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D&D 5E BREAKING 5th Edition!


OK, so the DMG is finally out and we've all had some time to read it -- now, how can we BREAK THE GAME?!?

I want to know what "hacks" I can use to make my DM cry!

Overall, the move from 3rd-4th to 5th Edition has been a move away from loads of exploitable rules to a system where "what the DM says, goes" -- which means that instead of DMs having to deal with rules lawyering min/maxers who constantly wreck their games with little exploits, they'll be having to deal with wheedling min/maxers who constantly wreck their games with incessant pleas for them to rule certain ways on certain things.

So -- what sorts of things should real powergamers be trying to wheedle out of their DMs? What's the best way to twist a DM's arm to get them to rule the way you want them to? With a small group of players, there's always the old standby of the (unspoken, of course) threat to up and leave the table. What else?

I can't WAIT to start pressuring my DM into stuff!

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Joe Liker

First Post
Any DM who allows himself to be pushed around by players should probably not be DMing in the first place.

Also, all the options to make a DM cry are in the Player's Handbook. If a DM lets you wreck his day with anything in the DMG, he has brought it on himself.


See if I had a player in my game trying to "bully" or "wreck" my game or any number of other attempts to exploit the system I would tell them to either knock it off or there's the door. This attitude is exactly the thing I won't allow on my table.


Werebat said:
So -- what sorts of things should real powergamers be trying to wheedle out of their DMs? What's the best way to twist a DM's arm to get them to rule the way you want them to? With a small group of players, there's always the old standby of the (unspoken, of course) threat to up and leave the table. What else?

The good thing about dark chocolate is that it's all-edition friendly ;)

I'm A Banana

Werebat said:
they'll be having to deal with wheedling min/maxers who constantly wreck their games with incessant pleas for them to rule certain ways on certain things.

Sounds like the kind of player I wouldn't want to play D&D with.

Werebat said:
With a small group of players, there's always the old standby of the (unspoken, of course) threat to up and leave the table


Werebat said:
I can't WAIT to start pressuring my DM into stuff!


I don't understand what you'd get out of that. Even if you got what you want. Y'know what, fine, you win D&D, congrats on your huge number, so big and manly, your math is the largest, so immense that one would be a fool to question your numerical virility. Your skill at making a number in a game about magical elfs get bigger and bigger is clearly unassailable. You are the reigning champion of system mastery and you've also made playing with you such an annoying chore that it's wrecked the game.

I mean, what is the point of the game for you? To build up the most turgid and swollen bonuses for your unbeatable franken-character no matter the expense to the fun of those around you? Because that's a lot more fun sitting alone in a room than it is with a group of people, dude. The game is best with friends, and approaching it from a perspective of "what can I whine about until my DM gives me the horrible things that I demand?" kind of misses the point massively.


First Post
Why don't you just threaten to kick his ass if he doesn't let you win? It seems to be the simplest and most direct tactic that fits with your antagonistic attitude. However, I don't think that's what the designers intended.


First Post
Hey guys, I'm pretty sure OP is joking with the whole antagonistic thing. Why not give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he's asking a fun hypothetical question about power gaming instead of literally asking us how to wreck his DM's game?


1.) Buy Loaded Dice. Use the 4d6 method and get all 18's!
2.) Pick a Mountain Dwarf Barbarian. 20 Str/Con at first level! (You also have a 19 AC, 21 with Shield)
3.) Take Great Weapon Master at the first opportunity. HUGE damage bonus.
4.) Next, Take Ritual Caster. This turns you into a Spellcaster for purposes of creating magic items.
5.) Craft +X weapons and shields for yourself.
6.) Make sure you're using Epic Rests (5 min short/1 hour long) and Epic Healing Surge Variants (1/4 hp, bonus action), even if your DM hasn't Ok'd it.
7.) Watch the DM use Tiamat from the back of Rise of Tiamat to crush your pitiful attempt at min-maxing before kicking you out of his game, you cheating SOB.

Voidrunner's Codex

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