, that weapon is broken. If it was a Zanpaktou, it reforms in 1d3 days.


Healing is exceptionally slow for the most part. All healing abilities in the base form must come from magic. The base time for all healing spells is 5 hours, and this cannot be reduced, though it can be increased.

Healing abilites that come from a Zanpaktou are slightly faster, and can be as short as five minutes.[/sblock]
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Becka Jens, third seat of the first Protection Squad, reporting.

I am submitting an unarmed fighter who only draws her sword when its release is needed. The release is a flaming whip capable of a multitude of special abilities.

Also, I've never been overly fond of using japaneese words, would you mind if I used the english terms? (Flash step, Magic, Release, etc)
I love the concept and the anime. :D

Walking Dad

First Post
Sounds very interesting, but I know only the first few episodes of thr anime.
But I'm willing to learn and I like the M&M system very much.

Vincent Tempes

First Post
Wow, lot of responses already.

Concept looks good in theory Jemal. In regards to the english vs. Japanese, its a personal preference thing. I know and understand both, and most often I'll use a bit of each depending on which word I prefer. ^

Vincent Tempes

First Post
One quick addition. I have a bit of a penchant for 'keeping secrets' during campaigns I run. This takes a lot of different forms, from charachter backstory, to the nature of your 'Bankai' in this campaign.

Because of this I'd like people to E-mail me at VincentTempes@hotmail.com once I've selected their charachters. This is just so I can send out the occational, hint/run private scenes.

Normally I'd do this with Spoiler tags. But too often even I find myself looking just because of the temptation. Hehe.

Vincent Tempes

First Post
Ah, god bless random hatred out of nowhere =P

Check your e-mail, and don't get so down. Yeesh.

[sblock=Explination]He's a moron friend of mine. Oi.[/sblock]

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