D&D General Build the "Definitive Pantheon"

Ok, so here is an idea I had: give each god a domain from DMG (+Arcana, Law and Chaos). playable species they're patrons of, class they're patron of.

  • Asmodeus: Law, Tieflings, Illigers
  • Bahamut: Peace, Metallic Dragonborn, Paladins
  • Ephara: City, Dwarves, Artificers
  • Hazoret: Life, Humans, Fighters
  • Heliod: Light, Aasimar, Pugilists
  • Kurtulmak: Darkness, Kobolds, Rogues
  • Loki: Trickery, Eladrin, Bards
  • Luthic: Strength, Orcs, Beasthearts
  • Mielikki: Nature, Elves, Rangers
  • Mogis: War, Minotaus, Barbarians
  • Mystra: Arcana, Genasi, Sorcerers
  • Nyx: Death, Shadar-Kai, Blood Hunters
  • Odin: Knowledge, Goliaths, Wizards
  • Oya: Tempest, Genasi, Theurges
  • Takhisis: Chaos, Chromatic Dragonborn, Warlords
  • Vecna: Secrets, Drow, Warlocks

I do not think this is a definite pantheon, but it does imply a lot of interesting things about the setting this pantheon is for.

EDIT: Did some edits, Monk didn't get a fitting god, also Clerics got no god because I think that would be kinda unfair.
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*Arcana: Corellon, Ioun, Vecna
City: Erathis
Darkness: Zehir
Death: Raven Queen
Knowledge: Ioun
Life: Pelor
Light: Pelor
Nature: Melora
Peace: Pelor, Avandra
Secrets: Vecna
Strength, Tempest: Kord
Trickery: Avandra, Sehanine
War: Bane

I'd go

Arcana: Corellon
City: Erathis
Darkness: Zehir
Death: Raven Queen
Knowledge: Ioun
Life: Pelor
Light: Pelor
Nature: Melora
Peace: Erathis
Secrets: Vecna
Strength, Gruumsh
Tempest: Kord
Trickery: Avandra
War: Bane

Sehaninie, Lloth, Torog, Tharizdun, Moradin, and the Dragon gods are D&Disms forced in by tradition.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
That is certainly a valid choice.

You could also have, for instance, the D&D version of Tiamat/Dragonlance Takhisis or other "supreme monster/dragon" creatures, elementals/primordial threats, dark/evil fae godlings, all those "Great Old Ones" we keep hearing about... (EDIT: What makes 'em sooooo "Great," anyway? They just have a better branding company? We think they're "Great," just because they say they're "Great?" /EDIT)

There are plenty of ways/creatures/entities to provide conflict in a magic world, even and up to, powerful enough to threaten "the gods." But drawing from mythologies, there seems to be (more often than not) a "Shemyaza" or "Shaitan," a "Set" or "Loki," a "fallen one" or "Betrayer" who, if not responsible for bringing/making "Evil" in the world, they are certainly the poster child for using/promoting it.
they are great as in greater, abolith are old ones and you can kill them by drying them out on land.
I've always assumed that this is about present-day cultural taboos around how sex and sexuality are presented in fiction, especially popular fiction aimed at a wide audience that includes children.
it also runs into how would you even describe male fertility in a way that is positive these days as a celestial frat bro is not a useful god.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Ok, so here is an idea I had: give each god a domain from DMG (+Arcana, Law and Chaos). playable species they're patrons of, class they're patron of.

