Break of Dawn [Manzanita judging] COMPLETED

Rystil Arden

First Post
'That is what Mordik said already. Interesting that he accepts exactly the same suggestion from Odno, despite the fact that it would involve taking the employer's money and possibly not following through, depending on the "ethical decision" later...No matter.'

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The study is the room where you first waiting for Lord Graven and later for Dunbar (after dinner). The room holds several chairs and two small tables. There are several closets holding books and trinkets. There is also a closet that holds several drinks and glasses. Opposite of the door through which you entered the room there is another door (which is locked).
About an hour after dinner Dunbar enters and invites you to follow him to the stablehouse. He wishes to show you the equipment that he has for you. (Assuming nobody objects to this i'll continue).
The stablehouse is a large wooden building which stands on the left side of the main house, about 40 feet apart form it. It too has an approximate 20 feet clearing free of any plants.
There is a large wooden double door in the front of the stablehouse and another one on he left side at the back of it. He leads you to the door at the back and opens it (it is unlocked).
"Here we are. This is the equipment we pepared for you." He shows you inside the stablehouse. Behind the door there is a collection of crates, some of which have bene opened with a crowbar laying besides them. Behind the crates stands a small cariiage. There is a thin wooden wall that devides the stablehouse in two sections. You can smell and hear the horses that are standing in the front of the stablehouse. "I suggest you select and pack the things you wish to take along so you can leave without a hassle in the morning."

If you open the crates, you find the following items:
28 torches
a bullseye lantern
2 silvered longswords
2 cold iron morningstars
56 trail rations
4 tents
4 winter blankets
8 waterskins
2 coils of 50' hemp rope
a flint and steel
4 bedrolls
14 pints of lampoil

ooc: you can still continue your ic discussion, as soon as you are finished with that you can respond to dunbar's action. Since he will not be back before an hour you'll have plenty of time to discuss anything you want.


First Post
B4cchus said:
The study is the room where you first waiting for Lord Graven and later for Dunbar (after dinner). The room holds several chairs and two small tables. There are several closets holding books and trinkets. There is also a closet that holds several drinks and glasses. Opposite of the door through which you entered the room there is another door (which is locked).
About an hour after dinner Dunbar enters and invites you to follow him to the stablehouse. He wishes to show you the equipment that he has for you. (Assuming nobody objects to this i'll continue).
The stablehouse is a large wooden building which stands on the left side of the main house, about 40 feet apart form it. It too has an approximate 20 feet clearing free of any plants.
There is a large wooden double door in the front of the stablehouse and another one on he left side at the back of it. He leads you to the door at the back and opens it (it is unlocked).
"Here we are. This is the equipment we pepared for you." He shows you inside the stablehouse. Behind the door there is a collection of crates, some of which have bene opened with a crowbar laying besides them. Behind the crates stands a small cariiage. There is a thin wooden wall that devides the stablehouse in two sections. You can smell and hear the horses that are standing in the front of the stablehouse. "I suggest you select and pack the things you wish to take along so you can leave without a hassle in the morning."

If you open the crates, you find the following items:
28 torches
a bullseye lantern
2 silvered longswords
2 cold iron morningstars
56 trail rations
4 tents
4 winter blankets
8 waterskins
2 coils of 50' hemp rope
a flint and steel
4 bedrolls
14 pints of lampoil

ooc: you can still continue your ic discussion, as soon as you are finished with that you can respond to dunbar's action. Since he will not be back before an hour you'll have plenty of time to discuss anything you want.

Mordik eyes the swords and morningstars, I figgur it's a good idea to bring the weapons at least... He picks up a silvered longsword and a coil of rope...Looking over the equipment again he picks up a good amount of trail rations (10) and a couple waterskins which he puts in his handy haversack. Lampoil might be useful too if ye think it's not so dangerous to carry it. Nothin like leaving a burning hallway as a getaway if we're found out. He snickers lightly.


First Post
Eanos, human monk

Eanos eyes the collection of equipment carefully.

"Unfortunately, I've not been trained in the use of these weapons, though that may be for the best, as there aren't enough for all of us. In any event, my haversack is magical in nature, so I can carry a decent portion of the more mundane supplies without unduly weighing us down." He looks to Mordik as the dwarf lays claim to some of the supplies. "Isn't your sack possessed of a similar enchantment, Mordik?"

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Of these weapons, I can only use the morningstar. I do suggest that we bring all the mundane equipment if your bags can hold it," Aletheia suggests.

(OOC: Well, I guess that means we were done discussing :lol: )


Rystil Arden said:
"I do suggest that we bring all the mundane equipment if your bags can hold it," Aletheia suggests.

"Indeed. That was a trivial decision, if I ever saw one. Those backpacks of yours truly do honor their nickname"

Rystil Arden

First Post
Someone said:
"Indeed. That was a trivial decision, if I ever saw one. Those backpacks of yours truly do honor their nickname"
"Agreed. The way Mordik mentioned to bring the 'weapons at least', it seemed he was considering leaving some of the rest behind. So, if there's nothing else, then off to Dawn?"


First Post
jkason said:
Eanos eyes the collection of equipment carefully.

"Unfortunately, I've not been trained in the use of these weapons, though that may be for the best, as there aren't enough for all of us. In any event, my haversack is magical in nature, so I can carry a decent portion of the more mundane supplies without unduly weighing us down." He looks to Mordik as the dwarf lays claim to some of the supplies. "Isn't your sack possessed of a similar enchantment, Mordik?"
Aye. What useful items ye can't carry in yours I'll do in mine.

"Agreed. The way Mordik mentioned to bring the 'weapons at least', it seemed he was considering leaving some of the rest behind. So, if there's nothing else, then off to Dawn?"

What use do ye have for two bedrolls? Ye don't look tall enough or wide enough for all thah! There's no need to carry around useless items. the food and water mebbe. weapons definitely...A good many bedrolls is gonna just take up space alon' the way! Mordik pulls the corner of a bedroll out of his haversack, showing he's already got one and obviously expects the others to have something similar in their gear.

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Aletheia looks at Odno and then back to herself. The two are traveling light, and while Aletheia knows for sure that she has no bedroll yet, she suspects the same of Odno as well.*


First Post
Rystil Arden said:
*Aletheia looks at Odno and then back to herself. The two are traveling light, and while Aletheia knows for sure that she has no bedroll yet, she suspects the same of Odno as well.*
Mordik looks up and realizes the light traveling of some of his companions... Ah. Hm. What happened if we had to travel more than a day to our employer? he says somewhat quietly to himself. Hadn' thought you guys wouldn't have one. Eanos and I will pick up what we can.

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