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D&D (2024) bring back the pig faced orcs for 6th edition, change up hobgoblins & is there a history of the design change

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5ever, or until 2024
Never been that big on orcs. Always used hobgoblins, I think their 5e representation is fine.

But yes, these where all introduced to fill in a hierarchy:

1/2 Kobold
1-1 Goblin
1 Orc
1+1 Hobgoblin
2 Gnoll
3+1 Bugbear
4 Ogre
8 Hill Giant

Hobgoblins were distinguished by being smarter, more organised, and able to operate in sunlight without penalty.

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In pre-3e there are obvious reasons why hobgoblins don't take over - they don't have PC-class characters! No matter how martial & organised you are, your Shamans & Chiefs are no match for their Fighter Lords, High Priests and Wizards.

Yeah, I realized I was oversimplifying and edited my post. Canonically, the use of Hobgoblin probably refers to Uruk-Hai. But it’s hard to say for sure.
The timeline doesn't fit. Uruk-Hai where not unleashed until the War of the Ring. If Bilbo had been the in-fiction author of that part of the Red Book of Westmarch he might have used the word "hobgoblin" to describe them. But he used the word to describe large goblins he encountered 77 years earlier.


Orcs in my games have a defined story and thus look like big, tusked, half elves.

Hobgoblins are militaristic to me and are your main "These guys use all combat roles, combined arms, and advanced tactics." Hobgoblins fight "like humans in a wargame." compared to the shook trooper orcs, quick and tricksy drow, or animalistic gnolls.


Apologies. I don’t seem to know how to post pics. Ignore the attachment.
It has to be a jpg or png, you tried to upload a webp. You can open those up in paint or something similar and then do "save as" to a standard format.

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