The old man clutches his heart as if in pain, though it is obvious he is putting you on. "Did you hear that, Lamont? House Orien is mov'n in on our scrap business! Going to put us out on the street so we have to beg for our food! Dear me! My heart isn't goin' to take this!"
A younger man, probably the 'Son' in 'S. and Son', emerges from the office with a roll of his eyes. "You know they aren't." He takes a look at the group. "Don't mind him."
The old man clutches his chest harder. "Oh, betrayed by my own flesh! Oh, Flame, I see you! I see you coming to take me home!"
Lamont shakes his head and sighs. "A cart? We got that beat up one out front, but it still works. It'll only take one mule though. We got an old betsy we can part with too. Twenty galifars for the lot."
The old man bangs on the chair with his free arm, feigning gasping for air. "And now he's givin' away Esther! That old bag's not good for anything, but she's still family."
Lamont does his best to ignore his father.