  • Asmodeus: Law, Tieflings, Illigers
  • Bahamut: Peace, Metallic Dragonborn, Paladins
  • Ephara: City, Dwarves, Artificers
  • Hazoret: Life, Humans, Fighters
  • Heliod: Light, Aasimar, Monks
  • Kurtulmak: Darkness, Kobolds, Rogues
  • Loki: Trickery, Eladrin, Bards
  • Luthic: Strength, Orcs, Pugilists
  • Mielikki: Nature, Elves, Rangers
  • Mogis: War, Minotaus, Barbarians
  • Mystra: Arcana, Genasi, Sorcerers
  • Nyx: Death, Shadar-Kai, Blood Hunters
  • Odin: Knowledge, Goliaths, Wizards
  • Oya: Tempest, Genasi, Theurges
  • Takhisis: Chaos, Chromatic Dragonborn, Warlords
  • Vecna: Secrets, Drow, Warlocks

I do not think this is a definite pantheon, but it does imply a lot of interesting things about the setting this pantheon is for.
on no planet is Heliod god of monks

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
What would you suggest? may be 3rd party if Monks don't work. Or maybe I could switch Heliod for Amateratsu, Isis or antoher similair diety?
I know sufficiently on the monks basic metaphysical assumptions that it would be none of those as it descended from ideas of ascension by spiritual means and I know no gods who I know of well that fit let alone that I can spell

Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM
*Arcana: Corellon, Ioun, Vecna
City: Erathis
Darkness: Zehir
Death: Raven Queen
Knowledge: Ioun
Life: Pelor
Light: Pelor
Nature: Melora
Peace: Pelor, Avandra
Secrets: Vecna
Strength, Tempest: Kord
Trickery: Avandra, Sehanine
War: Bane

We're missing crafting, home and hearth (Moradin), duty, truth and honour (Bahamut), harsh government (Asmodeus), and greed (Tiamat).

The Dawn War pantheon also adds some D&D-isms: the underdark (Torog), lies (but really Drow) (Lolth), destruction (but really Orcs) (Gruumsh), and void/chaos (Tharizdun).
Divine Power introduced domains to 4e as an option for all the divine character classes (i.e. cleric, paladin, invoker, and avenger). Although these were player-facing options that reflected character builds more than the gods themselves, they did provide some interesting insights to the relation between the gods and the various domains. Look at Arcana, for example, which is shared by several deities:


The arcana domain rests securely within Corellon’s sphere of influence. Other deities have interests in the arcane realm: Ioun wants to spread arcane knowledge as far as possible, Sehanine delights in arcane powers’ potent illusions, and Vecna prefers that the secrets of arcana be granted only to a worthy few.
In contrast, Corellon glories in all aspects of arcane power and appreciates the use of it as the highest art. Any who create new arcane works or share lost secrets of the art can receive the Master of Magic’s blessing, but those who have no dealings with the arcane may discover that Corellon has little interest in them.
As an unaligned deity, Corellon cares more for the elegance and potency of arcane magic than for the morality of its masters, but other gods might have different agendas. An evil deity of arcana might demand that it be used to exert dominance, while a good deity of arcana might command that it be used to seek truth.

Here's the list:

Screenshot (143).png

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Divine Power introduced domains to 4e as an option for all the divine character classes (i.e. cleric, paladin, invoker, and avenger). Although these were player-facing options that reflected character builds more than the gods themselves, they did provide some interesting insights to the relation between the gods and the various domains. Look at Arcana, for example, which is shared by several deities:


The arcana domain rests securely within Corellon’s sphere of influence. Other deities have interests in the arcane realm: Ioun wants to spread arcane knowledge as far as possible, Sehanine delights in arcane powers’ potent illusions, and Vecna prefers that the secrets of arcana be granted only to a worthy few.
In contrast, Corellon glories in all aspects of arcane power and appreciates the use of it as the highest art. Any who create new arcane works or share lost secrets of the art can receive the Master of Magic’s blessing, but those who have no dealings with the arcane may discover that Corellon has little interest in them.
As an unaligned deity, Corellon cares more for the elegance and potency of arcane magic than for the morality of its masters, but other gods might have different agendas. An evil deity of arcana might demand that it be used to exert dominance, while a good deity of arcana might command that it be used to seek truth.

Here's the list:

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It would need a good darkness god and an evil light god

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